DNA tho

How do I get my DNA tested with out it being owned by someone?

Christ im sick of this question. Don't listen to those who tell you not to take it theyre just trying to jew you around. Living DNA. They're contractually obligated to only use your dna for your ethnic research. They have a separate opt in research program too that you don't have to do. They can't do anything to your sample without written permission from you and they have to destroy your sample if you request it. Its a cheek swab so its more accurate than (((23andme))) and ancestry and all the other bargain bin spit tests. Ancestry tests 45,000 genetic markers, this one tests 680,000. NatGeo is as secure and tests 700,000, but isnt as specific as living dna. Look up the results. It doesnt just say "southern europe" etc. It will distinguish northern/southern italian etc. with almost every country. In england, where they are based, it breaks dna down by country if you have it. Theyre working on this for Ireland, too. None of the other tests are as specific, accurate, or private as this one, or at least all at once. Ive got 3 months til my results, can't wait. Only $99 rn too.
Also op is a big fag you could have just jewgled this.

>contractually obligated
Yes yes and I'm contractually obligated to treat other human beings with "respect and dignity".


stfu shill you can sue the shit out of them if they don't. where the fuck does any contract say you have to do that? Probably a fucking chink oz....

OP prove your not a big fag shill and respond.

can't so don't do it

>paying to be put in a database

top cuck

>doesn't want you know your genetic heritage

I am not fully certain about 23&me; you can delete your kit from their database but it's possible they might retain portions of your SNP's that are pertinent to a health study. But FTDNA and AncestryDNA fully delete. They don't retain anything simply because they could not give a shit about one person opting out while hundreds are opting in. If you are just looking for a ethnicity test with some light relative matching, go for AncestryDNA. You can turn off the relative matching feature now and just see the ethnicity stuff if you want. But tbqh you are cheating yourself if you don't do the relative matching. It's pretty cool. If you want to get the same features but have the chance to get really into it, I'd say try FTDNA. Start off with Family Finder, it is basically the same as AncestryDNA but with some important extra features you might be interested to use, like the chromosome map. Their ethnicity matching is just as good as AncestryDNA, so your not losing anything. 23&me is like a light version of FTDNA, and can actually be frustrating to use because it doesn't have all the features it should. I don't know anything about the other companies out there, but I would stay away from them if I were you as they don't seem trustworthy to me. The last thing you want is your DNA data in the hands of a company that just went bankrupt. Really bad idea.

>being as poor as you
>able to prove anything

come on dawg these are weak ass tests from eh companies. Ancestry isn't untrustworthy but its a basic test. It doesn't seem like OP is interested in geneology either so its features are unnecessary

asianaru peepee suh smarr

AncestryDNA tests higher now. They upgraded their chips. Maybe I am not big on the ethnicity tests because my results came back with zero shockers (Scot-Kraut as fuck), but I tell people that if you really want down to line ethnicity results then upload to Gedmatch and use the Euro K13 model to get the best results. I deleted a kit with Ancestry and they actually sent me a letter confirming that the kit had been destroyed and deleted from their database. It's 23&me that has the trust issue going on because they are health oriented. The others are for genealogy only.

for sure 23 is the irresponsible one and ancestry won't jew you around. Im just saying livingdna is similarly priced($80vs$99) and gives you out of the box accurate and specific results on ethnicity which is what most are going for. And the most privacy guarantees from the ones I've seen. I believe the huge genetic marker leap in it and NatGeo comes from the presence of actual soft tissue (cheek swab). Its the best all around package and its the one i settle on after researching for over a year.

If that's the case, I'd say go for AncestryDNA and turn off the relative feature. FTDNA is very high level shit and it's not for ethnicity freaks. It's for the mapper and plumber crowd, not the "what am I' folks.

I found that the key to staying clean with 23&me is to not do the health test, just stay with ethnicity and relative matching. Don't do any of the health surveys and you will be ok. And for the love of god, never post an actual picture of yourself on your profile. I haven't had any experience with LivingDNA yet. I know they accept raw files from the other three, so maybe someday I will get around to it. I've been at this for five years now, so I have figured out what to look for in a good test by now. I don't trust 23&me ethnicity results. They are too far out of whack with the others.

>They're contractually obligated to only use your dna for your ethnic research.
in other words, they store your dna sequence in a genomic database for (((research)))

>They can't do anything to your sample without written permission from you and they have to destroy your sample if you request it.
the original sample doesn't matter, they can make a billion copies of it which they legally own, and your sequence is still stashed away in their computer database

you gonna get jew'd

Yes, they store the raw file on a drive. But the actual bio sample is no good once it's read, so that is gone. The raw file can be deleted at any time. Also, remember something important here - IF some company somehow managed to incorporate a few of your SNP's into a new DNA strand, it would be hopeless to trace anyway because the chips these companies use can only grab about 700,000 SNPs out of the total of several billion depending on who you are. I could understand panic if the test was a whole genome sequence, but 700k is nowhere near enough to get cloned or used maliciously. You can't fake evidence with that. It's just not enough.

Are (((they))) planning on building supers?

If there was a conspiracy to gather genetic then it would be operating at hospitals, health clinics or at the red cross. It's not because a company officially runs DNA tests that they're the only one who can misuse that information. Anyone with access to blood can feed a little bit in a machine and store that information. You only focus on the idea that these DNA test companies are corrupted because your mind is narrowed and misinformed. Hell, these DNA test companies would actually be the least efficient place to gather information. That is because people at hospitals or at the red cross would check your identity. However you can order a DNA test with a false name, therefore their database would have a false name tied to the information and would be compromised and less useful. And if a person discovers that their genetic information was copied they would of course suspect the company which tested their blood, while it would be much harder for them to guess it was one of the many hospitals sample or blood drive donation in their life. Of all the places to look for conspiracies this is simply the worst. Not because it is impossible that a conspiracy exists to stores genetic information, but because this approach is ridiculously illogical and inefficient.

Looks cheaper and more accurate than 23&meme to be honest.