Why is it that Nigel calls the first floor of a building the "ground floor." The second floor is literally called the "first floor" in bongland. Did no one teach these fuckers how to count? It's not a flat, it's an apartment building. Get your shit together Britannia, no wonder your empire has fallen.
Britbong Education
Other urls found in this thread:
Least we had an empire
It's literally just to do with lift panels.
So G becomes ground and 1 becomes the first floor.
Stupid fag thread.
The US is, right now, in current year, an empire.
we currently have one
you're in it
>the second floor called the first
>Why is it that Nigel calls the first floor of a building the "ground floor."
Because that's what it is, you stupid Amerimongrel. The ground floor is the one in which you first enter. You only start counting, once you start going up.
my building is L for lobby G for garage and the numbers start on 2
because anything at ground level is called ground floor.
the floor above ground floor is the 1st floor.
its not rocket science. the ground level is not the 1st floor.
My uni is worse
You enter the library on the 2nd floor (ground floor)
1st floor is basement
"Hey dude, I'm on the second floor, but don't forget you have to press number 1 when you get in the lift."
Makes sense.
Or you could start numbering the floors in the lift at 2 instead of 1, which seems retarded, or you could leave off the G and just have 1 but that's confusing when buildings are built into hills or have basement levels or so on.
It's easier and more sensible to just have a ground floor, being the floor that is on the ground, and then the first floor, being the first floor above ground level.
If it was 0 floor I could agree with the Brits. But if we're talking non-zero based indexes, starting with a character instead of a number is just asinine.
How many floors does a 1 story building have?
One floor, the ground floor.
Exactly, these britbongs have index their floors.
So then the ground floor is the first floor
No, it's the ground floor.
>abo education
Offset from the entrance could make sense.
+1, One flight up.
0, Ground
-1, One flight down, basement level 1.
I think his point is that the ground level is the zeroeth floor
>ground zero
The 0 is the actual floor. The first floor is the floor above the ground, the basement is the first floor below the ground
And so on...
Second Floor
First Floor
Ground Floor
It is his point, apparently britbongs start off with zero when counting
>when the police knock on the ground floor to ask about your TV license but you have a TV hidden in the first floor
wait how can the ground floor be the first floor as well? that dosnt even make any sense, its already the ground floor, the floor after that cant jump from zero to 2
americans need to go back
Because unlike your assbackwards cunt Americans know how to count.
Zero is not a number. It's a concept.
Your mums a concept, you slag
im just saying. anyway in australia the ground/first floor is called the top floor and we just count down upwards
>Not counting from 0
Zero-based indexing is superior in almost every way to 1-based indexing.
>the winner is in 0th place
Wouldn't that make a concept, too?
Every floor is ground floor in the USA.
we have elevators too, the first floor is 1 and the second floor is 2...
hey dude im on the second floor so press 2.
>the winner is in 0th place
This sounds fine because it's the first element in a ranked list.
The only reason it sounds weird to you is because of cultural conditioning. If "0th place" was always how we referred to winners you wouldn't bat an eye.
>Murrifriendos call the "ground floor" the "first floor"
>"What floor is the active shooter on?"
>"The first floor!"
>"Now you listen here pal! This is not the time for pranks."
How can we even be surprised at this point?
oohhhhh burn, but not enough of a burn to melt steal beems
Ground floor is always the floor you exit on to get to the street level. Any levels under that are designated as such.
>Or you could start numbering the floors in the lift at 2 instead of 1, which seems retarded, or you could leave off the G and just have 1 but that's confusing when buildings are built into hills or have basement levels or so on.
Street level is the button with the star. Usually it's floor 1 but I was in one just today with the star on floor 2.
What about
is this the chaotic neutral of building floor numbering schemes?
I don't have a problem with them calling the first floor the ground floor; but calling the second floor the first floor and then running with it is pants on head retarded.
no it is an alternative. most places don't have a basement.
Funny, I made this thread last year and this same joke was made.
>most places don't have a basement
Flag checks out, I hear a lot of places in the south don't have a basement where every building has a basement here.
What the hell is 'G'?
>hey guys, I spilled my drink on the first
>Burgers call the 11th of November attacks "September 11"
>Burgers call 1.6 Kilometers "Miles"
>Burgers measure stuff with their feet even though feet have different sizes
>Burgers call fat people "Beautiful"
>Burgers call women "Equal"
That was mildly amusing Romania.
What if the building doesn't have a "ground floor" or street level? I know a lot of buildings that have street level halfway between floor 1 and floor 2, so you can either walk up a small set of stairs to get to floor 2 or down a set to get to floor 1.
>being that dense you accidentally disagree with yourself
no most hotels and such only have a foundations. your upper middle class houses and cities will start adding basement levels which is normally for parking, because a large part of the US is suburban/rural it gets really fun why the building is in a hill side.
Ground level, sometimes denoted as:
Lulz at image