Thoughts on Hannity?
Thoughts on Hannity?
Super Cuck
Unbiased, fair and balanced. Best journalist on TV. Probably the smartest as well.
"Obama" raped me when I was a student at Columbia. He raped my friends too. This is why his records are sealed. Obama is an ass raping rapist who rapes people...
Like his message but hes difficult to listen to sounds like a god damn robot repeating shit over and over in a monotone
"What's that now? Pull your damn pants up!"
Better than Shep! He’s pretty much a douchebag but at least he’s not letting the Clinton shit go.
>Thoughts on Hannity?
Nobody calls him.
I just wish he wouldn't pretend he likes country music to pander to his audience.
Oh. He also gets points for proving Assange was still alive when the spooks were running disinformation trolls at us.
He's our guy to herd around the less intelligent normies. You don't have to watch him but you should respect him.
His radio show is basically Right-Wing Talk Radio for Dummies. To be fair, it needs to be done and he's doing yeoman's work.
stupid mick GOP shill but his heart's in the right place
Did anyone catch the special edition of hannity last night? he even did a special mini monologue
Can't shake how he sabotaged Ron Paul. Wanna believe he redeemed himself, but think he's just playing a role.
Neo-con propaganda puppet for the RNC. Rachel Maddow is the puppet on the opposite side of the same corporate coin
His head is in the right place but his haircut isn't.
cuck supreme
he would literally suck trump's dick for a cup of coffee
Thoughts on Watters?
this desu famalam
Topics that aren't controversial. Typical news host. Seems like a chill dude.
he's too stupid for me to even listen to (it makes me cringe) but i'm glad there are people who do because, like you said, his heart is in the right place
what was the tick tock stuff about?
American patriot.
he's larping and hoping that something drops so that he can claim that he knew it was coming
it annoys the fuck out of me because he's such a narcissist when it comes to breaking news
14 yr olds cant consent. fire that israel first pedo kike.
neocon shill
Hanity and the Tuck are the only 2 tv news guys worth a damn.
Thoughts on Greg Gutfeld?
Neocon in denial. He's there for the older boomers who can't handle Tucker or can't relate to the issues Tucker covers.
Top kekistan
Fucking this, he can talk for an hour and only say one thing
Would be better than Hannity if he doesn't promote how based Israel is.
That shit is old. We all know Israel's role in white genocide and Globalism. Pretending they're our greatest ally is asinine at this point.
Fucking Reddit. And the politics section at that. Can't even link the actual article. Are the shills this stupid
He is irish thats my thought on him. Am i right?
>tiny country in the middle east engaged in a constant war against savage muslims who want them dead are responsible for white genocide and globalism across the planet
Uranium 1... Unmasking....DWS/AWAN.....Fusion GPS...Seth rich.....Donna......Pizza....
I think he's breddy guuuuddd
holy shit reddit has lost their mind over this
should hannity be worried? this seems bretty large desu famalam
You have to go back
>the words of Israel's Prime Minister Ben Gurion are proof of nothing
See? This is the cognitive dissonance I'm talking about which renders you fake news.
>pic related
da goyim know
A shill with no values or scruples
I'd say your insane more than anything.
Whore that'll say anything for $$$
not a true conservative by any actual shill
It's not about the linked video, it's about the first to comments under this video: Fetullah Gulen, MS13, Awan brothers.
I don't know how to post on Sup Forums, but these hints seem to be interesting concerning Q's questions about MS13
...the first TWO comments...