I want to let you know that one of your members is dating a non-white shitskin. If anyone can contact IE to let them know (it's against their rules to be in a relationship with a non-white) please do so ASAP. Pic related is his profile and name.
If there are any Identity Evropa members/leadership browsing Sup Forums right now
Not your personal army.
Fuck off asshole. Stop trying to dox the guy.
Nigger do you want race mixers to openly pretend they're pro-white or would you rather have them publicly shamed?
>Esoteric propagandist
>date a racist white shitlord
>talk like a retarded hood nigger
>buying into the IE shill
IE Is a shit organization
What is this retarded shit? So people can't date who they want now? Are we now a cult?
>believes their rules are archaic and racist
>files report for rules not being followed
I'm sorry when did the 14 words include shitskins?
>caring this much about what someone else does with their personal life
>trying to dox him like a lefty faggot
fuck off nigger
she looks about as white as he does.
You just got baited man.
>Identity Evropa
pic so strongly fucking related.
>race mixing is acceptable even though we're trying to save the white race
She doesn't look very native. In CA latinos, even the white ones, don't identify as whites because free gibs.
Sent him this thread and screenshots from so far.
Kill yourself you stupid LARPing shitskin faggot
imagine getting so pissed over others having a life.
Kill yourself
Is she a shitskin? Barbosa is not exactly a white name either.
He didn't post his personal info here, he didn't come here and give his name. He is going his own thing.
My friend, you don't understand how we work here. He has done ok and should not be bothered.
Bullshit, she's a lighter skinned mestizo.
das rite caveman but u white ppl stay colonizin
Daily reminder that americans cannot possess loyalty to anything due to 250 years of pseudoculture based in personal liberty, shoved into their throats ever since birth
Entire concept "American valies" is anti-cultural in itself.
This is why any american would give up personal beliefs for fulfillment of personal wants and needs. Like sex for the guy in OP.
Ey, if he's truly not white he's needs to fuck off.
The vast majority of the alt right has an Asian fetish. Let the morons be hypocrites.
so many jealous betacucks in this thread, i'm laughing about it with my nigerian gf atm
get fucked virgins
That's a sturdy looking woman right there
and he looks like a typical amerimongrel.
LMAO @ calling me a shit skin, you insecure faggot, do you realise how weak you make the white race look. "Oh no, some white guy is fucking a female that is not so white, oh no end of world" get a hold of yourself retard. It is okay, in fact highly encouraged for white men to concure as much pussy as we possibly can, make all women crave white cock you stupid fuck.
i want her to crush my temples with her thighs tbqh famalamba
we don't know her DNA. She could be like 70-90% european. Some Italians or Greeks look darker than her. Or maybe she is a shitskin mestizo i don't really know. Its hard to tell
>Samaria SALAZAR
>Michael BARBOSA
KEK what, but I thought "spaniards" weren't white according to pol, specially not those with brown hair.
>inb4 its just the photo
She said, "I will never leave the nationalist movement." wtf?
Shut up nigger before l trip my trisword through your skull
that is based off the 1 pic in OP tho. She probably looks browner in real life/other pics
Dear newfags, anything that falls into
>is X white
or litmus testing is spam, and illegitimate. Do not reply to spam.
Her last name is Spanish.
or at least don't reply seriously to it. goddamn.
Wow those leeeeeegs and pretty face. I don't think she is yours.
sheeeeit, what is the term for white knighting a dude? fagknighting
thats because orientals are honorary whites
notice i used oriental rather then your false term of "asian"
pakis are asian, poojits are asian, arab shitskins are asian, turkish roaches are asian
Oh go eat a dick you massive faggot
kek, i concur
>t. Never been to spain
Sage and nypa. Kys you fucking faggot
IE is for faggot betas with no balls and stop shitposting this faggot e-celeb cancer on Sup Forums
This. I was going to join, but then they wanted to know who I was and skype with them. Like wtf.
plenty of spanish people are white though. 10-15% of Mexico are white spaniards who didn't mix with the natives. I would guess a similar percentage of mexicans in the USA are also white hispanics. Not all hispanics are mestizos....that should be obvious
She's mestizo!!!!
They all have the same body after kids.
She's got two.
>Stop trying to dox the guy.
He's openly dating a shitskin. Fuck this idiot
go to sleep jimbo
So she's Portuguese, obviously she's European lmao
Not saying it's bad. I could care less about peoples decisions and who they want to be with. I traveled through mexico and there are still a good amount of Europeans.
>I traveled through mexico and there are still a good amount of Europeans.
>latina posting memes about reading seige
I suppose at this point I should just say that yeah I'm a lefty faggot but I finally got the opportunity to dox one of you assholes
Kill yourself
My gf is from Mexico. Ukrainian. I suggest you go eat soy and then kys.
Has this whats Sup Forums become Stormfaggotry 2.0?
latinas are honorary white
>doxxing him
>no dox
Stormfront isn't as ethnically diverse as Sup Forums
Ah well
Who can blame him
Not even white supremacists can resist asians and happas
Fuck commies, right guys? Let's save the white race! 14/88!
>posting the most attractive one
i live in south florida. they're almost entirely obese goblin creatures.
She's friends with dikes and bernie supporters.
From my understanding Sup Forums is filled with old shits who think Hitler was right? I haven't seen something seriously diverse unless it's made with the internet to make fun of something or LARP.
They arent white tho.
Moors ruled Spain for 700 years. Thats alot of rape and miscegnation going on.
I think your talking about Cubans?
Except Identity Evropa has been the only org that doesn't seem to be a honeypot or lead by complete retards. Help them stay pure for as long as they can.
IE is shit, dickie spenser dickriders, TRS memers. just memes irl. fucking cancer. meetups are just beers and shitposting. hard pass
there's all sorts. lots of guats and venezuelans, ricans. they're all goblins.
Carribiens are whites and niggers that mingled. Guats are just plain goblins but yes I've seen them here in NY too.
Maybe it's just the LARP people that don't hang around long, but I have never thought of Sup Forums as only appealing to whites, especially these days, as ridiculous as that sounds.
White ideology more than the white race these days.
True. Everyone in America is a traitor to their former nations. America is an entire nation of turncoats.
A commie is doxxing her.
Latinas vary widely depending on the country and region.
You posted a latina that's obviously of majority if not full Southern European descent.
She's not "honorary" white. She IS white.
>not lead by retards
Fuck off you shill
Fuck off. He's acting against the core of what he supposedly believes in.
Not only are they lead by retards, they are filled with retards.