Which one of you faggots did this?
Okay, broadcasting on 6400 kHz at 1,000 Watts and overpowering Radio Korea is possible for less than $1,150.
t. Hamfag.
The jester is such a fucking faggot Jesus Christ
Pretty sure it says hijacked not hacked.
hijacked is the 1980 synonym for hacked. the words even have a lot of the same letters
> not Hell March
But he's a super hacker. Learned about him at the spy museum.
Fucking this. This is the only reason I came into this thread.. does no one remember the 80s and 90s era frequency phreaking?
Dude, I'm so drunk on one of the Glen Sisters, I'm lucky I'm not typing on the keyboard with my piss and not speaking my native Latvian.
what the fuck
Many raffs based pirate user
Top zozzle m8
Reminder Jews killed JFK
FT-991A with a MARS mod and an Ameritron ALS-606 and you too can overpower the Norks' ability to broadcast propaganda.
now thats funny lel
>how do words exist and come about
ur lernin in real taim no :^_
Fucking Elliot is a scrip kiddie. No one remembers the Internet is basically a faster version of PSK31, ATV, SCTV, FSK et al that was invented during vacuum tube radio's heyday.
lol so is that faggot clown on OP.
So, how does it feel to have your head in the clouds?
based kojima
we're reaching levels of old that shouldn't even be possible.
is dis fone?
GNU cucks BTFO
>Which one of you faggots did this?
brah. i remember things that were lost in the rain. Usenet, telnet, blackboxing, redboxing, blueboxing, wardriving, the 101z of the mid 90s with amazon and other things, bruteforce password collection. why? no reason. all gone. like tears in the rain.
He sure is. A complete arse.
What right does anyone have to broadcast over the top of a legitimate broadcast station.
OK, you may not like NK, but we aint at war with them.
The Jester can fuck off, as can the perpetrator of this childish retardation
Like pottery mang
This just in Kim Jong Un sentences all military personnel to public execution for consuming white devil American media