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Mandella Effect Thread
What am I looking at?
TSI is solar activity. This is hard to get info, but it is out there. The thing is that I got it from an old website connected to a sever that keeps it there up to date. The website is public. So, it is 50/50 on how public it is.
(((They))) did take down the link to the data few days after.
So if I'm reading this right, between November 2002 and November 2003, our solar activity dropped? Why, and of what significance is this information to me?
............tell me more?
>What is the grand solar minimum
That actually does quite fit quite well with mandela effect. saved!
Updated version.
The activity dropped because the sun is currently in the part of its cycle where there is not as much activity going on. So we are at the end of the cycle with an more active sun.
whats the trigger for switching timelines
The trigger is events caused by a mass focus of attention on certain subjects. That with the sun affects us because the weakening magnetoshpere of the sun also weakens the one from earth allwoing more cosmic radiation to enter. What I do know is that scientifically speaking this can lead into a new age ice, but that's in the coming 1000 year or more. But it getting colder is possible. Energetic wise humans are now more influencable by outside energy sources.
The sun before 2003
After 2003
Also the pictures are from (((their))) servers.
>somehow switch timelines
>timeline where the sun is less active
why would the sun be less active in one timeline than in the other?
first off
>eu meme flag
second off
what does this mean user?
This is how the temperature is behaving. There is a clear down trend.
>switch timelines
>data from the last timeline is preserved
The only thing I'm confused about is, wouldn't higher activity imply a broader light spectrum? Light changed from yellow to white, shouldn't that have been the outer way around?
Are you telling me that there was a timeline shift before WWII ended? Are you telling me there's a universe where the Nazis won?
Please take your schizophrenic bullshit somewhere else.
The activity is not the point, but the fact that our defenses against cosmic radiation from the point on of the mandella effects happenings is lower is an interesting fact.
our technology just got better for fuck's sake
don't think too much about it
look at how how the older ones look likes barcodes - they are roughly rectangular in shape
whereas the one later on looks like the real thing: it's living, it changes over time
Memories are preserved, what makes you think outer things cannot?
Anybody denying multiple timelines theory is a newfag who should LURK MOAR
It was definitely fucking (((Berenstein))). I know for a fact those fucking bears were Jewish.
maybe but probably not, Hitler was pretty fucked from the start.
I knew the start of 2015 was different from what came before.
There has never been any proof memories are stored in the form of material information.
There was that book written about it.. I forget what its called.
Is this related?
Maybe. However since the USA got the Nuke and even used it against the Axis.... I timeline change might not neccessary have been a change for the worse.
this is literally nothing
how the fuck would it be related to this schizo's rambling?
also great, another revolution that will be meme-made by Sup Forums like November 4 and will never happen
The thing is that looking at the spectrum indeed that is true. But there is less activity being send out towards us. The only thing I can think of is that the sun uis getting more hot due to less activity being send out.
The Purple Revolution has already happened.Stop.
No, this sun graphic actually can be related to the mandela effect more than anything I've seen before.
Yes, it is related. The sky is changing color because of the influence of our weakening magentosphere.
>more hot
kinda makes sense. also, I forgot about secondary influence like ozone, air(poluttion) and so. I mean northern light are also quite colorful.
could this be related?
What is the sun of righteousness (Malachi 4:2)?
The Great Day of the Lord
For behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven, when tall the arrogant and tall evildoers will be stubble. The day that is coming shall set them ablaze, says the Lord of hosts, so that it will leave them neither root nor branch. 2 But for you who fear my name, wthe sun of righteousness shall rise ywith healing in its wings. You shall go out zleaping like calves from the stall. 3 And you shall tread down the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet, aon the day when I act, says the Lord of hosts.
>burning like an oven
>The Great Day of the Lord
> sun of righteousness
Interesting. Tell me more. I want to know more about those purple skies, damn the political movement.
>good site for solar activity
The thing with memory is that I habve the theory as well that it is probably stored somewhere else than on this plane of existence. And the thing is that there is a new maunder minimum coming. That is quite propable. The thing I am trying to tell here is that even looking at the date seperetaly from the two different satelites, there is with both a clear down trend.
/x/tards can go die
They're talking to each other. The only people who talk about this stuff are certain that it isn't true. If you're good at faking belief and know how to point a group in the wrong direction, you can turn these sorts to any purpose. They're so bored, and their ideas mean so little to them.
when you feel it in your pants and you do a little dance, diarrhea.
The skies are turning purple or in some locations even pinkish because the light is behaving differently. The colors you see is just a matter of how it is scattered through the air. The amount of pollution/other particles, the spectrum of the sun, how strong our ozone layer is, the magnetoshpere that protects us, I have seen the purple skies in Europe as well. It is just a sign of a changing composition of either of those factors.
Bujt back on the whole mandella effect. The only thing with that is just seeing that also in the new data set disregarding the old one, you can see that there is less activity. The huge drop is indeed because of different measurement methods, but the fact remains that the activity is getting less nonetheless.
Thanks for your answer user.
because memories cannot be recorded by data?
you're babbling.
talk about trips down memory lane
if that was true then you could be able to reference archived video for proof that there was a shift at some point for something. so why can't you?
Here is the graph from just the second data set.
Then, do you know what memories are? I mean in an biological and physic sense. In a multi dimesional sense?
Something made it through the shifts, so something else might, too. It's as simple as that.
Saw a purple sky behind a church yesterday in the UK. I'm not religious but it looked so ominous.
The thing is that I am trying to figure out the cause of the shift. I am looking at the universe as energy. Everything in the end is. So we somehow need to be able to travel through those dimensions then, and that requires energy or a shift of energy. So somewhere there is evidence in this universe. A mark left behind by this shift.
Every scene in this video CERN created is very important:
The thing is that memories are nothing more than electricity storing information in the form of patterns. On a higher dimensional field you have time the fourth dimension, so what if (just a theory) that above that dimension is where consiousness comes from. That would then be the only explanation how one can be aware of changes in the shift in time, otherwise the 4D would just change the 3D and noone could even be aware, because the information never existed in that timeline to begin with.
It's either that or we are all morons for believing this.
If they can spend money making this retarded shit they should have their funding cut
I think the energy of our dimension was destroyed at such an incredible rate (probably by CERN) that the force had to move us to a seperate dimension entirely.
>Then, do you know what memories are? I mean in an biological and physic sense. In a multi dimesional sense?
do you? you don't seem to know what the metaphysical is or its nuances between individuals. i am not going to lecture you about something that someone who is theorizing about memories should have an understanding of.
>Something made it through the shifts, so something else might, too. It's as simple as that.
you haven't even elaborated what the shifts are or how they could happen. you are throwing out pseudo-jargon and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. check your ego kraut for brains. your ignorance is offensive. it's as simple as that.
guys report thread please this is off topic and gay. sage
There has to be a lot of energy involved with such a move. so can be that CERN in the old timeline fucked up. We will never know. What I do think is we moved to a better one than the old one. Praise KEK!
any chance to get images with matching MM/DD -- 2017/07/01?
Any other request? I have everything from 1996 till 10/24 2017
No one finds this funny dude fuckingstop
do you have a link to the full film?
Maybe it because less white people go outside in SA because Mandela won the election. therefore the sun isnt reflected from their white skin therefor the earth cools down a few degrees and BAM new ice age
Why would solar maximums and minimums have anything to do with time-line shifts or the Mandela effect?
The solar cycle is just that, a cycle. I guess that I fail to understand what OP is reading into the grand minimum.
OP sees that a change in activity might make the earth and us more prone for effects from outside, and perhaps that is what causes the effects in our brain that there was a shift. Another theory is that the increase of cosmic radiation fucks with our brain and our memories, and makes some people go crazy like those SJW.
meaning all of this is in our head, and we delude ourselves and causes all of the behavior we see. Meaning there is no mandella effect but there is something fucking with our brains. And we think there are different memories but that is just one big mind fuck.
So perhaps we just should forget all of the mandella effect and focus on more important things currently again. :)
Just read this:
Of particular concern is the potential for cosmic radiation exposure to compromise critical decision making during normal operations or under emergency conditions
In 2001 the first results from the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory were published. They seemed to confirm neutrino oscillation (a solution to why previous observations seemed to only show one third of the expected number of neutrinos coming from the sun according to the Standard Solar Model).
Obviously this observation collapsed some waveforms and locked in this new model, and the effects took 2 years to move from the core to the outer layers of the sun.