You know the best part of the Roy Moore scandal?

You know the best part of the Roy Moore scandal?

If the Democrats and establishment Republicans are going to such lengths to try to destroy him, that means then it's something that they really care about. It also gives the runoff nationwide attention, leading leftists to get their hopes up, thinking they may actually win something.

All of that is going to make it so much sweater when Moore wins easily. I can't wait to see leftists hopes get destroyed just one more time, in 2017.

It's actually a really bad sign

That means they will force him out even if he wins

It's funny because now you defend pedophilia

They were counting on Strange for something.

It’s afraid


"Obama" raped me when I was a student at Columbia. He raped my friends too. This is why his records are sealed. Obama is an ass raping rapist who rapes people.

nothing happended

Didn't they try to pull an underage mystery girl on Trump too that never materialized?

Jerry Brown touched me, down there, back when we attented seminary.


They're going back to the exact same playbook they used against Trump, except this time the vote is confined to Alabama, which makes me wonder why they're even bothering.

Actually he F her in the A

It's probably fake news... who broke it? O yea, WAPO


>An accusation is irrefutable proof.
I (you)r dad sucking on (you)r weewee.

He's going to win
>his statement he made is very confirming
>the left does this all the time
>the mad man had a gun on stage
>we're talking about fucking bama
>we need to meme this guy in

Can you show me where he touched you ?

It will be funny when it turns out the only people who get taken down by all the sex abuse allegations flying around are kikes and leftist cucks.

I think this is to take the heat off of IOTBW honestly. Media is buttblasted into a gay death spiral now.

Nobody cares anymore, especially in a case where the only underage one came back for seconds. It's being used as a convenient political cudgel, but nobody actually cares about the substance of it.

If one of these gals is his cousin, then Ill still vote for him.

More like Uranium one and Awan - DWS

Moore is kind of a divisive candidate in other regards, the supposed 11 point lead he has comes from a poll that oversampled Republicans. According to the Fox poll, many barely even know who Jones is and are simply going to vote against Moore. I expect there's going to be even more of that after this.

I'm not counting on his victory. I've seen more Jones signs in my area than Moore signs. Granted I live near a larger city, but I'm also in the district led by Rep Mo Brooks, who's even farther right than Moore. Brooks came in third against Moore and Strange in the primaries back in August, and if his voters aren't feeling Moore, it could be some bad news for us.



Def going to win, gaaahhhhhDAM i cant believe dishonest dems still spending money to slander people. Lesson not learned. Im not eveb sure it helped keep virginia blue, may have hurt in that case. Just. Not. Enough. Btw fuck dems/repubs. Always maga

Is this it? Wher moar sauz

>More like Uranium one and Awan - DWS
>whistleblowers are bringing up earlier and earlier rape and sexual abuse

It's snowballing into a leftist led purity check against paedophiles amongst their own

you are such a faggot

They are pissed because they wanted Luther Strange.

The allegation isn't proven completely and 14 year old isn't pedophilia. It is creepy though.

Then again, the Republicans did put in a man who allegedly suplexed a reporter and he won anyways.

We are also talking about Alabama. The Democrat running against him is a Soros shill and loyalist.

If he wins, I will laugh my ass off.

You fags ran around screaming about pizzagate all year

Guess we know why you enjoyed talking about pedohiles so much

>pizzagate - no proof - anons are convinced 100%

>roy moore - gets called out by a woman - REEEEEEE

Sup Forums confirmed for pedo enablers

I live in alabama and can tell you he will win and these claims are false. Parents have voted for him for years and the state loves him.

>Grand old pedophiles

He's going to win even greater now that the establishment jumped in and pushed for him to step aside.

you mean degenerate drug addict

Haha yeah, defending Pedophiles is awesome!

Nice bait! Hope it works out for you user! Don't you think it's weird that something from 1979 comes up a month before voting?

Of course he'd gonna win, it's Alabama. Everyone's a pedophile there.

When you go full blown schizophrenic on pol and defend pedos

>I think this is to take the heat off of IOTBW honestly.

LOL you think Sup Forums matters.

14 is pedophilia, you fucking pedophile

Bet you're one of the ones who wants it accepted 'but would never do anything'


And yet Hollywood is doing the damage for us.

We are getting sexual assault accusations, charges and damage to their careers.

Corey Feldman and Elijah Wood and a few others hinted at the child porn and pedo rings. The former is now raising money to carry out a private investigation and (((they))) are trying everything to stop him.

The Mueller Investigation can get into Podesta's affairs if they go through Manafort and Gates III.

Hell, Salon gave a platform to a pedophile and tried to normalize him. ANTIFA has an alliance with MAMBLA.


Not today, jew vermin.

>Granted I live near a larger city, but I'm also in the district led by Rep Mo Brooks, who's even farther right than Moore

At some part you become far right that you share appeal with moderate Dems. It's kind of the blur between Donald Trump and someone like Jim Webb. Two different parties, but similar appeals.

So the chance for Brooks supporters to go for Doug Jones might be likely.

16*. I double checked after I posted that.

>14 is pedophilia, you fucking pedophile
>Bet you're one of the ones who wants it accepted 'but would never do anything'

Kind of funny you come to this conclusion over a typo.


if it isn't deliciously flat it isn't pedophilia

my highschool era gf has the same cup size at 20 she had at 13. Creepy uncouth above the belt interaction between a minor and a guy in his late 20's is creepy. Democrats buying little boys and sodomizing them is pedophillia.