Have you liberated yourself from the toilet paper jew? I did...

Have you liberated yourself from the toilet paper jew? I did. I haven't wiped my asshole with the toilet paper jew in 8 years. After every shit, i just get in the shower and spray my asshole at point blank with the shower head in the setting where the water shoots out really fast and hard . I must have saved 10's of 1000's of dollars by not buying the toilet paper jew.

hmm, was actually expecting nonsensical horse shit. Toilet paper CAN'T get you completely clean, at best it smears it around until it dries, then you wipe again and convinced that there is no more shit. Wet wipes, or just showering after every shit is clearly the correct answer. You have converted me, I am done with the toilet paper jew.


checkmate, i never wipe my ass or shower

I took it one step further and liberated myself from the poo jew. I have not pooped for over a month now and have never been so productive.

>fall asleep
>literally shit the bed


Jokes on you, I haven't wiped, showered OR fallen for the airjew tricks like you two

jokes on you i dont even poop

Try picking up a melted chocolate bar off the floor with nothing but a piece of toilet paper.


I just spit a bit on the toilet paper and shove it up there gently, I can get supremely clean. I do not penetrate my own ass for any other purpose but I am a dyke so ymmv on weather or not this would be too gay for a guy.

>Wasting the water for a shower to clean your ass.
>Giving money to the water Jew
>Not shitting and immediately pulling your pants up and going on about your day

Until I had to go to work. What now? Game over.

Don't they have those squirt toilets in japan that clean your ass? Just get one of those.

>covering your shower floor with poo residue

>when Sup Forums is trying to meme an industry that hires predominately white employees

Stop this Sup Forums I need this job.

Be careful user. 25-26 years ago my little brother (6 at the time) refused to shit for 12 days....Fucking Refused.
>manual removal was needed.
Still don't know how he didn't end up homo.

positively degenerate


>The leaf who likes telling Sup Forums about using a shower after going for a shit.

WTF is wrong with you? Do you never leave the house or something?

>not shaving your asshole so you can use just one wet wipe to clean your butthole

So, you like to spray your asshole fast and hard?

>not just shitting in the shower and pushing the turds down the drain with your toes like a true patrician

>not wiping with soft cotton gloves
you get right in there with your fingers, you can do a few pairs of gloves for a tough job, wet the gloves if you like. put some rubber gloves on underneath if it's messy.

that the toilet paper factory, huh. neato.

oh, and the best part. you can reuse the wiping gloves after washing them. no wasted paper

Do you even into fiber?

How did our ancestors survive with shit? They would've used streams and rivers right? I'm sure that's better than using leaves or doing nothing.

I think OP makes sense.

joke on you
i didnt fall for the food or water jew so theres no poo in the first place
checkmate isreal

>goylet paper

my fucking sides

It's called waffle stomping, pleb

ever wonder why abbos smell like unwashed ass?

i was expecting an india flag for this post

Go back to India, Pajeet

>just get in the shower and spray my asshole at point blank with the shower head in the setting where the water shoots out really fast and hard.
Think I found the real reason you like this so much

>getting shit in your shower
absolutely disgusting, the solution is to simply install a hose into your toilet and trigger that whenever you're done to clean your bunghole


>absolutely disgusting, the solution is to simply install a hose into your toilet and trigger that whenever you're done to clean your bunghole

Then you get shit particles all over the toilet and a water mess.