Don't you kids have moms? Was she mean to you? Was she a single mother and you always thought she drove your father away?
Why the misogyny?
That isnt how psychology works
Gucic Gang
" Obama" raped me when I was a student at Columbia. He raped my friends too. This is why his records are sealed. Obama is an ass raping rapist who rapes people.
Can someone please unblur the text so we can see what shitpost thread the interns had to screencap during production?
Sup Forums doesn't hate women, we hate degenerate sluts and braindead "i like to travel, help poor inferior minorities and suck cock" type women
Upstanding women with integrity are fine.
>Don't you kids have moms?
That's blood, family. The one thing feminists are desperate to destroy and replace with the state.
Due to feminists I'm an unironic misogynist.
Don't be sad. The boogieman you made up is real now, so you're not just crazy cat ladies!
kids hate their moms.
No my Mother died of asphyxiation because she was an abusive alcoholic who horrifically burned me when I was a child by pouring boiling liquid over my face. Now I'm a freak, raised by a freak Mother who didn't even have the decency to be alive. My Father is the only person in the world to support me and he was basically her whipping boy for the past 20 years until she croaked. Was that the answer you were looking for?
that a cool dog
We need to run to the media with this claim. When will democrats disavow???
Did she mean to hurt you like that or was it an accident that likely haunted her for her remaining days? Not that it matters and certainly not germane to the thread, but just curious. Something similar happened to me.
Women are retarded in 2017 because of mass culture sexual revolution and media conditioning along with some biological evolutionary factors that are being exacerbated by said things.
Most blokes on here feel betrayed by the women around them:
>riding the feminazi wave
>welcoming refugees to replace them
>embracing degeneracy
That and watching too much porn:
>the only women you share an emotional connection with (even if it's only a 1 way connection) are all total massive sluts getting up to all sorts of debauchery - which you like watching but hate that you like it
Altogether it is a recipe for hatred towards women.
Do you know most of the hate on women on the interwebs in perpetrated by other women, i am not talking boipussy but there are more femanon here than you imagine there is.
>not using 4chanx
Fake and gay.
It was 100% malicious. She was most likely insane.
I know you're kidding, but no bullshit at all hand before God Bill Richardson came up to me once in his hotel room with an open bathrobe and his erect dick out. I worked for the hotel and was just bringing up champagne and chocolate covered strawberries to his room. Knocked twice and just went in when nobody answered and then this greasy fucker came out looking for action. No bullshit.
Nothing happened because I left and didn't really give a shit, but with all the hookers coming out crying because someone tried to bang them 30 years ago, I was wondering if I should try to make a few shekels off it. Then I realized that in today's climate where having sex with a drunk bitch is rape even if you're drunk too, then all me telling my story would do is serve to out me as the biggest serial rapist in Albuquerque history when busted-ass ugly one night stands who've been looking for me ever since they woke up looking like a glazed donut with an empty purse sees my pic and decides on some payback. Oh well.
This user is correct. Half of all misogynistic abuse by twitter trolls is done by females.
My mother was a decent person, just a bit lost.
But I fucking hate fat slobs getting in my face about fatphobia, I hate the "oh you are heartless if you don't like refugees" crap other women pull.
I think guys don't understand that women live in a world where you'll never punch someone you dislike, but rather you completely ostracize them and cut them off all their social network. And nowadays they do this just because you don't have the right ideas. They won't reconsider it in the face of baffling logic and they constantly accuse you of being heartless if your heart lies with your own people rather than brown ones. The only people that still talk to me about politics since redpilling are male friends - women can't and won't hear about it, because if they do not go along with the leftie ideal they get booted from the group. It takes someone slightly fucking in the head or being part of a redpilled group to have a redpilled woman.
Maybe towards E-celebs, but there's plenty of autists on here who run into the problems I've described and rage about "fucking degenerate white women" etc etc
Because the only thing I’m particularly interested in women is to be in a long-term, loving relationship with them but the chance to get into a loving, extremely stable relationship like my mum and dad’s is virtually non-existant at present, thanks to incredibly entitled women and the hookup culture. It seems like the only girls my age left have zero loyalty; they will happily chat away, but they will always make excuses not to meet or just plain stop replying after a while. And I live in a small town, there aren’t exactly a lot of single 18-21 year old girls out there.
>they will happily chat away but make excuses not to meet or just plain stop replying after a while
What are you doing wrong user? Something is making you repulsive to women.
Jesus. When you call yourself a "freak" are you referring to a scarred face from when she burned you or are you calling yourself that because of the distorted worldview she left you with?
Being too nice probably. Its so true, being nice gets you nowhere in general
Yes she did just that
Well I better control how I express myself so as not to hurt your feefees.
How do you know that it wasn't you who drove your father away? Maybe she was insecure and told your dad she was on the pill. Maybe dad tried the usual pull out method of birth control and it failed?
I get that there are a bunch of dumb sluts in the world who do their damndest to trap men, but it isn't always a one-way street and it is your fucking mom.
Can't females get a little bit of love here?