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isn't he a MKUltra victim?
fake and gay
Roy Moore will pardon him.
What will his last meal look like?
They're just mad as fuck he pulled off an ultra combo on dey black ass
what did he mena by this?
Good, we need to start executing more people.
We all are
Black dick
he's just checkin in
Also, why the fuck are these people publishing the article now? Roof was sentenced to death almost a year ago.
We're already up to speed
So 20+ years of appeals until they just let him go because death row is overworked anyway?
FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!
Rest in peace sweet prince
Fake. He's being charged under state law not federal, which means 9 life sentences, not death.
That's too bad. I don't agree with the death penalty.
And nothing of value was lost
we must take get him back, he is MK ultra victim and potential commander of beta uprising
we will need plans of prison and megumin tier explosives, also /o/ escape driver
The US will probably collapse before he can exhaust his appeals and actually gets executed
the retard can't even explain why he did it. In the full two hour fbi interview I watched, I was expecting to see a Breiviklike mind, with well thought out explanations, arguments, motives, etc. but this kid is just pure stupid. good riddance
reminder all his pics were taken on the same day
Lel. Truth tho
Happened in Jan
He was sentenced to death in January and life in April. Federal government takes precedent, so he's on death row in Terre Haute.
The Soy Boys and their hit single ''It's OK to be a cuck''
My favorite scene.
Does he receive mail? Would he even be able to? Be funny to write him some shit to say as his last words.
I can't stop looking at that neck.
i remember that /fa/ meetup
back when /fa/ was good, rip
Not only does this look like the average white Sup Forumstard, but that giraffe in the middle has to have been edited in there.
Good riddance. Wouldnt be surprised if Drumpf pushed for them to give him life.
ffs they let gang rapists live
someone needs to bail him out
Good picture. Really shows the whiteness of Sup Forums.
The FBI will forward it back to you unread with a request to stop contacting him. He's shut off.
Lmao fucker is /fa/ as fuck
>when the center of attention isn't even white
Yes, you can write to him.
Dylan is still the best dressed
it isn't
You dare doubt the power of soy?
what's the turn about where he is? there are plenty of people who get on death row and die on it because they were on it for over twenty years.
Jesus christ
The second dude from left to right has the same neck but it doesn't stand out due to the jacket.
neat, maybe the nogs will whine just a little less after today
>Since the reinstatement of the federal death penalty in 1988, 76 defendants have been sentenced to death of whom 3 have been executed and 12 have been finally removed from death row. Three other defendants have had a jury recommendation for death, but no death sentence by the judge. Two of those 3 have now received lesser sentences. In the third (John Wayne Johnson), the authorization to seek death was withdrawn.
Plus we're going to have interesting politics occurring outside for years to come. His fate isn't determined.
It's for the best.
I swear if there is everoom an alt-right insurgency we need to make the release of Dylann Roof a negotiating demand.
He threw away his life for us and he is a political prisoner of Weimerica.
Free Comrade Roof!
He earned it. To bad they can't kill him nine times over.
God, these leftists can only play blindfolded tic tac toe. Anyone could see this is his best case scenario.
If he rotted in solitary, he'd be forgotten. But they decided to make him the neet messiah.
Breivik is a 100% sane, rational actor. Roof is a disaffected, possibly crazy, piece of shit.
And he still has more balls than you cuck. At least he knows the meaning of sacrifice.
It's the other way around you fucking mutt
He was a coward though, and chose soft targets i.e. old black churchgoers. He'd only be worthy of release if he had cased out some gang house that was dealing in drugs or other obvious crime, and actually fought nigger scum. But no, he shot up a church full of elderly and unarmed blck folk; the fucking idiot(or patsy?) played perfectly into the narrative. Fuck that faggot
All I feel is sadness. He was one of us.
What has this place done to me
>He threw away his life for us and he is a political prisoner of Weimerica.
too scared of ghetto thugs he offed a load of old women church goers
beta faggots
>you and roof
Roof is a faggot who shot unarmes people like a nigger would.
He ate too much beef jerky. Bonus for anyone that gets the joke
Is this in a church? Why is there a keyboardist in front of him?
>Shoots up a church in southern state
>Gets death penalty
First headline I've seen in the news that's made sense in years
/fa/ was never good
It's not the targets but the fact that he fought in pure sacrificial intentions.
Like Himmler who carried a heavy weight but did his duty with detachment, Dylann Roof is a true Aryan warrior in the mold of Krishna and Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita.
Dead niggers are dead noggers,he should've pucked a bigger nigger church and gone out shooting,he could've went to valhalla,now he might go to hel.....
He knew what was going to happen when he stepped into that church.
He was a mall ninja
>t. brainlets who didn't understand Dylan's intentions
Getting himself shot in a ghetto wouldn't have made the news.
He killed a (black Democrat) state legislator, and criminal niggers kill each other all the time. Churchgoing niggers are a problem because they hate abortion and aren't as obvious of a threat.
Rest in piss, Roofypoo. Enjoy being spit-roasted by BBC in the lake of fire for eternity!
You'd applaud him for shooting up a nursery... ironically Africa tier shit
>ironically Africa tier
ironically making America less African
How many dicks do you think have been inside him already?
Does that get you hot thinking about that
Kill yourself soyboy
Why the fuck do you retards like nigger dick so much? He killed a bunch of niggers he did good. he was a good boy and he will be remembered greatly.
>Holds up signs of minorities to crown to influence judge/jury
So uh, did no white people die? This a cliche negro church that got shot up? I paid no real attention to this.
Or is this just next-level virtue signalling? Or Both.
It's r/donald who invaded this place during the election.
He really should have just suicided in the church.
Would have saved everybody a lot of time.
federal hate crime laws are a joke. Didn't he get like 9 life sentences in South Carolina? What's the point of prosecuting him again at the federal level?
i wonder how many people have died in terre haute. I always here about really infamous assholes ending up there to die
dis looks shoop da woopd
Correct, he went to nigger church and shot niggers. The whites and snipdicks in the crowd are there because they love niggers and hate whites, respectively.
is that neck even human
So many manlets.
Took long enough, our justice system is fucked. Takes fucking years for the trial, and sometimes decades just for the execution.
Was this a surprise?
He could have made a statement that could be empathize with.
Instead he killed 8 random church folk, most of them old.
Shit like this is why the Day of the Rope will come for Sup Forums and the far right instead.