why would Trump be on Sup Forums?
why would Trump speak in riddles?
why is this relevant?

Other urls found in this thread:'

why would trump post endless threads to anonymous internet faggots when he could just call up sean hannity?
why are you trying to connect literally every single current event like somehow everything that happens is tied to trump?
do you know what delusions of grandeur are?
why is this relevant?

why haven't any of my spooky predictions come true?
why do you make excuses for me when i'm totally wrong all the time?
why is this relevant?



Keep draining the swamp for us!

I just want to know how long this is going to go on for. It's starting to get embarrassing

It’ll go on as long as the retards from r/ptg keep funneling reddit here

def would f this bird. This bird = hot

>do you know what delusions of grandeur are?
of course
>why are you trying to connect literally every single current event like somehow everything that happens is tied to trump?
what is influence?
> why would trump post endless threads to anonymous internet faggots when he could just call up sean hannity?
lol, we know trump isn't making the threads. the bakers are good ol anons

I know that's trash beer, but ffs stop wasting it.
There are sober kids out there.

just bang the damn bird and shut up

I see the dots connected as clear as the ZODIAC. The stars tell me mysteries. They CRUZ through my BRAIN like SHOOTING comets.

white rabbit

First Q was probably legit. The threads are now so far off the mark it's not even funny.

Captcha: Gibs 14th


the mental illness is strong in those threads

Something is not right in the most recent ones. It's obvious they've been taken over by shills and disinfo agents. I imagine most people with any sense have moved elsewhere to draw some more links.

Is this the real CBTS??

No, this is the thread calling out what it has devolved into.

President Obama Roasts Donald Trump At White House' Dinner! Apr 30, 2011

Michele Bachmann tops a team of conspiracy-crazed clowns
July 19, 2012

It's Cock and Ball Torture Slide (CBTS) thread # 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

What happened on July 19, 2012? articles.latiMcCain defends Clinton aide accused of Muslim Brotherhood