Just look at this face

Roy Moore is a pedophile degenerate who deserves the death penalty

Other urls found in this thread:


Steve Bannon too.

Trump did not vouch for Moore because he knew they had dirt on him. Bannon was unaware which is exactly why he needs to fuck off. The IC is backing up Trump, people need to trust his judgment or just be quite and quit fucking up.


Steve Bannon uses heroin and is a Hollywood globalist. Look into how he makes money off of Seinfeld, etc.

the powers that be probably worry about an overdose because then the police will discover all those little asian illegal immigrant boys he keeps tied up around the apartment.......



According to the BBC as of this evening Roy Moore is a pedo and the final word are the people in his party calling for him to step down.

According to the BBC, anybody who says anything less is on par with the quip, "Joseph and Mary birthed Jesus."

top fucking kek BBC. Stay classy.

so you don't think Trump is going to encourage people to vote for Moore, a pedophile?

where did we ever start talking about the BBC you cockless retard


pedo apologist get raped

NYT reports he literally licked a 6 year old's vagoo. The guy is a total pedo.

I wouldn't go that far but there is a reason Trump removed Bannon. People need to quit shilling for Bannon like the fags on T_D. They claim to trust and love Trump but somehow still trust people he fucking fires.

No one can resist a little loli action once in a while, the Jews should know this

makes no sense

trying too hard cuck

and we are just going to believe the lies of the establishment? Why?

Because the BBC is an great barometer of the establishment neocon pedophile jewish satanic death cult opinion.

They jumped all over it and used it to shit on Christianity to boot. You clearly have never done an essay for a university-level English class.

Trump is going to probably endorse Moore tomorrow. Trump fucks kids too, you realize this right? He's a part of the Hollywood elite still

No I don't. He did not back him then, and he won't now. I don't even know if the stories about Moore are true but there is a reason Trump did not support him. He obviously was aware of something he did not like to be involved with.

Prove it.

the woman that reported this is the establishment?

Tell your masters to ease up just a little. You're showing your hand too early and too hard.

dumb american kids will never learn.

Because mediamatters and neo-con cucks are trying to force out someone who isn't a complete sell out republican

thats nice retard but this thread is about the pedophile roy moore

I don't have any spare change for you, I'm sure they have your direct deposit info though right? Wow what a fucking idiot you are.

The women who reported it was found out to be a liar and heavily in debt due to shitty business choices

dude, he fucks kids. Him and Bill Clinton were on Jeffrey Epstein's plane. Just because you agree with his politics doesn't mean he hasn't fucked kids and probably is into pedo stuff.

No, it's about narratives. That's why you asked me why the BBC mattered and what subsequent narrative were going to be driven per your pushed narrative about Trump's reaction.

In other words, it's not about whether this guy is a pedo. It's about developing a narrative about Trump. Get a brain, moran.

Post this in the Cock and Ball Torture Slide (CBTS) thread.

is that the establishment tho? also just because that is the case dosent mean that they haven't been molested by pedophile roy moore

you're trying way way too hard leftyfag, your shilling can be seen 10000 miles away

The media ran with it; ergo they pushed the narrative.

Just like you push "pedophile roy moore" like some kind of Roger Stone or Webster Tarpley style Johnny Come Lately.

You brought up the BBC to begin with because you're a cockless retard. I haven't even talked about Trump either. This is about Roy Moore fucking kids, which is a globalist satanist thing to do.

Roger Stone is addicted to marijuana and is also a globalist

1. don't attack the messenger if you don't have an attack
2. don't lie when you did talk about Trump earlier
3. don't deflect inconsistently if you want to build a narrative

If you want me to believe your sex crime accusations, don't make them (decades later) when the accused is running for high office.

Then why would you want to associate yourself with him in your linguistic style?

1. don't bring up the BBC for no particular reason at all when we're talking about Roy Moore, the rapist pedophile who is being funded by the heroin addict Steve Bannon

So is the new media plan to jump on Moore and demand he leave politics because of these accusations, and spin it against the vague "conservative" bogeyman? Protip: 99% of Americans don't know who the fuck this is, nor care. It's not a turning of the tables, but rather justification for further witch hunts against Hollywood or political powers. Normalfags are much more hip to the people within pop culture that will continue to be accused. Poor move, the news of some nobody republican diddling kids will be quickly forgotten.

For the record it wouldn't surprise me if the old man did diddle kids, and if it's proven then hang him high.

you sound like a bill clinton supporter lol fuck off jew shill

way way way way way too obvious
Ur a faget

Monica had a cum stained dress. What does this bitch have?

It's was the early Bannon upset, so they're running the preemptive narrative that Bannon sucks at everything he does and the proof is that he couldn't pull out the elections last Teusday.

They seriously don't know anything about psychological warfare. And they're loosing their grip on their "base" so hard that they bring these pilled-out morons here as if it's going to have the same effect on a fundamentally different crown.

The absolute state of academia.

Sure is déjà vu: A month before the election, The Washington Post, sex-related attack on the GOP candidate, subsequent media and Leftist/cuckservative/Washington RINO pile on...

It's the same thing we saw in October 2016 with the Access Hollywood tape and Donald Trump. It'll have the same effectiveness too. I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see Roy Moore's polling numbers go up in Alabama after a smear job this obvious. Unless they produce real evidence to corroborate this, it simply is not going to get the Democrat elected in this race.

no breitbart is defending him so i mean there are some news outlets that support hemophelia and stuff like that desu i wish they would defend louis ck who unlike moore is getting alot of false accusations thrown at him

which woman? theres 30 of them

also im not talking about monica you retard, look up how many women bill clinton has raped

Monica is the one I believe, the one with evidence. Again, what does this bitch have?

didnt trump bring a bunch of women bill clinton raped to a debate? why dont you believe them? trump does

Dude, Breitbart and that scary fat man Bannon. You don't understand the actual fight do you? This is why many in media are losing so hard. They fail to understand what they're actually fighting and parade around meaningless adversaries. It's the equivalent of boomers thinking Soros is behind most things evil while not understanding he's just another cog in something larger.

what if i told u both trump and roy moore were pedophiles

What the fuck do I care what Trump believes?
>Again, what does this bitch have?
So you have no answer, right?

It's Saul Alinsky in reverse. They've been so trained to think about everything as being all the fault of a certain person or other for revolution that they've become brain damaged. Now they can't see the forest for the trees.

But, then again, they never understood the program anyway. The were always going to be the first to be liquidated for having helped the revolution.

i think that bannon knows that roy moore is a sex addict bisexual pedophile and as long as he gets his fix hes cool with getting his jew seinfeld money and breitbart ad clicks from you monkeys

>defend louis ck
Why defend a guy who just admitted to the crime, and apologized for it?

What if I told you people are naturally suspicious of a liberal newspaper running a story with no evidence, with some women who, after over three decades, suddenly, conveniently remembered this happened one month before an election? Roy Moore has been a national public figure since at least 2003 too.

The Illuminati controls the media, the Reptilians control the Illuminati, Soros and his Jewish kin controls the Reptillians, the extra-dimensional demon spawns control the Jews, Satan controls those, God controls Satan

answer to what question, what that woman has? again, answer my question of which woman we're talking about, as there are currently 30 women who have accusations against him. so please, specify the woman.

oh you can't? yeah i didn't think so you pedophile supporting limp dick ass gape

Are we talking about the Evil Satanic Babylonian Talmudic Khazar Synagog of Satan Jews that are not Jews Sons of Japheth tonight? Are you trying to copy my gig?

alright let me make this simpler: what if i told you roy moore fucks kids, and has been fucking kids, for the last 30 years?

why can't roy moore do that?

That's super neat friendo

The Jews know that Bannon is the Anti-Jew so they are on this website trying to push their retarded narrative and shilling hard trying to stop someone who isn't ((theirguy)) from taking office is it not obvious?

the best part about this post is that now when people look up roy more or Sup Forums this thread will come up and roy moore and pedophilia and roy moore being a pedophile will show up in search results

great job Sup Forums

another win for us antifa super soldiers

roy moore is a pedophile

Okay, what do any of them have besides a cunt's word? These women who had nothing to say about him until he was running for the Alabama Senate, at which point they suddenly remembered him fondling them decades ago. Monica had DNA. All these women seem to have is a check from the DNC.

so now every time the DNC pays 3 bitches to make some shit up we gotta let them win?

thats great you feel that way about bill clinton but he was a rapist. also hes from arkansas, not alabama.

Its a great thing Alabamans are don't believe it or give a shit, they probably all look at it as a hit job.

When they report on this thread, will they comp me a screencap?

do you want to support the pedophiles user? bc it sounds like youre a jew pedophile

Roy Moore is from Alabama you imbecile.

This is more like the Mitch McConnell sodomy joint spreading this.


then why are you defending bill clinton? fuck off ctr shill

Roy Moore is the leader of pizzagate and a pedophile

>Bannon is the Anti-Jew


Roy Moore rapes 14-year old children and is a bisexual man

Are you actually retarded? How long have you been reading in English?

Are you actually retarded? How long have you been reading in English?

>File: BB4A4FF0-22F2-41F8-8D5B-7(...).jpg (56 KB, 600x657)
how is he not he iss like god and jesus combined hes so cool

Roy Moore hosts asian slave boy parties at his house that are funded by globalsit marijuana addict roger stone and herion drug lord steven bannon. both participate in.........oriental temptations ;)

Roy Moore is the leader of pizzagate and a pedophile


Roy Moore is from Alabama you imbecile.

>Roy Moore is a pedophile you imbecile.

>in high school
>all the hottest girls are dating guys in college or older
>get to college
>now if you date a high schooler you are a pedophile and creep
You just can't win.

roy moore was 30 when he raped a 14 year old girl and became a pedophile. not in college.


What are the chances he actually loses the election? I put it at close to zero.



Pic Related is a woman who says the lying whore who made the claims has done this before to others

It's true. No Democrat is winning Alabama any time soon. Trump had a bunch of lying roasties trying to get him in hot water in his election, too. The people saw through it, as they will here.

Has he actually come out and deny the allegations though? All I've seen him do is attack the media, without actually addressing the specific allegations. I think it's because he actually did it.

It doesn't matter though, because he's going to win anyway.

Roy Moore and his campaign have explicitly denied it.


I read that entire article and no-where in it or in the tweets it quotes does he specifically deny the allegations.

"But Moore’s campaign issued a statement saying the report is 'baseless' and false."

I'm fucking ready for shit to go down with arrests. Either way, expect more mass shootings

>reiterating the allegations
nah, don't do that, it puts you on the defense. Be the accuser.

Couldn't have anything to do with the actual kid fuckers in Congress panicking that he's going to win and usurp one of theirs. If this isn't projection, I don't know what is anymore.