Really makes you think.
Really makes you think
Other urls found in this thread:
>What will be the most important scientific advancement in the next 10 years? In your opinion
>Don't know. It will be an advancement, yes?
Truly an unsurpassed genius.
Oh god, even I can answer that! Just talk about technological breakthroughs that really interest you!
SUPERHUMANS: Chips inserted in brains will give us MIND-BLOWING abilities within years | Science | News |
he coulda just blathered on about batteries and green energy if he weren't a brainlet
>The more it changes, the more it stays the same
>t. some french retard
Fuck him and his stupid bow tie.
the nearest smell to gas is petrol - malcom 'the street sleepr' turnball
Fun things are fun. - K-On!! girl
>bill nye the reading comprehension guy
What is Bill trying to say? Can someone explain?
The guy below says he went after the OP's grammar, I don't see it.
At least we don't have to deal with this guy no more, since he so successfully did that himself.
That video was a false flag run by psychic conservative agents who mind-controlled Bill Why into doing their dishonest bidding!
The moron had no fucking idea what the answer to that question was at all. If he'd actually understand it he wouldn't just have thrown "orbitals" out there because he would have known that this answer only helps you if you already understand why it is that way anyway.
Also he wouldn't have talked about annihilation between proton and electron. What the fuck you fucking idiot, there's no annihilation when electron and proton fuse, you get a neutron and a neutrino.
And this guy pretends to be an authority in the field of science.
pretty much.
>new battery technology
>better efficiency for solar power
>automation through advances in the field of AI
>first hybrid self driving cars
>more efficient cancer treatment
10 years is relatively short for technological advancements, would have to be something that is already being worked on.
I have no idea what the answer is. I have no problem saying that since I've never studied physics. Nye won't admit that and instead babbles some non-answer.
hell he could have just googled something and copied that!
Now cut off your penis
There's no problem with not knowing the answer really. Not even for someone working in science, since it is a very broad field and that's some fairly specific topic.
But if you pretend to be some absolute authority on the field of science you should at least be capable of googling it and quickly reading up on the answer. I am sure that an engineer should know the required terminology to understand it.
Hahahahahahha being an actor/comedian is working in science now hhahahahshs
that is how he tries to present himself. and gullible idiots eat it up.
or well, used to. seems like he lost a lot of popularity with his most recent agenda pushing.