What happened to this guy?
What happened to this guy?
Twitter confirmed that he's still active. Either finally getting his act together and making a cohesive video this time or "researching" into even more bullshit in preparation for the spectacular failure yet. Probably the latter.
Hopefully brushing his scuzzy teeth. jesus christ he is grotty
he went to have his teeth cleaned....he's still there
dis guy
He doxxed Rage After Storm in a very SJWy manner, outing her to her employer and got raped by the online backlash. Ever since he is in hiding.
You missed his extremely kekworthy "Alt-Right BTFO" series that ended prematurely
>Donkey is a subspecies of horse
got owned by the alt-kike and is going through an ideological crisis
I don't remember much of kraut and tea except the one video of his I watched where he was unwinding the mental pretzel that is idiots using "muh crusades" as an argument for importing Muslims.
Kraut and Tea
I hope you die in the most painful way imaginable.
oy vey. what a let down you are
That blew my mind, it was beyond parody. Like Ryan Faulk, I always imagined there was some sort of "magic science man" argument against race realism and human biodiversity, but despite all my research into the literature, I never found it. Kraut obviously thought he had but he was too fucking stupid to realize he hadn't.
Wasted on your stupidity
hows new zealand?
I bet you're a fucking leaf
Wasted, you don't even deserve a (You)
checked and kek'd
pretty gay m8
Moron, go kys!!!!!!
that sucks, hopefully it gets less gay
Things have to get gayer before they can get straighter
tfwn bara neanderthal bf
what did kek mean by this?
Disdain for plebs?
1488 0 1776 checked
Fuck off Kraut, we actually don't miss you.
o shit
Digits confirm that Hitler comes back January 1, 2018.
Apparently he sucked a black girl's dick once so now he's gotta prove that biological differences aren't real.
died of embrassment after his alt right videos
YouTube demonized him, he changed his tone, his viewers left him.
This kills the bandwagon jumper.
holy shit
holy fucking digits
What did he mean by this?
no m8
At this point, I'm just here for the digits.
Post with your geographic location please.
Hopefully he drowned in a pool of piss
accelerationism confirmed
It's almost as if Kek truly is the god of chaos.
Quick rundown:
So he's some "skeptic" e-celeb sperg like the rest of him? Didn't know Sup Forums was a fanpage for youtube celebs.
I heard he got crushed to death under the weight of his own self righteousness
More like an anti-fanpage
Watch his "BTFO the alt-right" vids, they are painfully retarded
He hasn't posted anything in months because he got rekt so hard in response.
yup....they like to rip them a new one here
You are now honor bound to commit Sudoku
Just adding my (You) to this very nice get. Put me in the screencap pls
>muh ai girlfriend.
>Sup Forums in a nutshell
>all wasted gets by meme flagers are just aussies conducting business as usual
>leafs still get the blame
we wuz amerisharts
Checked and Rekt.
He started some shit he couldn't win because he's a fucking brainlet, then got Panzer-Pounded by AlternativeHypothesis so hard that he literally withdrew from the internet and spent months crying in solitude.
I mean this is literally the hardest I've ever seen a human being get annihilated since Destiny debated Ryan Dawson.
hmmm.. perhaps we've going about things the wrong way Sup Forums
wtf I'm gay now
he suffered extensive brain damage
That's the most Sup Forums of any possible GET
joined in for digits.
hehe, leave it to the kike to waste the digits
>literally pretends to be a handsome philosopher with his avatar
Why the fuck are """"skeptics"""" so fucking pretentious? His friend is literally a floating brain with a graduate hat. And both of them aren't even that smart.
their mommies told them they were good handsome boys....
>those digits
ok, George Washington. Im with you.
ultimate 1488:er
Didn't want to post another eceleb thread. So a bit unrelated, but here's some Fresh OC for when Destiny fanboys come shilling.
Some other user's weeaboo edit:
>Georgedolf Hitlerington
fucking checked
>> 148799999