You guys really need to stop seriously you're fucking harming innocent people with your "memes" and revival of dangerous ideas. I get it haha meme transgressive humor irony and all but it's starting to really undo all the progress we've made towards equality and that's not cool at all. You are creating a new neofascist movement and oppressed groups are fcking terrified and its distracting us from solving the real issues so just cool it with the jokes maybe?
You guys really need to stop seriously you're fucking harming innocent people with your "memes" and revival of...
Other urls found in this thread:
>You guys really need to stop seriously you're fucking harming innocent people with your "memes" and revival of dangerous ideas
(citation needed)
oh look a mad commie
The first world is post-industrial you fucking mong. This isn't the 20th century.
Hard to say no when the lefties are actually worse.
oh shit it's not cool
>We're killing people with our memes and revival of dangerous ideas
>OP himself is reviving dangerous ideas too, yet doesn't take responsibility for doing so.
Is this a fucking raid? Don't forget to sage.
I have queer friends and minority friends who live in fear every day since Trump got elected. This place is the voice of the far right fascist movement in America and I want you to understand it's not a joke anymore. Civil rights are being rolled back and people are living in fear of their lives and losing everything it's not funny anymore. These are innocent good people with families working hard. You just hate them because they're different. Maybe you are threatened?
All the left has been trying to do is make these people feel safe welcome and most of all treated fairly and HUMAN in their own country. We want to help EVERYONE who is struggling, not just help ourselves like you do.
communism has lead to more deaths than fascism has
the average citizen had a much better life under the worst fascist regime than under the best communist regime
Do we look like we care?
Hint: We don't.
What a bunch of faggots.
so don't get a job, problem solved.
>I have queer friends and minority friends who live in fear every day since Trump got elected.
you are friends with sexual deviants who want to fuck children
>This place is the voice of the far right fascist movement in America and I want you to understand it's not a joke anymore
you're right that it isn't a joke
>Civil rights are being rolled back and people are living in fear of their lives and losing everything it's not funny anymore
(citation needed)
>These are innocent good people with families working hard. You just hate them because they're different. Maybe you are threatened?
nice ghost story kid
>All the left has been trying to do is make these people feel safe welcome and most of all treated fairly and HUMAN in their own country. We want to help EVERYONE who is struggling, not just help ourselves like you do.
(citation needed)
troll thread but 2/10 for getting me to reply
Just call capitalists Jews user
>innocent people
You aren't innocent or people.
Physcho Right-Wing Capitalist Fascist Industrial Death Machine is a great name for a Black Metal Band. Nice Bait.
>Starting to harm inocent people with your """""""""memes"""""""""""
Leftism is just consumerism. That's all it is.
shill doesn't even bother it seems
Hey remember when one guy from Finland killed around 500 commies with nothing more then a rifle? Haha I smile every time I think of him.
Jesus christ leftists suck at making propaganda
>let's cram az many buzzwurds as possible into a picture
You talk a lot about being terrified. You must be the biggest pussy of a gangster on your block.
>Capitalism is fascism
Nigger what?
Good. As long as they really are scared. If they arent scared this would all be for nothing.
meanwhile in niggerville
They're actually bugging out really hard now
that's not us. I don't know what you're talking about.
If it's not funny then why am I laughing so hard?
>You are creating a new neofascist movement and oppressed groups are fcking terrified and its distracting us from solving the real issues
You leftist fucks did this. You created a neofascist "progressive" system that oppresses white people and they're terrified and lashing out.
>hahaha u get the gulag lol
>we will bring Socialism and take your property lol
>your grandkids are going to be brown lol
I once had one of you lefty faggots say unironically that he wanted me to be forced to watch my daughters be raped and married to black men because it would be what I deserve.
So understand this: When I say "I want to kill all of you," I am not exaggerating, nor am I wrong. There is not a single ethical or moral argument you could make to me that will convince me that I shouldn't exterminate every left-wing faggot on the planet. I want to bathe in your blood. I want to ask you your favorite color, your favorite childhood story book and your full name, and then slit your throat while I look you in the eyes.
I hate you. I HATE you. You hate me too. The difference is that apparently you thought I was joking. I wasn't. I hate you a thousand times more than you could ever hate me. I know leftists. You're weak. Cultureless. Childless. You don't understand what it means to threaten a man's children. You don't understand what it means to have your children threatened. You have no culture. You will never understand the depths of my hatred for you.
When I slice your belly open and run my fingers through your guts, I won't have done anything wrong. Everything I intend to do to you, I will do to protect my family. Every suggestion you make, every cry for peace or mercy, is a demand that I tolerate you threatening my little girls. Say something. Make an argument that I cannot immediately counter with "I know for a fact that you want my daughters raped." Go on. Say anything. Bring up porky or taxes or something gay like that. See how well it works. My argument is a knife. A long knife, sharpened on the pavement.
You are going to fucking die, and I will have done nothing wrong by killing you.
>Civil rights are being rolled back
[citation needed]
Sup Forums is a board of peace. i think you are confused
fuck you faggot OP
This isn't THEIR country, cunt.
>I have queer friends and minority friends who live in fear every day since Trump got elected.
Good, looks like our goal is coming to fruition
>see a Nazi punch a Nazi
>everyone I disagree with is a Nazi!
YOU created this problem and YOU have to deal with it not us.
You stupid fucking LARPing faggots couldn't leave well enough alone when obongo got in then you fucked my country up for 8 goddamn years with Marxist commie bullshit and then threw a hissy fit when you lost.
THIS ON YOUR FUCKIN HEAD you little cunt. I hope you're scalped and hanged with the niggers
Ha ha, fuck you.
There was a finish major of the artillery who destroyed up to 10 soviet tanks with an damaged anti tank cannon
The firing mechanism of the gun was broken, so he loaded the gun and fired it of by hitting the shell with the spike on the butt of an axe.
Fins are great
Breivik Jr incoming
Here, go on...take it.
Now go away, faggot
It's for the best.
Letting satanic transgender pedophile jews run the world would do people much more harm.
Those who have succumb to the illness of modern society can seek redemption, those who resist will be purged.
>Right-wing capitalism
Does. Not. Compute....
You should make him step on a legs brick just to be sure.
>being this scared of the edgy new counterculture
damn son if this is true that's fucking awful. i want you to know if i saw a nice Christian white girl about to be raped, I'd fucking do whatever it took to stop it even if it killed me. That's the best death I could possibly ask for.
Wtf are you talking about?!
You are winning in elections. Can't you see that we are the minority group, but your pushing normies onto our side by acting/voting the way you do.
You won't allow me to keep my way of life so why should I allow you to keep yours?
Someone's gotta lose and you "people" are self-destructive trash. Fuck off world ruiner.
>soulless materialism to the left of me
>mindless materialism to the right of me
Pick your poison. At least fascism seeks some greater meaning beyond shuffling wealth around, as though that was the only thing we care about.
big if true. im with you man
>their own country
It's not. It's my country and you're killing it.
>Fuck white people fuck white people fuck white people
>Boy you right wingers sure are undermining all the progress we've made towards equality
I unironically think I'm becoming fascist what's wrong with that?
Left is brainwashed neo kikes
nothing you're on the right track
Mmmm... Nah.
>Watches corporate propaganda all day
>"In today's news REEE Trump is Hitler"
>"Like literally Hitler guys freak out right now be AFRAID"
>OMG it's coming the news said so
>Why are these right wingers making us so scared?!?
Quite consuming Trump hate porn every day and maybe your dumb friends won't be so scared all the time.
Kill them all Kamerad
Yah me too I really hope it is a phase like my commie phase. Continuing on like this is such suffering.
>Innocent good people with families working hard.
No, you fuck. No wonder you inbreds need to be gassed.
>Maybe you are threatened?
Everyone is their own hero commie-chan and everyone is fighting for their beliefs.
You or us can't help everyone.
End of discussion.
its not a phase - its the future
>You guys really need to stop seriously you're fucking harming innocent people with your "memes" and revival of dangerous ideas
>Commie Flag
We don't need to make hilarious memes to protect people from (((Communism))). We do it because it is fucking hilarious to make fun of you Leftie cunts.
>I get it haha meme transgressive humor irony and all but it's starting to really undo all the progress we've made towards equality and that's not cool at all
Equality of Outcome isn't equality. The only equality you will bring about is equal death to non-loyalists and suffering.
>You are creating a new neofascist movement and oppressed groups are fcking terrified and its distracting us from solving the real issues so just cool it with the jokes maybe?
You are the fucking joke.
The Nazis saw you as a joke when you ran around Weimar, Germany and trashed the place for the proletariat and your ideology brought forth Hypercapitalism in Russia, China hybridized but still retains authoritarian control. You also brought forth scores of dead to bring forth your grand revolution.
Let's face it: You are a Commie because you are a deadbeat loser who wants the rules changed for being unproductive in a Capitalist society to benefit your own lazy ass and you were taught revisionist history about your ideology. And if you seriously think you are the oppressed class, you are sadly mistaken. You are nothing more than the bourgeois element being used by (((them))) to enact their visions and exploit your ass. Then when your usefulness is done or you become compromised, you will have wasted your life and thrown under a bus.
Get fucked, shitheel.
Your friends were raised to be pussies and you are buying into MSM's lies word per word without doing proper research.
You are losing your access to welfare and free money and you are calling it a violation to civil rights? You shouldn't even be accepting handouts from the Government, you fucking retard. The welfare state is the ultimate slave tool to sucker morons into voting for bigger government.
>the future
That is wildly optimistic, but I suppose that is a better outlook than the alternative.
yeah nah fuck off cunt, we won. Go do something useful with your life. Get a job for a start. While you spend your time larping, some of us are actually fighting the fascist state that has existed for the past 50+ years.
I love your conviction and savagery.
you're looking at a very brief section of time and assuming it will last forever
>complaining about the revival of dangerous ideas
Is this because of the posters I put up around campus?
>Memes are creating a Neo-Fascist movement
does this mean meme magic is real?
>you're fucking harming innocent people with your "memes" and revival of dangerous ideas
I really hope we are.
PS there are no innocent people anymore.
Great sounds good
>I have queer friends and minority friends who live in fear every day
Extremely accurate.
I hope I get to serve under you at the death camps.
>5:00 am, April 20th 2027
>commandant user still refuses to employ the gas chambers, insists on killing all communist prisoners with his bare hands
equality is oppression
civil rights aren't real
If you makes you feel any better your daughter won't have black kids when she is still a little girl. She will wait until she is 16 or 17 before she starts. It will largely be because she hates you and your aggressive nonsense. By then though the diabetes from your morbid obesity will be so taxing that you will be in zero physical shape to take on one of her many babys daddys. It won't be a leftist which gets her burning coal, it will have been you.
C'mon guizzz, Diversity!! Right?
Let's hug a beaner, open our hearts and wallets to kikes, wipe our ass with our hand in solidarity with the shit skins and get rid of math for the common nigger cause numbas be rasict.
AOTY desu
>have queer friends and minority friends who live in fear every day since Trump got elected
Uh huh.
Just a troll. Not a true communist. Remember the teachings of Lenin? The worse things are, the better. The worse the lower class has it, the closer they come to the ideals of the liberals. Bring on the revolution.
The problem you cucks dont see is that the lower class has gravitated toward conservatism. This is the point at which Commies openly show disdain for the poor/lower class. If the poor/workers don't align to liberal views, they are racists and we hate them.
Fuck you.