Huh, guess that ends that argument then.
Huh, guess that ends that argument then
>you need brain damage to like immigrants and not believe in god
Sounds about right.
No, you need to have been born with a malformed brain to believe in God and hate immigrants.
Come here goys, time for your daily sanctioned conditioning!
Sweet, can't wait to get brainwashed for real into loving muslim cock
Do they expect the government to pay for this shit too?
having a threat processing centre in the brain doesn't seem like a malformation
I read years that some study found out parts of the brain are 'illuminated' of you believe in god which are otherwise less active.
Good luck with that. My brain's fucking hardwired to oppose immigration.
>Direct medical intervention in the brain causes changes in perception of reality
>therfore these elements of reality are not real
whoa...made me think
Pretty much this.
And they can erase your brain with magnets, buts they can't touch your soul.
>it's only fake news when I want it to be
Can they disable the brain stem in Muslims?
>lobotomizing people makes them more docile, study finds
>the default human brain that is the greatest evolutionary artifact in 3.5 billion years is damaged, and those that are missing something aren't
>We must oppose immigrants
>How so?
>God wills it
(((Micah))) Ferden
sounds Jewy
Unveil the third eye and awaken true perception fellow seekers!
>by shutting down threat-processing area in the brain
It's safe to assume that those people won't be afraid of venomous spiders. There's a reason why our brains are made to hate immigrantion. It helped us survive.
>You need brain damage to like immigrants and believe in god
Yes shut down the threath processing part of the brain that recocnizes that higher crime rates increases the likelyhood you can get refugeed.
ive got a third eye you can smell
Actually these parts of the brain are more active than usual, if you dampen them they return back to normal.
this exact post is made every single time this thread is made
which to date has been 255 (FF)
More like
>We must oppose immigrants
>How so?
>They are extremely hostile
>The natural state of the majority of people for millennia is because of brain damage
well huh...
Why won't they figure out where to put magnets to stop people being faggots? Seems like a big investment to kill religion
man, sometimes i just cant contain my happiness about be living in a irrelevant part of the world. you guys up north are so fucked
But if that's the case, then where's the 5th eye?
>sit at computer all day everyday for probably a year with big headphones
>actually lose all ambition to do anything at all including take simple walks
huh i guess its not my fault
Sounds about right.
>this .gif
super high velocity lead applied to liberal brains eliminates stress and worry. creatds piece of mind.
seems like this is the part responsible for the big five trait conscientiousness, so disabling it would also make you a lazy cunt with no disgust response
You have to be white and upper class to want immigrants because thats what they are being taught. Go to any non-white country and see for yourself
nah fuck what were being told
>If we interfere with the normal workings of the brain, it can reach fucked up conclusions
No surprise here.
We should all just get lobotomized. Itd like, solve so many problems!
>liberal mindset
I don't know. I'm pretty atheistic and I completely hate people and politicians who slobber on immigrant cock.
Is this how Jews were able to reach such wicked heights?
Magnets weaken parts of the brain that help connect to reality?
>By shutting down the threat-processing centre of the brain, scientist weakened people's faith in God and made them less prejudiced
So a working, healthy mind identifies Atheism and immigrants as threats. Good to know.
Leftists please explain why we should listen to anything you say when this proves that you are brain damaged.
Absolutely nothing left to argue.
Time for day of the rope.
Everyone has a threat processing center, it is just stronger in some than in others.
some have been conditioned to completely disregard that protective instinct
It's like an illusion!
It kinda raises a good point though. We most certainly HAVE had terror attack news STORIES, but so many of them have been shady as fuck, covered in the taint of government psyops. What if they are merely a ruse? What if Islam is just as barbaric in text as the old/new testament, but its so called adherents are as soft as shit as modern day Christians?
Shooting certain people in the head can disable the part of their brain responsible for their need to disable other brains. These scientists should research how to watch their kids 24/7 before I slit their throats, and they should also research how to prevent me from cutting their breaks and telling them that their spouse is in the hospital. You know what I mean?
> shutting down threat-processing centre of brain
Only the Independent or Huffington Post is retarded enough to publish something like this. I'm betting on the former given the spelling of center.
The article explicitly implies that they can remove the hostility from the migrants.
We making progressives now.
Luckily I don't have a gun and technical know how to cut some brakes or cut their break time at work for that matter otherwise it could be a real threat to people who want to use magnets to fuck brains. You know?
Step away from the magnets
Scientists discover if they lobotomize you with MAGNETS HOW DO THEY FUKKEN WORK, then you'll become more willing to accept Atheism and passively accept Islamic invasion! (Don't worry, i'm sure atheism and islamism are compatible!)
not true, Ive held magnets to my head for extended periods of time and Im extremly right wing.
wait, did I have my magnets on backwards? maybe they need to reverse their magnets.
This world can be heaven or hell. Believing in God is fine and all but why on would you believe that it cares about us in the minutiae in the way the Abrahamic religions believe? I personally look at 'God' as more of a coder, that uses various lines of code to create existence, essentially by using procedural generation to create form in the universe. I also believe man and it's sentience was created with a different line of code to take God's messy 'no man's sky' style universe and form it into something comfortable, something God may one day wish to visit and live with us, and in doing so eventually man will become akin to God's ourselves.
And others are made slaves to it
Bet your just neck deep in (((magnets)))
People have believed in God a lot longer than they haven't. More people believe in god then don't. They aren't over active. Your just a bit dim. But we have tax bought programs for that :)
If we reverse the polarity of the magnets, can we send threat processors into overdrive and turn ANTIFA fashy?
What are you establishing as the baseline, because what's clear is that paranoiacs are going to believe in higher powers and dear immigrants. That shit ain't healthy.
I don't like immigrants and don't believe in god.
What do?
So did any of you faggots ITT (especially OP) even read the damn article? It's clearly stated that they selected candidates who were "politically moderate" and had no dysfunctions or disorders neurologically. When researchers temporarily decreased activity in the threat-processing center of the brain using trans-cranial magnetic stimulation, the stimulated group saw ~30% decrease in negative responses to letters about immigration (compared to the control group). All that the researchers concluded is that there's a link between activity in the threat processing center(s) of the brain and certain societal concepts such as perception of immigrants criticizing your country and belief in God while contemplating death.
Quit being fucking retarded and making uneducated conjectures beyond the scope of the research, it has nothing to do with brain damage.
This post is under-appreciated as fuck
Also to add to this, it has nothing to do with generic views on immigration or belief in God. The context was very important in this research because they utilized a letter written by an immigrant who was criticizing this country, which is intended to be viewed/processed as a threat. Likewise, the questions about religion were in relation to the contemplation of death, which is also processed as a threat, just as the researchers intended.
Moral of the story is to read the source before saying something retarded.
or does it?
Magnets and frequencies can have the same affect on individuals
the government pumps a specific frequency into your home with new electricity meters on your house that can mess with your sleep cycle and give you mood swings
wow Sup Forums tards are fucking retarded
Fpbp leftards and atheist faggs confirmed menttally retarded.
How do magnets even work? Rofl.
G'day Moishe, how's the shilling today ?
>t. brain damaged liberal
>for millenia
what does that mean?
Pic related.
It makes me so sad the responses are what i feared, i didn't want it to be like this, i didn't want this to be real.
So you literally need brian damage to be an atheist faggot refugee lover? Makes total sense.
just ate 200 mg brownie please dont be mean to me
So disabling functional parts of the brain is the first thing they focus on rather than using it to actually improve brain function? Really thinks me make.
well it would have took you a 10th of the time and effort to simply look up the headline before shitting on others m8
Rather have your children be trucked than mine.
your right user, im sorry
Phase 2 needs to be about limiting Jewish nepotism to their fair diversity quota of 2%.
>"shutting down" parts of the brain
So liberals are partially brain dead?
your a fucking idiot
haha silly conservatives, we are studying how to edit their brains to think like us... WE ARE THE ANTI-AUTHORITARIANS!!
> lobotomy helps with indoctrination
Came in to post something like this - Glad to see Sup Forums is on the ball.
Funny how the irony of this is completely lost on leftists.
They just rehashing old news (God Helmet) & adding immigrants onto it.
God Helmet's good fun - like a trip