hey Sup Forums got any good red pilled books?
Hey Sup Forums got any good red pilled books?
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The bible. Stay away from cucked protestant versions that cut out books. Go NAB
Mein Kampf: Stalag edition
>"Written Out of History: The Forgotten Founders Who Fought Big Government"
Mike Lee
>"Fed Up: An Insider's Take on Why the Federal Reserve is Bad for America"
Danielle DiMartino Booth
>"Please Stop Helping Us: How Liberals Make It Harder for Blacks to Succeed"
Jason L. Riley
Righteous Indignation by Andrew Brietbart is a great place to start
It's entertaining, informative (without any bog downs) and more relevant than ever in 2017
>not cucked
If you read anything but the KJV you're the cuck.
The Spirit of the Laws
go read it
I love reading the Poirot books by Agatha Christie.
Would reccomend
Why do you guys have so many versions of the Bible in English?
What kind of information are you looking for specifically?
The most red-pilled book you could ever read is 'The Case for Father Custody' by Daniel Amneus. His 'The Garbage Generation' is second runner up.
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany
THE BIBLE BAHAHAHAHAAHA. yeah a jewish book totally fucking red pilled you people are fucked in the head.
Any book about warhammer 40,000
You can listen to audiobooks of it on YouTube before they get taken down
This has to be filled with Jewish lies
Because retards think the KJV is too difficult to understand, but the problem is the newer translations—which take things down to a fourth grade reading level—pervert the word of God and drastically change numerous parts.
Why are you using a Templar flag if you don't know this?
Mein Kampf: Stalag Edition, The King James Bible
>Stay away from cucked protestant versions that cut out books
Those are fake books. Non cannon, even the cucklic church labeled them noncannon.
well it may be right partialy, tho I can't stand most of the modern philosophers. History didn't check their theories yet, and many of those are more likely to be forgoten and denied soon like Nietzsche Freud and familiar to their times.
It was easy to produce populistic shit like Marx and others, when the manufacture grown.
No, it's redpill. Hitler did nothing wrong.
This is actually a good list
This. Most people don't know that any company can start producing bibles since it's free for everyone to do, however, you have to change at least 10% to be able to print and publish them. There is a reason why cults like jw and others use their own version. catholics just use another translation since they're retarded.
The Gita
The Bible duey rheims eddition
I always thought James Clavell's Asian Saga was red pill material, even though some will disagree with me.
why is plato crossed out
I have it sitting in my closet but i haven't gien it a chance yet
The KJV uses lots of "high english", though, it was literally an attempt to mainstreamise Shakespearean-tier English, and so accuracy of translation is sacrificed for sophistication. The best translation for anyone interested in reading the Bible is the NIV.
KJV = fedora.
How to create a undetectable illuminati mind control slave
by cisco wheeler and fritz springmeyer
look up the free pdf around 700 pages excellent material
Why should I know? I'm not a native English speaker. There are only two versions of the Bible in my native language - in old and modern versions of language.
+1 for KJV Bible
and for the faggots that say "kike on a stick", watch this
my cousins evangelical church gave me a NIV it's the only one I have
it's literally called the "New international version"
how could it sound any more globalist, orwellian
Why does it need to be "NEW"
>What did they change
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Infidel
Orwell, 1984
Come here my kitten, and let me pet you.
Purr for me now.
If you translate something to regular english, it loses it's meaning since english is literally brainlet tier. The best and oldest one in english is KJV
> Starship Troopers
It's actually required reading for four out of the five main military universities.
Only muritards are this retarded seriously. New World Translation (yes, by the Jehovah's Witnesses) is the only legit one.
>>What did they change
Lots. Newer translations are force by law to change at least 10% from other translations to be published and sold.
>If you translate something to regular english, it loses it's meaning since english is literally brainlet tier. The best and oldest one in english is KJV
You're missing the point. The KJV doesn't use more sophisticated language to convey a more accurate translation, it simply uses more sophisticated language in most cases to sound nice, at the cost of accuracy, and very often in accordance with the doctrine of the Anglican Church\Church of England as it existed at the time.
A simply example is the use of the word "Hell" in many passages of the Old Testament, which is done in accordance with the HUMAN doctrine of 'Hell', rather than an attempt to accurately translate the document. The NIV translates in these cases to "Sheol" or "Abode of the dead", etc and contains notes about the actual meaning.
The KJV is INFERIOR in terms of translation. Some passages might sound more poetic to you, but they aren't conveying the real meaning in the KJV.
ezra pound's cantos
pretty much anything bill o'reilly has written
>New World Translation (yes, by the Jehovah's Witnesses) is the only legit one.
The founders of jw literally took KJV and changed it to suit their cult. It's riddled with errors, changes and blatant omissions. Probably the worst one desu.
Dude the KJV is "only" 400 years old -.-'
The NWT might only be from the 50's but it's a whole new translation from the original scriptures. All the other ones have been modified by the catholics for maximum control and brainwash. THE KJV BEING THE WORST
The reason they're omitted is because they're not in the original scriptures. They were added by some dirty Catholic peadophiles you braindead leaf
Solzhnitzen's Gulag Archipelago
Dostoyevksy's Crime and Punishment
KJV was perverted from whatever Catholics were already twisting, by the king for the purposes of the Anglican church, no?
>All the other ones have been modified by the catholics for maximum control and brainwash.
The catholic jesuits literally attempted an assassination on King James because he was translating it for everyone at the time. catholics also don't use KJV, so there is no need to change.
Oh man, haven't been checked for so long hehe. And finally someone who gets it. The KJV is the worst one.
The NIV literally has 14 missing verses from it.
Sup Forums any good recommendation for investing or books for getting into trading?
The NIV literally has 14 missing verses from it. If that's not enough to deter you from reading it, I don't know what is.
Yea, I'm sure that's what (((Charles Russell))) said, also said the world would end after WW1. Oops.
It wasn't THE catholics it was a group of people that tried to assassinate him for a whole different reason. They happened to be Catholic yeah, but that had nothing to do with it
Which verses and why were they omitted? Perhaps they were ommitted for good reason?
Are we talking about the Pericope Adulterae, which most biblical scholars now agree has no place in the gospel accounts?
Either way, overall it's a superior translation.
What are the verses?
The reason some Bibles omit verses is because they weren't in the original scriptures. They were added. But the NWT for instance lists the number, followed by a dash
the tao te ching
>h-hey they were part of a order of catholics that hate and disrupt protestants
>t-tehy dindu nuffin
They were jesuits, and wanted england to stay catholic.
If you'd like to take a step back and see the bigger picture, read, "The Fourth Turning." I'm just now finishing it up. It was written 20 years ago, so before 9/11, but it's still amazingly prescient and insightful. I understand that they've got a website, where they talk about things more up to date, but I'm going to finish the book before I check that out, so that I'm properly up to speed.
I'm a dot connector by nature, and this is one hell of a dot connecting book. amazon.com
This dude can't be real. I'm not proceeding with this argument with this troll
Dangerous by Milo
Absofuckinglutely. My favorite version: amazon.com
This book is being thrashed on Wikipedia. That site has really been taken over by the left
>"If You Can Keep It: The Forgotten Promise of American Liberty"
Eric Metaxas
I think it's for the best since you can't come up with arguments.
If we're talking Eastern philosophy, there's also:
-The Wisdom of Insecurity by Alan Watts
-The Flight of the Eagle by J. Krishnamurti
-The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff (If you're new to Eastern thought)
-The Prophet by Khalil Gibran
That will keep you busy for a few minutes.
Everything by Ernst Jünger
This book is pretty red-pilled, and it's worth reading even if you don't live in the US, it applies to education systems in general.
Some NIV versions (yup) teach the official catholic Lord's Prayer.
>teaching people to worship Satan/humans
We bankers by Andrae Nordskog. He outlines early conduct of the Federal Reserve. The early conduct of an organization typically reveals its true intent, regardless of how good of a job they do covering afterwards.
Would anyone enjoy an impromptu bible study?
I think Eric Metaxas is at heart a cuck but for a mainstream respected academic christian he is pretty based. Endorsed Trump, gets well known people on his show, seems to like america, and writes childrens books too.
This one is related.
Has anyone read this book? Would you recommend it?
I do not know about the original poster but I have my reasons. Much of what we consider to be common sense came from The Republic. The problem is that you already know so much of the content from living in a Western society that spending your time reading it is mostly a pedantic exercise. I do recognize and respect that it is the root for these ideas.
The Quran.
The Republic has some really far out concepts though.
The Shadow Men
Culture of Critique
200 years together by Solzhenitsin
Mein Kampf
Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt
The Way of Men
Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell
>Literally begging to read more paper jew
> believing the bible is a 'jewish book'
“After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him.” - John 7:7
Opposition research is very important, yes.
Can you specify a point? None of it blew me away but my education in the field was thorough, so maybe I made a bad evaluation.
Love it. The pic is fucking perfect for the title, too.
It's ok, reasonably well sourced (often half the page is footnotes). Finkelstein goes into detail about "huxters and hoaxters" especially (Eli Wiesel, Goldhagen etc). There is a significant postscript in that version.
It's interesting enough that you could read it over a few days. Just keep in mind that Finkelstein is reasonably pro-Palestinian - there is also a good documentary on him (American Radical).
One that comes to mind is the suggestion that there shouldn't be any real family, but that a generation of kids is brought up by a generation of adults, regardless who are their biological family.
Thank you! I'll probably get it then.
Have fun living in a cave, shitting under a bush. The rest of us are going to avail ourselves of the thousands of years of thought and observation our species has produced. I trust my ability to filter out the (((dreck))).
Truly, reading the bible will redpill you as to why jews own and can so easily destroy the white race.
read Louis Ferdinand Celine, original /ourguy/
Trifles for a Massacre(1937)
The Kikes that rule the Universe, they understand them, those secrets of public opinion. Hidden in the corners, they have all of the wires in their hands. Propaganda, gold, advertising, radio, press, the cinema. From Hollywood the Jewess, to Moscow the Yid, same boutique, same telephone, same agencies, same Kikes manning the lookout, the cash drawer, the business affairs. And then, down beneath, crawling along the ground, are the same masses, pliable and imbecilic, of Aryans of starkly limited potential, of credulous types divided one from the other, fore, aft, all about, and above all… An immensity of drunken flesh, the universal teeming and moaning doormat for Jewish feet. But why be bothered?… How does one stupefy and enchain all of that gloomy flesh? … reinforced by discussion and alcohol?
Through radio and the cinema! One creates new gods for them! By the same stroke, more new idols are needed every month! ever increasingly more asinine and vapid! Mr. Fairbanks, Mr. Powell, would you give the multitudes who give you their adulation immense pleasure, by deigning to appear in person for a brief instant? in all of your overwhelming glory? ultimately fulfilling? for several eternal seconds? on a massive throne of solid gold? so that that nation which is a fiftieth of the world may finally contemplate God in the flesh!… It is not to consummate artists, to geniuses most sublime that we address our timid prayers…our flaming ardor…it is to the gods, the gods of cattle…the most powerful, the most real of all gods… How, I ask you, do they create the idols which populate the dreams of today’s generation? How can the most wretched idiot, the most disgusting freak, the most pathetic slut, be transformed into gods? …and goddesses? …received by more souls in a day than Jesus Christ over the course of thousand years?… Publicity!
Would it be hard for a guy whose first language isn't English to read the Bible? For example the King James Bible?
Or should I stick to one in my language?
There are tribal cultures that practice this custom. I would have been exposed to this prior to reading The Republic. TY for posting this. I still consider the book second in line behind an array of others though the creation of it was definitely first tier logic.
The KJV will be difficult to read if you only know modern, conversational English. I read it easily but many Americans have trouble.
Why would you read it in English in the first place?