Who owns the USA?

Who owns the USA?


We need to finish what Hitler never started


Traditionally the citizens of the United states are the owners
How true that is now is up for debate


the rich ain’t smart, just powerfull


Well, good thing Trump is literally Hitler.

Jews are the ruling caste within the US

1 aussie could EASILY beat up 10 amerisharts

the ameriboi bows to aussie men

Man that's a shitty opinion.
It's an interesting phenomenon in human beings (and maybe primates in general) that we can elevate certain people, and they somehow have a greater and more respected opinion than others.

for the last 8 years, the house of Saud.

wow this is a pretty good one i've never seen

The Jews have this country by the balls.

There are some brilliant ones out there. This is one of the best I've seen.

The philistines own the JEWSA from inside.


rare based leaf

Globalist elites. Globalist doesn't mean jew, you give them too much credit (and you probably follow a jewish prophet). They already have all the money they'll ever need. Now they just want power. They can start wars here and there, but they don't yet have total control. The third world is already fucked and needs help. The "first world" is getting flooded with migrants and 'refugees'. The EU has pretty much turned itself into the middle east/africa thanks to the most absurd border policy of any nation(s) in history. I don't think any great empire has intentionally committed suicide before.
Increased rape, crime, terrorism, racial divide, religious divide, increased stress on taxpayers, lowered economies, white guilt, people afraid to speak up because of PC culture, etc.

They have secret Islands and meetings. They discuss things without public knowledge. I would understand heads of elected governments doing this, but most of the waves in the world are caused by non elected people. The US is a Constitutional Republic, but world affairs override that.

*rubs hands together*