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is he /ourguy/ now?
>oh no
tens of millions in settlements against ailes and o'reilly and ck gets fired over accusations. so much for the tolerant left.
I'm all for this cuck crashing and burning, but what happened to innocent until proven guilty?
weren't the accusations against him just that he masturbated in front of a women or something? it must suck to be a famous man nowadays, they don't even have to accuse you of doing something bad to ruin your life.
Ask the left, they decided due process was too problematic
I think he's collateral damage, and something much larger is brewing
He apparently sent apology letters to the "victims".
So he pretty much admitted to the act it seems.
Never existed for sexual abuse accusations
fuck off with your concern shilling, juden
the court of public opinion reigns supreme when anything to do with succubi and rape.
pol told me that feminism has ruined society.
then pol sides with feminists against this guy just because he didn't like trump.
My god has anyone ever been more JUST than this?
Innocent until proven guilty doesn't apply to accused men. Don't feel too bad though, these guys are the ones who encourage this kind of bullshit.
What a time to be alive. EVERYONE in tinsiltown is slated to get Cosby’d. Even Mr. Rogers wouldn’t have been safe if he was still alive.
They are sacrificing every hebe and young adult abuser they can, going for the low-hanging fruit first, all in desperation to hold off the avalanche of pedophile accusations.
This is the hard part because a lot of those kids are so fucked up they don't have the backbone to tell all. They're brainwashed with fear going back decades. And they've been bribed to keep their mouths shut for decades too, and are now addicted to the free money, afraid they won't make it if the slush funds dry up.
This is going to be difficult, I think. We have to keep pushing, HARD. I want Schneider, Spielberg, Sheen, and all the rest of the child rapists to hit that brick wall at 100 miles an hour. I want them DESTROYED. And I know I am not alone in this.
Damn this guy truly earned his cuck title
were*. hypothetically alive. if he were alive.
>just because he didn't like trump.
Our problems with Louis CK go back way farther than Trump's political career.
Not even Captain Kangaroo.
Why are Jews such pervert?!
It's high time you got redpilled on the JQ.
I think now is the time for us to come out in droves to advise leftist celebrities of sexual harassment and assault. They are punching on each other the moment the rumor comes out. They don't even bat an eye.
Who should we "out" as the next sexual predator?
These have been known for years. They literally only care about the press.
Imagine the shitstorm when this eventually reaches Jon Stewart
Richard spencer. That fucking kike is destroying our movement by making money off it.
Someone who has adopted the Cuck King pseudonym?
oh noo
that sucks
>Hmm slow news week who do we have on the verge of out staying their welcome?
>weren't the accusations against him just that he masturbated in front of a women or something?
Supposedly he asked them if he could take out his wang. They said yes thinking it was a joke, but apparently proceeded to sit there and say nothing as he took off his pants and rubbed one out.
Damn. That's actually pretty funny.
This. Don't get me wrong, theres definitely a sense of satisfaction that comes from outspoken cucks who get their just desserts, but as far as I know this is just an accusation. Even if I lean it to be on the true side, it's still just an accusation. If accusations are allowed to be as good as guilty, then what happens when those accusations are thrown at people who are considered to be part of the good guys?
>going for the low-hanging fruit first, all in desperation to hold off the avalanche of pedophile accusations.
This is what I'm worried about. Kind of like how Martin Shrekeli was the sacrificial lamb of Wall Street corruption and greed, while the real and most powerful crooks got away unscathed.
Spacey and Louis CK are basically like Shrekelis, as far as I'm concerned.
It's like Patrice O'Neal said. when you owe, you owe.
> but what happened to innocent until proven guilty?
Did he hold Trump to those standards?
Basically. All this talk about liberals policing themselves is a huge joke. Spacey had four separate sexual harrasment issues just on House of Cards. That is just on that single show. His behavior was well known for years. CK masturbating in front of women has been known for years as well. This is not new information at all.
fucking sexist trash
That would be funny for like 5-10 seconds in a really trashy situation. But getting it all the way up and keeping it up until you blow a load? Who does that?
He probably would have gotten away with it if he had just shouted THE ARISTOCRATS as he splooged
it's snowballing and already out of their control. the left is cutting their own throats trying to get ahead of this, but the blood is in the water and the sharks are swarming. Once the rapists are all outed, the hammer drops on the pedos right when the virtue signaling masses at peak outrage.
So these guys encouraged sexual abuse to become the most powerful, unassailable accusation you could sling at somebody and now that it's been turned against them they fall one by one. They thought they were being so progressive.
Is this the definition of pride before the fall?
>First they came for the cuck comics. But I didn't care because I wasn't a cuck comic.
What are they building toward with this wave of sex booboo crimes?
you can just tell louis CK isn't a good guy
and there's that time he said white people shouldn't exist and the most evil people ever and he can't wait for them to be holocausted
>Abuse allegation
Fuckers are always using words incorrectly to fit their narratives. It's indecent exposure at best. No way was it abuse.
Wonder if he is gonna be on Ant and Arties show now that he isnt a big deal anymore? Maybe he will go back to miserable angry Louie we all knew and loved. Patrice is truly laughing from Heaven seeing all the boys fall from grace. Who has had it less painful?
>media trashes the fact that he won't even eat with another woman without his wife present
Who's the retard now?
Dropped like a hot potato. Must be cash thing. They're getting out of something.
>Once the rapists are all outed, the hammer drops on the pedos right when the virtue signaling masses at peak outrage.
Does this mean that Comet Ping Pong and Podesta are finally going down?
>our movement
Fuck off
Left decided it useful to get rid of it to fuck over the right. Now its hitting their own ranks. The left has been eating itself the last year.
Are you kidding? In America you are guilty until proven innocent. They'll show your face all over the news just for an accusation. Our """""""""""""""""""justice""""""""""""""""""" system is beyond fucked, it's just media circuses and kangaroo courts out the ass.
in his show louie, there's an episode where he forces a girl to stay in his apartment to have sex with her. he kind of tries to rape her and she finally pushes him off and leaves. it doesn't realy mean much, except it just seems to me like that's the kind of guy he is. not saying he raped anyone I just think he is rapey
That's why the kikes hate him, he doesn't fall for the alone with a roastie when famous meme
trump curse
They're doing this because of the accusations against Trump.
They're setting precedent.
Then it'll be round 2.
Spacey is being flushed down the digital memory hole as we speak.
It's called a Jew-diciary for a reason.
How exactly did they shop things back then?
Who needs justice when you can have social justice?
>what happened to innocent until proven guilty?
That rule only applies to women who don't commit toughtcrime in the leftist gynocracy we live in. It doesn't exist for any other parts of the population.
Cut and paste with an actual knife, xerographically photocopy and mirror to clone stuff like the water, and so on.
Trump curse
At this rate there will be no celebrities left
>you can just tell louis CK isn't a good guy
Because physiognomy is real.
Apparently Louis C.K. does.
some quick rundown?
Interesting. Is the blurriness a result of the process or something else?
Good, they mostly suck anyways. I would relish seeing that piece of shit lefty loon George Clooney go down in flames next.
Concern shilling = due process?
>Hillary Clinton is like, a *mother*
>she *actually* gave birth to HUMAN CHILDREN
>that is like, so AMAZINGLY strong
Yeah, no.
Ha, he thought it was bad when his self funded series nearly bankrupt him. Heard he was a huge feminist fag with quotes like, "Women still go out with men, the biggest threat to women"
bump bump bump another one bites the dust.
I would say so, as doing this stuff in the analog domain can degrade the picture with each process applied, and they probably fucked with the focus to hide their editing.
He could start doing porn now. Spacey too.
Virtue signaling SJWs nurtured this mentality and now they're being devoured by it. Good.
I cant believe how moronic Sup Forums is these days. Just accepting witchunts against male sexuality and laughing. Gamergate days are completely over, you've all cucked yourselves.
Watching evening news, both ABC and CBS said his comedy is about male hypocrisy. Irony.
Craftsmen produced actual hand-made Clone Stamps.
They had an entire guild in the 1800s.
The trash going down are leftist, subversive, traitors that deserve their fate so fuck them.
If he's innocent he should come out vigorously against it, instead of cucking like he would naturally do
>lefties getting rekt by their own bullshit
>lol Sup Forums BTFO
Shills are out of practice lately.
What's crazy is that these allegations are old. I remember hearing about them earlier this year. Most people ignored them. Now that they came after Weinstein though everyone is treating them as if they're fact.
It should be innocent until proven guilty, but showbiz dropped him, not us.
The left decided that people are guilty until proven guiltier. It's by their doing that accusations are enough to break and ruin people. The fact that the trend they themselves started is eating them alive just shows how hungry Ouroboros really is.
>she *actually* gave birth to HUMAN CHILDREN
To be fair, that's pretty surprising.
And theres some reason the same shit cant work against the right?
These. Toblasky or whatever is pretty much the only non-Jew or non-fag that has accusations. Weinstein, Piven, Ratner, and Tambor are all Jews. Spacey is a fag.