Alright, which one of you cunts did this?

Alright, which one of you cunts did this?


Th@s fucken cheeki m8

Fucking Brilliant

"Obama" raped me when I was a student at Columbia. He raped my friends too. This is why his records are sealed. Obama is an ass raping rapist who rapes people.

That is genius because that's exactly what they are. Don't let the public forget WHY we are building little concrete walls in every major city.

This should be the next poster campaign btw

This is the campaign London and NYC deserve.

Yes. Yes.

Seriously, let's make this the next poster campaign.

Even comes with glory hole. You guys think up of everything.

Here, go on...take it.

bollard? thats not a real word

What happens when shitposting is made illegal in Australia?
And yes, it will happen.


Preposterous. The word exists with its own definition and semantics.

What else are you going to try to discredit? That Australia doesn't actually exist and it's all just a complex ruse to fool us all?

This is why we need to stop teaching American English in Japan.

We already have laws against "hate speech" but nobody gives a shit. One guy got criminally charged for "inciting hatred toward muslims" or some shit though

Question is, where can I get more of those stickers?

>bollard? thats not a real word

Bollard is a derogatory word for American in Australia. I think it's rhyming slang? Can't remember.

Our cops are so incompetent that they couldn't organise a fuck in a brothel

>they teach american english in japan
lmao at these american school teachers.

Is that so? Not sure either.

Either way bollards get in the way of things so it'd be fitting to use it as a pejorative descriptor.

Unless you get caught doing 104 in a 100 zone then they rape you and take your money

Nobody could be arsed enforcing pom-style hate speech laws, it'd just get chucked in volume crimes and ignored.

>Has-been Imperialists pokes fun of Americans despite still having a Queen and using the term "wheeley-bin"


>Is that so?

There are a few esoteric terms still kicking about from previous conflicts. That one was from the war of 1812 when we helped burn down your white house, and there's seppo from the 2nd world war as well.


american english is appalling.

It’s sad that it has to come to this. Of course western governments would sooner make trucks illegal before admitting they have an Islam problem. It makes no sense, these people bring nothing positive to western society, but yet they refuse to get rid of them.

they'll be fucked because that's all aussies do

It makes a lot more sense once you realise Western Governments just might be intentionally making their own countries shittier importing shitskins


And we use "z" (pronounced "zee" not "zed") because it makes everything EXTREME and cool.

Um, what about all of the mooselimb doctors and scientists? :)

Interesting and hilarious. Australians were shitposting before shitposting was a thing. Must be bred into you Aussies. Without a doubt, a great and terrible power has been bestowed upon you.

This, Australia has got to be one of the easiest places on earth to be a cop, there's hardly any guns or shitskins, 99.99% of their job is just doing RBTs and other shit that only requires a two digit IQ

Just to clarify how bad the incompetency is...

Could an Australian police officer beat a pineapple in chess?

>Could an Australian police officer beat a pineapple in chess?

If the pineapple wasn't allowed to play any known strategies.

Only if the pineapple is wasted on grog

That's nothing.

Right in the feelings

Get some planks and launch a van over the top. Would be pretty lulzy to see a muslim dukes of hazard in munich.

Well let me put it this way:some high ranking police chief here actually got caught drink-driving a couple of years ago, if that's the average intelligence of high ranking officers you can probably image what the average beat cop is like, on the bright side they're usually pretty nice and they've never searched me even when I stank of weed.

>tfw when reinforced concrete tells more truth than your own leaders

I miss based tones.

It is all nigger and loser weeks who want to love in Japan because they think they'll get some good pussy, when no attractive women in america wanted them.



man i was going past Burke street the other day and i seen these things place at the beginning of the street.. It was almost fucking heart breaking to see and it pisses me off so badly that its come to this. we MUST get real about this fucking religion and by that i mean no more mosques, no more islamic immigration and no popularizing of Islamic culture in this country. This shit needs to be stopped and slowly weeded out of the country all together.




Guys, I just sneezed so hard I have some blood coming out of my piss hole. Should I eat some fruit or something?

We used the word bollard for posts that block traffic at the university where I worked. In California.
But I didn't know the word before working there.

Bollard of Peace
Culturally Enriched Bollard
Diversity Is Our Strength Bollard

smells blue in here

gotta drink it up for maximum nutritional efficiency lad

Go fuck a citrus

Genius, this must become a meme

Mind the Jihad

I don't understand why the article calls it a "joke sticker" when the sticker is describing exactly what it is.

Cheeky cunt
Damage control I suppose