>Accuses you of Sexual Harassment
>Guilty until proven innocent
>Career destroyed
>Rich meme Mayor calling for resignation
Sexual Harassment Meme
Democrats declaring war on each other.
>Elected based on looks alone
>Pull the sexual harassment meme trick
It's ok for Chads to flirt, but if you are balding and ugly, you will be punished.
>B..b..but I'm a politician, looks had nothing to do with my election
How the fuck are unwanted advances sexual harassment? Do you know how broad that is?
"would you like to go on a date?"
life ruined
Sir are you making sexual advances? I'm a proud attractive woman married to a chad, career destroyed!
Guys... I was totally elected because of my political experiences and not my looks!
Umm , excuse me your honor, but this white male just made advances towards me. Consequences will never be the same.
>yfw Sup Forums too busy arguing about Europe to bump your legitimate thread about the most liberal state in the union using feminism to remove white males.
The fact that you have a vagina that You will not let me access, and a pair of breasts that you will not let me place my penis in between and you will not let me ejaculate all over is sexual harassment.
>yfw this was the first move to remove white males from politics and Sup Forums too busy arguing semantics to realize.
What looks tho
>It's ok for Chads to flirt, but if you are balding and ugly, you will be punished.
fuck off jew, it's all going to burn
H...he.....he asked me on a date. I was extremely offended by this gesture. He opened his hand and waved at me. This sexual harassment has led to years of depression. Please make this right, vote for me in 2018.
Those tits.
Prepare for your new Goverment USA, challenge us and we will file sexual harassment allegations that will be proven by our attractiveness.
She's showing her photos of her being cucked by black cock. (Factual) No sexual harassment complaint. Until .... someone asks her out. Bitch.
It's sexual harassment that all those girls REFUSED to have an orgy while I watched.
>yfw aspiring political career is ruined because you allegedly asked a woman for her number.
Why does she smile with all possible force she can? Looks fucking weird. Completely unnatural.
>mfw a man tries to explain looks don't matter in politics
nice smile big tits
that's all a woman needs in this world
>This kills the conservative party
A lot of cum can fit in that mouth.
>you will never ask a girl out and have your career ruined as a result.
Is that her?
>You will never work up the courage to ask out the qt politician in your district on a date and be forced to resign the next day.
That same exact fake basic bitch smile in EVERY PHOTO. Does she have a real face, or does she just walk around looking like Jaws from james bond?
Yes, this woman ruined a mans career because he was lonely. She already panders to Muslims.
>yfw one woman brings down the entire democratic system by crying wolf and Sup Forums is too busy arguign semantics to awaken.
>Arrested for driving with a suspended license three times.
>Drinks on the job
>Career in the dirt so you cry sexual harassment and the white knights revive your career to mayoral status.
Literal 56% face
I will give her a point for being loyal to her man. But deduct 10 points for doing a sexual harassment complaint.
Give her a point:
> Insert cock into her mount and ejaculate
Deduct 10 points:
> Insert analy with no lube, with donkey punch
A rare picture of Sup Forums spotted abandoning politics to take a stream with mega milkies.
Please tell me they milked her.
>you will never serve your state for years just to have your career ruined for asking for a g/f.
Umm... excuse me. Did you just imply you put more work into your political career than my dad paying for my education and my genetic superiority?
No ma'am , I'm just lonely and wanted a g/f. So sorry for asking you on date, please let me live.
Just imagine all the naked selfies and homemade lesbian porn on that phone
Umm, did you really just assume my gender? Stop harassing me! I earned this position on intelligence alone.
open bob
So sorry ma'am. Please accept my apology.
Why do liberal women age like milk?
If I am comparing the pictures right, it looks like in a matter of months she went from latina qt to a brownish debbie wasserman shultz. WTF?
>yfw even teh gays can't save you
>implying I won't be a strong beautiful woman deep into my 80s...
>your career will never be ended by a titty politician in the most liberal state.
We won Sup Forums, your refusal to bump this thread has caused the SJW movement to fully takeover your government. Prepare to apologize.
Man, it must really suck for these pig ass white men. A bubbly 27 year old woman is crushing the piss out of their balls and there's fuck all they can do about it.
Srsly, Quade for fucking Governor.
The nasty little incel would be wife beater who keeps posting her pics in this thread must jerk off to the wet dreams where Erin puts her brown feet on his face.
>mfw lifetime salary paid for by Sup Forums even after multiple crimes and lies.
Thanks for the support, we both can wait in line for that mystical szechuan sauce for upvotes!
>He fell for my beard.
LMAO, just like NFL fans believing Rodgers is straight!
virgin freshman in the blue shirt with the disney channel haircut
>leans over
>all these women, my odds are good
>on second thoughts, its all headscarves, lesbos, and fatties
>man this school sucks
who else spotted the QT in the zigzag shirt? I'll fuck the feminism out of her
shouldnt the white guy be working and the black guy debo'ing the tv?
> caring about america
nigger we got our own problems
serves him right for asking a women out while ugly
Reminds me of Hilary's smile. I'm starting to think these female democratic politicians are all crazy.
I'm confused
> white men up the back where they belong
>implying if you aren't a liberal with a beard to bring in the homosexual vote while being non white it's not an auto win to 50 years of politics in Minnesota
You guys do realise this is basically the Anita Sarkeesian of politics...
>Pretends to care about politics
>Finds female beard to legitimize SJW feminist position while proving weekly BBC
>Tears down her competition with false complaints.
Sad you guys are too busy with Euro politics to be aware of this.
That side boob tho
Never fails