>but you can't talk about experiences you've never had
How to counter?
>but you can't talk about experiences you've never had
How to counter?
need more context than that
You ask them to stop talking. Most people who use this "argument" point rarely leave their sheltered life.
There's a video on JewBook about treating white people like minorities get treated at work. "Can I touch your hair" "Where are you really from" The comments are cancer full of "You can't speak of experiences you've never had, white person."
Tell blacks they can't talk about slavery then because it was 200+ years ago
Script the experience and make it happen in your life.
Then tell them they can't talk about history, ever.
"Go back to Africa."
tell them they can't say white people are privileged because they don't know what it's like
I've had asian girls (foreign exchange) ask to touch my hair and beard because they'd never seen a blonde irl.
I didn't get my knickers in a twist about it, was nice. I guess this just speaks to black fragility?
I have experienced all of this when I was in Asia. Koreans loved my blond hair and wanted to be in picture with me and wanted to touch it.
These idiots haven't left their own culture and fail to realize everyone around the world has a fascination with others they don't interact with commonly. SJW's are idiots.
Then tell libbies they can never comment on gun control if they haven't shot a gun
> I haven't been raped, yet I can and should condemn rape
tell them:
The same applies to you as you don't have my experiences either. So dragging the discussion in the mud of experiences gets us nowhere.
Let's stick to the scientific facts and let me show you why those are in my favor.
>continue to provide sources for affirmative action and so on
Relativistic postions like that effectively eliminate the possiblity for any constructive conversation between different groups or even individuals in a society. While you can't know someone else's exact situation, human beings share similar emotions, understandings, and experiences that allow us to bridge the gulf between individuals through reason and empathy. Anyone who rejects this claim essentially rejects that any constructive conversation can be held between two different individuals.
"I didn't need to experience sexual abuse as a child to talk about how it's wrong."
How do you know Auschwitz was bad?
>you can't do this thing because I said so
How do you fucking think you should counter? Come on.
This is its own fallacy as anyone who hasn't had any first-hand experience in any subject matter can't speak on it, and thus you counter just how they countered.
>user voices their opinion
"But you can't talk about experiences you've never had."
>"Neither can you, so since you have no experience you can't speaking against/for it either."
Then you quickly interject by saying that even if they had, anyone can say that and the burden of proof now lies with them. Either that or say you have and then watch them get buttblasted when they can't prove you wrong.
is that a preserved shark head on the middle of the third shelf down from the top? Cuzz that shits insane man.
shit man, just noticed but s/he is definatley an amputee. Is that whats in the jars?
Something something don't ever take a male gynecologist's advice seriously
.._. im not a nigger, so abstract thoughts and ideas are well within my scope for critical thought.
"Actually i can because unlike you nigger,i have a functioning brain,a good education and a vast imagination".
Its like the retards here who say "dont talk about 89 revolution because you were not there".So what if you retarded fuck were there,you were on the street not knowing shit and here i can actually get alot more information than your dumbass.
I agree, blacks should let go of the cotton field.
If you weren't "allowed" to talk about experiences you've never had then schools and universities would cease to exist.
Great drawring
I can talk about anything.
>>but you can't talk about experiences you've never had
You absolutely can _talk_ about experiences you've never had, but you do so without a lot of authority. Unless you're a psychologist or psychiatrist and you're speaking specifically about feelings associated with the experienced event.
Good one, I will use this.
Pic related.
>what is abstract thought
You're the real meme here. You chose to dumbest reply to respond with. Look in the mirror and fin out who the real nigger is.
I've had a lot of experiences, so they're probably wrong, and they've probably had fewer than me in spite of my reclusive nature.
One cute one is the middle class twats that think "some of those people are just stealing to survive!" No they fucking aren't. Stealing to survive is piss easy in the states. You can just walk into most retailers and walk around eating a piece of product like you bought it and no one will bat a lash. It's extremely easy to shop lift essential items. That's "never" what people steal though. It's always cellphones, chargers, and pellet guns. I've argued this point and been told I just don't know what it's like being poor. I do though, and worse than even not having any money, I hated the fucking thieves.
>Mass tagging the thread to shitpost
Your neighbors are rubbing off on you I see.
You could go with something like, "I don't have to murder someone to know murder is wrong."
aren't they just reacting to annoyances and such that they face quite often because of things (such as their race) that are out of their control?
we all do it, just about different things. pick your fights, this seems like a pretty pointless argument you've decided to engage in
Truly this ruins the fun in looking at replies.
That only doesn't happen to white people in white countries becaise everyone already knows how white people work. It happens all the time everywhere else
literally just go to any non-white country and work there
show them how white people are treated in japan
its not bad, but it is weird, and to western culture some of it might seem discriminatory.
>Asians are all about sexy alpha white men
>Asian Males go extinct
>Mixed asian-white race dominates the world