Were you ever an SJW?
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No I always thought they were retarded. I remember when I first heard the terms "Cis white male" and "patriarchy" and "white privilege" in like 2013 and laughing at it back then. I didn't predict it'd get this insane.
hell no
I'm pretty sure it started as a Tumblr fad for a lot of this generation. I remember it was mostly the tumblr "hipster" type art girls posting this nonsense and talking about it.
"Obama" raped me when I was a student at Columbia. He raped my friends too. This is why his records are sealed. Obama is an ass raping rapist who rapes people.
caitlin jenner is a republican
also id fuck anita sarkeesian
Yes. She talks openly about wanting to fuck girls, she looks like an old man, she likes Dr. Who and she has a Harry Potter ring tone.
No. Both my grandparents and my parents have not gotten divorced in their life, so that might explain why.
Nobody normal has ever been an 'SJW.' If you're a former 'SJW,' you're still a freak.
I can remember once while I was a teenager growing up in Canada, I told my mom that Ebonics should be a separate language. Then I moved to the South around niggers and now I want them exterminated. The end
>I'd fuck Anita Sarkeesian
Trust me. You wouldn't.
>an social justice warrior
>he hasnt unlocked Riley J. "The Menace" Dennis
I was even worse than an SJW, I was - may God forgive me for uttering this word - a libertarian.
dat victim mentality.
She's hot in a weird way 2bh
Yes, BUT
in fairness to me it was the 90s and we didn't SJW frivolously like they do now.
Back then it was the right wing that was always trying to silenced art and video games and shit. Now it's liberals who are trying to shutdown everything that's cool.
I still am. Been on Sup Forums for about a decade
i've always been 100% pro civil liberties so even when i was younger and less conservative i never swung leftist
Did some degenerate things to jerk off and used to dislike manliness as a whole because I thought it primitive and brutish, bought into things like "why don't these people leave homosexuals alone and let mexicans come in THEY JUST WANT TO WORK JOBS THAT WE DONT WANT TO UGGGH CONSERVATIVES."
Then I moved to Los Angeles and got redpilled hard by daily life, left that hellhole and never went back ideologically or physically. At least the gays can keep a neighborhood looking nice though.
2 years until i got red pilled by my father.
i wasn't an SJW, but i used to believe in stuff like based black men and passable traps being fine til only a couple years ago.
but now that i see faggot trannies and niggers in the streets more and more i just want them gone tbqh
>when you wait for the next pope, hoping he finally calls to arms
I had a few weird positions but I was always on the conservative side.
>red pilled by the D
I see that a lot.
Before Election 2016, I had some progressive views and came close, but I redpilled myself out of it.
One of my friends redpilled long before I did and warned me about them. Now me and him are closer than ever.
Nope. I considered myself liberal for a long time but I never went full SJW. I'm thankful for that.
Ahh, the good ol' days.
>Doesn’t understand English rules for Acronyms
>a super rare, red pilled swede appears
Hmmm... this must be a miracle - just like when Kim Jong-Il was born.
I was never an SJW but I was center-left. My journey to the right was kicked off by John "Current Year" Oliver himself, oddly enough.
When John Stewart was host of The Daily Show and on leave for a bit, Oliver did a 3-part series about Australia's gun control laws and how amazing and fantastic they are.
Now, keep in mind, being an Ausfag, there is NOBODY in the media or education who has ever said anything other than our gun laws being fantastic and great at reducing crime. So I saved the John Oliver videos and got ready to go post them onto Sup Forums and Sup Forums and /k/ and all that other stuff, but I figured I'd grab the actual stats as well to really rub it in how great our gun control was.
Boy oh boy was I in for a big fucking shock. It blew my fucking mind that something that EVERYONE had told me was true was completely utterly fucking wrong, and all it took for me to disprove it was a single Google search. I felt fucking broken. I was disgusted that so many people could parrot a lie to me so much that I would actually buy it without question, to the point where I never even looked it up myself, and the very first time I did, I was shown to be wrong.
So, I started actually investigating all the "facts" I thought I knew. I very quickly went from being Left to Right. I also noticed that the less moderation on a discussion forum, the more right-wing it tends to be. This seems to be because the Right do not give a shit about feelings, they give a shit about facts and what those facts tell you.
The saddest thing about it all is that I know all the facts in the world won't change many opinions on the Left. When I found out I was wrong, I felt emotionally hurt, but I accepted it and moved on with the goal of always knowing the truth. Most people on the Left aren't like that though. They'll find the statistics and the facts, and dismiss them as "racist" or "sexist" or just "wrong" with no further explanation.
Anyway that's my livejournal post for the day
I was an anarco-socialist in the vein of Bakunin but my growing realization that one had to look out for one's self and one's family (immediate through race-family) has turned me into a strange marriage of ancap-facist.
When I was 15 or something
Fucking baffles me that people can still think that way into their late 20's
I was a liberal but I had enough sense to see where things were headed, straight into Crazy Town, and I wasn't on board for that. Even when I was a total liberal though I was still coming on Sup Forums. What can I say, I love to laugh
No but in my youth I sympathized with revolutionary communism.
As the old Churchill quote says if you’re not a socialist at 20, you have no heart. And if you’re not a conservative by 30 you have no brain.
An and a are chosen based on how the word sounds when spoken. the word S in the initialism sounds like it begins with a vowel so an is used.
No, i used to be a Nazi though, same disease, different strain.
I never went full blown SJW but I was a libtard that hated my country for no good reason, believed Islam was a religion of peace, and thought government could do something about global warming.
True if fat
Appreciate the post, Bruce.
based flippin phill
I used to hold similar views, but I never considered her fuckable. That was until I saw her without the complimentary lights and camera angles. She's pretty fucking ugly.
In the same boat, dude. I stopped at 16. You?
Lol everyone born in the 80s or 90s was basically a liberal but then libs steared farther and farther left. So people that have been liberal in the 90s are today seen as conservatives by the new radical libs that were born with the new farther left ideology.
This is what people mean when they say they are Liberal while voting conservatives.... they never changed their position the political parties /ideology did. Yesterdays liberals are seen as todays conservatives.
No. I first started hearing SJWBS when I started reading American right wing or white nationalist blogs and sites and by that point I had already formed a lot of my views on culture and race. I also always have had a healthy natural preference for my own and distrust of other races/peoples.
I used to be an antifeminist but I'm an SJW now.
>were you ever able sjw?
I earn the air I breathe.
If Bill Clinton's views are an accurate reflection of moderate liberal views of the 90s were like, I'd have to respectfully disagree. Neo-cons haven't really changed either.
Bill Clinton 2017 views are nothing like Bill Clinton 90s
I concur
I used to be a conservative but i became a progressive later. AMA
I eventually started seeing SJWs attack video games and white males for no particular reason. I also lived in Germany for a while and had to deal with tons of Muslims. Needless to say, it became very clear that it wasn’t peaceful. My biggest red pill was trying to combat people who still think like this and seeing them reject facts.
Eh. I didnt know any better because the town i was from is 100% liberal. Hippies and commies everywhere. It was fun to be a part of a community of friends who would drink and smoke and fuck eachother but i ALWAYS felt like something was wrong when theyd start talking about open borders, sexual deviance, drug legalization, patriarchy, communism, etc. And none of them actually knew what they were talking about. They all just kind of agreed because they told eachother to. I didnt actually take the red pill until my roommates boyfriend and i started hanging out and he showed me Sup Forums a few years ago. It was truly shocking to see this place and how people actually believe the polar opposite of every thing my "friends" stood for. Needless to say, the moment i began mouthing off about any conservative ideals i started getting the vold shoulder and then came the 2016 election when even my own family shunned me for supporting Trump. I sometimes ask if it was worth it or if i would rather go back to living in blissful ignorance. I was blind but now i see.
Absolutely never.
But my first girlfriend from middle school to Sophomore year of Uni became one before the term SJW came to be.
She was pretty, normal, athletic and very high achiever and then went to the U of Waterloo (yes, in Canada). By her second semester she was wearing "camo" (this was the very early 00s) painting her nails black, dying her hair colors and slicking it down and talking about stupid shit like the plight of gays, taking all these humanities classes, etc.
I had to break up with her, it was terrible. I last saw her in 2012 and she lives with her Dad, doesn't have a car and hangs out with brown people playing board games and drinking wine.
Sup Forums is always right.
let’s set the record straight here. the type of spineless coward capable of being an sjw has no business in our movement or whatever you want to call it. ever. there’s no take backs. being a somewhat liberal teenager and an all out sjw white guilt race traitor scumbag is quite different.
No... and I'm so glad that I'm old enough to be dead before these stupid cunts achieve any real power.
It's okay to be black.
I'm in my mid 30ties so no, this kind of faggotry was not a thing back then. But I flirted once with Communist ideology when I was young and dumb.
Luckily I got my shit together, started working on a career (which worked out really well) and became a Paleoconservative.
Don’t worry, people don’t get very far with gender or nigger studies degrees.
If you google search for "libertarian kid" you'll probably end up on some FBI watch lists
Libertarianism isn't that bad, at least you are halfway decent to believe that people should be left alone and not controlled by the gov.
It's still an ideology that is destined to fail.
Same except knew her middle school to senior year of highschool. She changed sophomore year and went full retard senior year. She went to college for some liberal arts degree, now hangs around deformed people, and marched for BLM. I still love her too (as a person and not romantically) which kinda hurts. She'll be fine living a comfortable, blissful life, so I don't really feel sorry for her.
This has been a thing for decades, fag, they're just singing a different song now.
It has all the same roots, but I would have never stood up for homosexuals and trans and all these other mentally ill people.
There's some things that an Eastern European just can't support because in our culture it is viewed as so abhorrent.
No, but I was a regular leftist. SJWs forced me to move away from all that is left because they've made it completely retarded.
Should also mention that our break-up involved her saying that I should conversations to Buddhism. You can't make this shit up.
I was. The more they try to force the "white ppl are evil and they have to pay for the jews, the nigs, and all the insects on earth" on me the more i became right wing, now i'm very far right.
Honestly, if I went on a gay pride to support gay rights my family would from this point never allow me to be close to any children in my family.
They'd think I'm a secret pedophile or something.
Die cis scum girl grew out of that stuff.
Congratulations, good for her. She looks like a woman again. Her family must be relieved.
I’m 59, female, Jewish & yes I was on the left since the days of Patty Hearst.
I was an anarcho-feminist-SJW & single with cats.
At some point I decided I wanted to be married & listened to Michael Savage, and I lived in SF, mind you. And I got redpilled. Loved him, still love him.
And I’m married now, to a really handsome guy in tech. And I support Trump. I’ve been conservative for 20 years now.
STILL pro-choice of course.
>59, female, jewish, american
Someone needs to add this thing to that list
I probably was in many ways.
Looking back, I notice a lot of staple post-modern indoctrinations.
But this was when I was young, and when you're young you haven't had to work for anything yet and you pretty much have nothing to lose.
That's why today I believe voting should be reserved for people who own (not rent) homes.
Well, I wont curse at a 59 year old woman even if she's a jew. At least you are conservative and Michael Savage is fine.
center right here. liberal-ish. used to watch daily show and such as well, bill maher, others like that. john "current year" oliver too. i watched them mostly out of boredom though, and not because i liked the "message". I stick to my principles, but i have never been particularly bothered by opinions that differ from mine. Basically, if they entertain me for 30 minutes i will accept hearing their point of view on things, that is only fair. the sjw stuff is way over the top though.
gamergate is what broke me. i'm hard right these days, moved to innawoods and donate fairly large sums of money to the nordic resistance movement, and had i been 10-15 years younger i would have joined them in doing actions instead. the sjw stuff needs to stop asap.
Past and present tense may need some work, Sven, but your post was bretty good.
I was until I was 17 and the Falklands war broke out. Then I realized socialists are all cunts
Of course I wasn't an SJW. They're inherently illogical and thus repulsive. The same goes for right wingers - they're illogical with other topics and thus are repulsive.
Which topics?
Racism, globalism, the economy and politicians.
All of these are intertwined. Our global economy is one of the reasons why a lot of technology (electronics) is cheap enough for people to afford. For example, you can't get a desktop PC without international trade. Certain pieces of hardware, like RAM, are only made in a few locations on Earth, because it's the only way to make it economically viable. This means that you need global trade, but if your country is racist then it's a lot more difficult to get favorable trade deals with other countries that your populace is racist against. So it's better to tone down your racism, but right-wingers don't accept this. They also don't accept that they need global trade.
Can someone pls help me learn to reply to specific post here? I know it sounds hilarious but I really don’t know how
Signed the 58 yo former Roastie, whi is Jewish, & a Trump supporter
Nope. I tried to fit in when I was younger, but it always rubbed me the wrong way. The whole concept of feelings mattering more than facts and objectivity made me reject a lot of friends.
In later years I only have three of those left, because as we all know - Leftists can't deal with opposing opinions, so they block you instead.
Yes but never to the point of going out and protesting or anything.
I just genuinely felt that people were equal regardless of race, religion or gender.
I'm 32 and had been a lefty for most of my life. If it weren't for the 2016 US election there's a good chance I never would have become redpilled. Learning the truth was difficult, accepting it was fucking excruciating.
Yes, but not too crazy.
BTW I found something interesting:
Just read this:
"Of particular concern is the potential for cosmic radiation exposure to compromise critical decision making during normal operations or under emergency conditions"
Due to a decrease of solar activity there is currently an increase of cosmic radiation on earth. Might be worth our attention
Good post, really similar to my recent journey. Centre left is exactly how I used to define myself. I took the term from Bill Clinton's description of himself.
This is probably a misunderstanding that many have. We are not against international trade in principle, it is just as important to us as it is to you.
But the problem arises when you go so far with international trade that you start trading people.
By this I mean companies importing tons and tons of foreign workers to create wage pressure on the low wage sector.
It's just a fact of life that in any society you'll have a sizeable proportion of people who either value other things than career and education, or who are not smart enough but great at manual labour.
These globalist governments just kill this section of society by importing these uneducated migrants.
They'll work for half the price or even less. This is not just. If you have industrialised your country, made a lot of money and build lots of infrastructure you take care of your people. Not destroy them by becoming even more greedy.
Also there is nothing wrong with companies who make profit in your country to pay taxes there on the profit, just like every other company in your country.
How is a company in your country gonna compete with someone like Amazon when Amazon pays no taxes at all and your company does?
If you favour this kind of model then the end result will be that all corporations will be run by foreigners, so you'll be completely dependant on foreigners.
Click on the number that appears after 'no.' of the post you want to reply to. Also, saying 'roastie' is fucking stupid. You're not a roastie.
Also you think it's racist that someone doesn't want his wage cut in half because millions of African workers are imported?
Well if that's the case I'd rather be a racist and not trade with Somalia.
buddhism is something interesting to study, but it's not a philosophy to adopt
as much as eastern religions pique the western psyche I've come to realize they're really all about accepting your lot as a peasant and never taking action against those who've scammed you
IMHO the best school of philosophy remains stoicism, which has much of the eastern "deal with it" but in the proactive sense and not the passive sense.
>You can't get a cheap desktop PC without international trade
Not sure if that's a lie you've been told, or if somebody was just genuinely confused. You do realize that there is a limit to the return rate of technological advancement given size and money, right? I suggest reading 'Why Information Grows' by Cesar A. Hidalgo or any higher level economics textbook. Products are cheaper because processes to make products aren't developed anymore, because it's cheaper to outsource things that to create these processes. It barely affects what the consumer has to pay. Why do you people love globalization so much? You know it's almost entirely a meme, right?
>Also you think it's racist that someone doesn't want his wage cut in half because millions of African workers are imported?
Illegal and legal immigration are a separate topic from racism. I'm talking about the "deport all blacks" type of racism here. The latter is not beneficial, because it's an unreasonable demand and people exaggerate the racial differences. Most of the differences in outcomes come from a different upbringing and socioeconomic situation rather than them being inferior or superior. Immigration is something that a government does and should control.
>But the problem arises when you go so far with international trade that you start trading people.
But it's not. This is not that big of a problem as long as the immigration is legal. You can relax or tighten the regulations around immigration to get better immigrants.
>By this I mean companies importing tons and tons of foreign workers to create wage pressure on the low wage sector.
But this is up to the work permit requirements set forth by the government.
>These globalist governments just kill this section of society by importing these uneducated migrants.
But they don't. If you look at software developers being imported into the US and think that this is making Americans not able to compete then you're thinking of it wrong. Importing these workers is beneficial for the US, because otherwise those qualified workers would be in their respective countries starting up their own industry of this type. This would eventually lead to severe competition for the US, and the lower quality of life location is going to win out. The fact that the US imports them means that it keeps other places like India and Asia much less competitive.
>How is a company in your country gonna compete with someone like Amazon when Amazon pays no taxes at all and your company does?
Again, this is a regulation problem by the governments. It's not an issue right-wingers seem to tackle.
I can see that. I also just realised I typed 'conversations' rather than 'convert.' How the fuck did I do that?
Not a SJW but I was on the side of those screaming "not every one of them" when arguing immigration.
That mentality has long since gone to kill itself in a corner never to come back, I miss that naivety though.
>I miss that naivety though.
Same desu. As the old proverb says, "ignorance is bliss."