his realization moves slowly
The man slowly redpilled with age
Other urls found in this thread:
Still garbage.
Did he shove a banana up his ass before or after making this video?
very true...
but an example of how truth slowly works on the man,
(pineapple, it's a different feeling.)
>bananaboy thinks he can redeem himself
hes a faggot, so i imagine hes comfortable sitting on that fence post all the time.
He's surprisingly eloquent, can't wait until he has a religious awakening and become's the next Augustine
Sorry, he'll always be the atheist Chris-chan to me
he has a million subs but 80% of them are inactive... my the mighty have fallen and all over a banana
>Banana man who had sex with a mentally ill tranny and preaches the destruction of the last remaining morality defense against total degeneracy
There is no taking this fat pig degenerate seriously.
that's an old ass meme bruh
t. TAA
Wait until he starts getting sick all the time because he ingested tranny fluids. That'll really redpill him.
A million subs and can rarely crack 100k views.
And this
plus pic related, the obese atheist and his tranny in the thralls of passion.
im actually pleasantly surprised
Remember when he also poured hot oil on his balls?
He's a real trooper.
God's redemption can come from anywhere.
he has a micropenis. nobody cares what he thinks.
But this video actually wasn't too bad. He can't redeem himself, but it's nice to see him try.
what balls?
jesus fucking christ
I am still waiting for him to shove one of these babies in his ass.
Yeah how redpilled... He talked with some libertarian faggot who likes trump. Thats the final redpill isn't it? kys.
>Why do you guys think this is a good argument?
Because of these quotes from you:
>Personally I believe
>to me it seems possible
I asked for explanations and that is what you gave me. If my characterization was in any way unfair it was due to your absolute failure in communication.
>but your beliefs are based on faith too, checkmate!
But I readily admit that and accept it, you seem to be suffering from cognitive dissonance here.
Which goes back to my original question. Before anything called life existed, you needed something that was able to read, write, and actuate DNA. This thing would be made out of proteins. Proteins are made by DNA Exclusvely.
CoIncidence does not cut it when the logic is circular. Even if it did, could I call God a coincidence and satisfying you that he exists?
Do you understand what special pleading is? Because you're guilty of it and also are about to accuse me of it if you aren't careful.
>who made the creator
You've already exhibited understanding that the creator would be supernatural, why do you assume it operates under natural law? Saying you don't need a creator because it just pushes the process back a further step is wrong on two levels: one would be that the extra step could be necessary and the other would be that he created the natural universe which your beliefs are based on, he precedes and supersedes naturality.
>man made religion
This is a cop out, the words and laws of man being woefully flawed by no means indicates that God does not exist. This same argument could be used to point at the countless times scIence was woefully incorrect in its infancy and declaring "science doesn't exist" and the same defense you would use applies: those were men that were wrong, not science.
>tell me which part of evolution you find disagreeable?
If you are trolling, I've only just realized this. Our discussion began on this topic and you dismissed it with the quotes at the top of this post
character limit
Our last thread died, if you find this post and respond I will answer your other response as well.
>Hangs out with the pedophile Shadbase
>some faggot user thinks an irredeemable human exist.
That is not your call to make, god forgives anyone with the humility to seek forgiveness earnestly
Lets dispel this fiction that PJW is redpilled. He is a fag loving lolbertarian cuck nationalist who's fanbase is a bunch of retarded MAGApedes with pleb-tier IQs. These people are some of the most pathetic shits on the planet.
I actually prefer RadSocs and Commies over these basic bitch faggots.
Faggots and atheists are all animals regardless of context and deserve the knife. I'd stir a fairbairn-sykes in this dicksucker's belly but I'm afraid he'd enjoy it.
>gothic steampunk youtube talk show
There's something really comfy about this guy.
His commentary is pretty retarded, but I like to hear it anyways
Obese Atheist detected.
Why don't you go out for a jog instead of sitting in here trying to repair your broken reputation and complete lack of credibility?
Holy shit! I vomited a little in my mouth user!
is this real
Yes, the Amazing Microdick is infact. Small. So Small.
I'm a thin Christian actually.
I just like his commentary. It's fun to hear a fat degenerate atheist talk about stuff. Reminds me of somebody you'd hang out with in high school or something
The worst EVER!
>degenerate faggot banana fetishist
>reddit-tier patronizing attitude
>caters to edgelords like himself
>"Im atheist which makes my IQ 200"
So this is what I'm competing with for the ladies, huh? Can't tell you what this is doing for my self esteem. Thanks, user.
Actually pretty decent
still a faggot
He was in a polymorphic relationship with his wife. He had a fuckboy, guess what it didn’t work out with his wife.