This is your future, white man. You have no one to blame but yourselves. Now get back to your video games
White mans future
don;t worry if White people become native americans I'm going to be telling them "WE WUZ KANGZ AND SHEEEIT"
Stop playing vidya and make white babies.
Having my polygamous wives and my most trusted nigger serf (he's only there to ensure the wives are doing their jobs because he knows miscegenation is a crime punishable by death) watch over the niglets while I direct my nigger software development serfs in the post-leftist American Empire?
sounds great desu
easy solution: murder white women who sleep with natives
no, the women need to be conditioned before you stop playing vidya. don't let them think they can push you around before they see other women getting murdered for having native children
There is nothing you will do to stop this, just complain about it on Sup Forums.
I can't believe those are their children. Skin is too dark. Usually it turns out like something in between
>White genes are recessive
>mixing with a African and expecting your child to even be close to resembling a white person
This is a group of 10 young women who got pregnant with local men on their missionary trip.
Where are the fathers?
Off fucking the next white missionary.
Reverse image search indicates it's from the show Community.
Looks like they were just helping children and locals on a mission trip or something, and were taking photos with the babies they helped. Doubt they all just got jungle fever and pumped out babies in record time.
I see no white men there.
That's everyone else's future.
Have fun.
That nog on the right's tie is fucking loller.
Also, my life without a hysterical shrieking roastie is great. Kids and roasties just make life miserable, and there's no incentive for successful men to marry or breed in the US.
That needs to be fucking fixed, or you won't just have to worry about white people being fucked, it'll be the entire nation.
>lies to slander Christians
wow I sure didn't expect that
looks like a bunch of white ladies taking care of orphaned nigger children
Whitey is charitable, aren't they OP nigger?
so the whore can take away your kids with half your wealth at her whim?
nice try. you dont realize it yet that the only winning move is to not play. the race is already doomed, it has to be destroyed before it can rise up again
nothing wrong with blackfolk
faggots on the other hand
clearly white high school students on a mission trip to africa or something
you are all retards
>nothing wrong with blackfolk
>faggots on the other hand
>t. a self hating, closet homosexual
So niggers fuck whales and fetal alcohol syndrome rejects?
All power to them
That nigger wears his tie like a 9 year old.
>Stop playing vidya and make white babies.
Take away women's rights first then.
not their kids. next
How do I know this isn't a picture of an orphanage or something? That's what it looks like.