NZFag here...

NZFag here. What's the best course of action available to me now that New Zealand has a literal democratic socialist who supports third wave feminism and mentally-ill gays (trans)?

Me and Russian fiancee are both redpilled, don't give a shit about staying here and have reasonable finances behind us.

Should we leave? Is it better than I think it is? Or are we just actually fucked.

Also, side-question: Which state is the best red state?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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>Russian fiancee
You should fuck off. Racemixing son of a bitch.

you should definitely over react and move just because you don't like the results of the system

im sure it offends muslims such as yourself


I dunno, NZ is a pretty solid place to wait out a nuclear war...

Pure Anglo mate (which I will concede is Muslim now, fucking kikes and all that).

Natonal sold us all out to the chinks, now we're two steps away from National Socialism

Seems like NZ is a pretty nice place to live. I don't know where you could flee to that seems better.

lol, no, the people here are cucked as fuck and auckland is like less than 25% white already..

It's been heading towards the cliff for decades, only now have we kicked into high gear desu

I'm a fucking hideous chud who had to outsource love but at least my kids will have white skin. Maori/muslim/chink please die

>Russian fiance

>Russian fiancee
Isn't there a program in Russia where you can get land in the far east for basically nothing? Was your fiancee born on Russia?

I fucking hate people who tell me how good my country is. I've already lived abroad. Australia won't have us because they know all too well that New Zealand is on the tracks to become Venezuela 2.0

>I'm a fucking hideous chud
Then don't breed. Disgusting that you'd outsource 'love' just so you can pollute if not our gene pool, worse than you do, then our nation.

Her mother literally absorbs Putin propaganda through a straw. Kinda made her not so patriotic.

I don't know anything about that. I'll ask her, though. She was born in Russia fo' sho.

Fuck off traitor

Literally go anywhere south Auckland, and I'm sure you have.

This country's #1 baby name will be Muhammed by 2020 I fucking guarantee you.

Enjoy your divorce once she has citizenship.

try going to back to china u dirty chang butthurt Nats voter

Stop being so fucking dramatic this dumb bitch and our gov in general have fuck all power in reality.

Yes because loveless hags and degenerates import people to fill their lives.

Yes in Siberia. The Russian Homestead Act foreigns who live their for 5 years can still get the land, but its only for 300 people
Stay and help turn the tide

Sounds ever so pleasant.

>2 steps away from National Socialism
Our PM wants to eradicate the ““““““Gender pay gap””””””””
You’re fucking deluded mate. Our feminist commie prime minister will run the country into the ground with ridiculous SJW policies

>get land in the far east for basically nothing?
It's a piece of frozen wasteland in Siberia.

It get to like 55-60 degrees in the summer

so "based Winnie" isn't going to reign that bitch in?

Hey, I never turn down free shit.

She's a figurehead for the cancer that's been spreading for decades.

I mean, yeah, but she's highly educated so at least better than Paki Deli from Bangladesh with his actual fake degree in I.T.

And you're living in the Taiga. Sounds little less than pleasant.

No. He sold you out for SuperGold™.

Soooo much better. Our life style may get muddied and bastardized so you can 'muh dick' but at least she's smart.

Daily reminder this chinese navy vessel stops in auckland harbour annually. BuY aNuthA bEer BrO cHiLL

guess we're going to have to do it ourselves boys

Oh and shes a female trudeau, maybe even more masculine than him.

That’s pretty aesthetic.. I’ll make a better one though

>reverse image search
>Chinese Spy Ship Stops Auckland

What in the fuck?

They only got 7%. There wasn't much to sell out tb.h. At least from an accelerationist point of view, the government will do well. Gonna be an interesting 3 years lad


Need's laser eyes.


we nazis nau

>seppo journo moves to nz
>writes shitty fake news for wapo
>claims NZF is neo nazi white supremacy
>get BTFO by everyone for how retarded he is

I saw it way back in 2010 docked. Made me way too paranoid. Shitty kiwis taking photos next to it. God dammit there are some naive fools here.

Its been back over and over. Army make swears it sucks up all wifi data for a few days then leaves.

Reminder Phil Goff took 250k cash from NZ chinese society, after selling a donated and signed book of Xi Jinpings autobiography.

I fear our whole media is COMPED.

So Ron Asher is right? Their is a conspiracy to turn NZ into a vassal state of China


Given we have an """""ex"""""" Chinese spy as an MP and we know National gets a lot of funding of Chinese interests, it's not a stretch.

move to a swing state


What the fuck.


>t. Cuck


Move to Colorado

Holy fuck.. good listen thanks user

Bide your time and invest your money. When she destroys your economy and people can't stand it, they will vote her out, unless mudslimes move in.

If you want to move, you are better off moving to a hard line Republican state that has decent job opportunity and is affordable.

You're going to stay and fight you cunt

opinions on this fasces nz flag lads?

Yes, fuck off salty idiot.

Which state really depends what you're looking for, although in the US the county matters more than the state. The state is typically an indicator of the counties however. For example, some parts of California are more conservative than Austin, Texas. Long as you aren't on the West Coast or in the Northeast you should be pretty comfy. Some parts of the Northeast are really quite pretty and very white, but the people can insufferable at times

You should definitely fuck off, and don't let the door hit you in the arse on the way out

Kiwi are the worst people on this shit of a rock we all live on...self-righteous piece of shits

Kiwis are dumb as fuck but they do learn (then forget later)
National will win by a landslide next 3 years after this socialist government falls to bits.
Mark my words

we're basically poms who've been on holiday all our lives but with shit educations

>a fucking faggot

>I'm a fucking hideous chud who had to outsource love but at least my kids will have white skin.
How'd you find her man?

>tfw hoping there'd be a /nzpol/ thread tonight

>imma giant pussy and run away from a scrap

good thing you're leaving faggot

so true

Pic related.

Our education isn't that bad, it's bilingual unlike a lot of English speaking countries, our literacy rate is also 99.0%.

Nice soros meme retard

>Army make swears it sucks up all wifi data for a few days then leaves.
Tell your army make to stage a military coup

National were going to allow even more chinks and poos into the country. Something had to change.
Daily reminder:

Also TPP has been wrecked by that faggot trudeau. Maybe now we can have a trade agreement without all the bullshit.

Move to russia then faggot.
You can help the fsb even more there.

Nobody's proud that we berated that fat cow off twitter?

>trade agreements
It's like you're into sucking globalist cock

Fuck it it's about cooking smart

You should be happy.

Maybe fuck off to Russia where its so much better.

You think Sir John Key didn't support third wave feminism and mentally-ill gays (trans)?

I hope peru fucks you up

Endure the storm, we will only have these newage trendy hippie fuckers for a decade or so. Everything will stablize over time.


Prepare for the economy to tank and house prices to drop. Then get in and get your first homes if you dont own one yet. Start saving a deposit now. Also i hate poeple like you OP i was born here and i will die here. I aint no pussy faggot like OP. What are you running from there aint no civil war or police state yet. Get the fuck outside and do shit summers coming.

There was a shitload of NZ cunts on Sup Forums shilling this stupid commie whore during the elections.

I'd bug the fuck out, m8. Your country is full of absolute dumbcunts, and it's about to go to hell. That idiot will completely fuck your country with immigrants and insane policies, and the worst part is that there's New Zealanders out there than actually believe she's a good thing. Get the fuck out now while you still can.

Polite sage
But fuck the young nats and your whole world view, neoliberal scum
Dork islanders pretending to even know how to bug out, laughable as fuck

richfag here looking to buy up a station or farm in south island
>inb4 chink

should i start a Sup Forums cult like gloriavale?

There is nowhere to go, all western countries will be like that.

Don't leave. Protect your shit because you're the final outpost when the war for Europe is lost

If you're not a chink just buy a farm
The further south the whiter

What the fuck are you even doing here you leftwing faggot? Fuck off back to neogaf.

I will never understand the left. You fucking idiots want to be friends with the people who would see you dig your own grave and shot in the back of the skull. The absolute definition of a useful idiot to communists.

Ncea is a joke bro.
You're proud that every kid gets taught to read hairy mclairy, and about how ebul the white man is, bullying dem poor tangata whenua?

Nobody takes us seriously, and less so now that fucking Mr Ed is our pm.

"so jacinda, what would you do if potus calls to ask if you wanna go rek the norks?"
"ummm so I'd tell him to 'calm down, take a deep breath and think things through sweetheart' then I'd get a panel. You know, we'd get some experts to really talk things over."
This is our glorious leader.

She thinks there's a pay gap. What's her fucking salary been for the last few years you reckon?

Bu bu but based Winnie has her under control

Whatever happen to that Curwen faggot anyway?

>everyone who isn't a neoliberal faggot is left wing
Young nats are chink lovers
You'd think after Winnie BTFO you faggots you would have left but I guess not

Nigger detected, anyone who doesn't understand the white nationalist subtleties of Hairy Maclairy is not huwhite

I chuckled.

Stop being a fucking drama queen. The whole western world is in the same boat.

Out of the gate
and off for a walk
went Hairy Maclary
from Donaldson’s Dairy

grow up fag lmao
>throws a hissy fit when a democratic election doesn't go his way
>decides to move like an overreacting little bitch
imagine being this cucked

The last time I went to New Zealand, I couldn't help but notice how many people went barefoot in public. Are you guys too poor to afford footwear or just unhygienic? I couldn't wrap my head around it.

And Hercules morse
As big as a horse
With Hairy Mclairy
From Donaldsons dairy