Guy's I think I figured out why so many Americans snap
Everything looks depressing in aerial shots.
rural and suburban retards
It's because having Canada as a hat is the greatest indignation of all.
Literally cattle
Everything that was build with a cookie-cutter mentality looks depressing.
Tell me this town doesn't look like a pleasant place to live.
what's the problem? looks really efficient and you probably don't get stuck behind lights and cars parked on the side of the road in a 2-lane road. i bet travel time is pretty fast
Because they are unable to accept that society has rejected their dead, primitive beliefs.
Not real cities
no this isnt it at all, that is just a 5 minute drive too down the road, the aerial shot makes it look sad, but I live in that shit and I love it. People all around you, 10minutes from every store I need, open road to drive on... Leaf is being a leaf
1) You're not meant to look at it from the sky.
2) It's too dangerous to live in cities with all the niggers and spics about.
until all of the muslims ruin it the next day and antifa shows up to behead wypipo XD
your aesthetics mean shit when its population is cucked.
Phoenix was extremely planned out. It was desert turned into habbitable retirement for old fucks that have aching joints from heat....when the boomers die off this city will be half a ghost town imo.
Let's play spot the forest.
USA doesn't have any *real* cities anymore. We let all the shitskins take them over and destroy them. Suburbs were made quickly and efficiently as a refuge.
if doom is a warning, don't go there
Suburbs are comfy, maybe not as nice as a horse ranch in Montana wilderness but a lot better than the city.
It's true. Ignore the problem people long enough and you will have yourselves another bolshevik uprising. I'm sure the bourgeois Russians ignored the communist shits until they showed up at their doorsteps ready to kill them. At least Americans have guns.
That shit is paradise, you need your head checked
That's because for the last twenty years they've been telling you suburbia is shit and inner city dwellers are the best people even though they are massive faggots.
It used to be the complete opposite.
Thing is that your cities are shit and your population is cucked.
And longer commutes appeared to have a negative impact on mental wellbeing too, with longer-commuting workers 33 per cent more likely to suffer from depression, 37 per cent more likely to have financial worries and 12 per cent more likely to report multiple aspects of work-related stress.
They were also 46 per cent more likely to get less than the recommended seven hours of sleep each night and 21 per cent more likely to be obese, according to the study.
What do all these people do for a living?
I think they go crazy from having to drive gorillions of miles every day to get to work.
What's the problem? Owning a nice house and family should be every white man's ultimate goal.
Being this stupid...cookie cutter suburbs look and feel fake
is that Las Vegas??
something something glass house.
It's every suburbs in America
Never talked to an actual Dane or been there eh?
Denmark will be one of the last fortresses of europe for our culture if shit actually hits the fan you 56% Mulatto.
>we don't have any "real" cities anymore
i guarantee you call new york jew york and cityfags cityfags, and i bet you think everyone on the coast is a libshit
The driving is probably the better part of their day. Driving is king of cozy, desu, as long as you're not locked in tight traffic for hours.
What gets them is probably the lack of any real community. USA is a mongrelized nation. Mexicans, Whites, blacks, whatever, all living side by side. It's not a good thing. No one talks to anyone outside of some smiles and hellos. I mean, if you are lucky and you do live in a community, then good for you, but millions do not. There is hardly anything outside of your little box. You don't have your own people around to go over to and invite and have a good time. That's what causes people to snap eventually. That deadening.
Are you woman?
you niggers talk shit but Phoenix is /comfy/ as fuck and A E S T H E T I C as fuck
>Americans WILL defend this.
We are cucked? Wow.
I mean, we are cucked. And we are mongrelized. But you don't even have a future now, Germanistan.
You're both cucked.
MK Ultra
>We are cucked? Wow.
>I mean, we are cucked. And we are mongrelized. But you don't even have a future now, Germanistan.
Haha, I live on the coast, and yes everyone is a libshit here. Thing is, I'd rather live here than with a bunch of cuckservatives out in some shithole soulless suburb.
You might get lucky with which suburbs you find, but even suburbia has no future for the whites. You will slowly get mongrelized too.
This. If only you hit the quads of truth. Oh well.
its in a valley in the middle of a god forsaken 120 degree desert and covered in smog 365 days of the year
This is such a womanly attitude. Spoken like a true pussy beta bitch.
t. said future
We are cucked, but like Germanistan over there, you are more cucked than we are, leaf boy.
All the Americans talking out of their ass when theyve never been to Europe.
Yeah just keep ignoring America's problems. That's been working great for us these past 50 or so years.
lmao Phoenix is the opposite of comfy.
If you want comfy conservative you have to go to parts of the Midwest or the real South. Places with history, not tract housing
In some ways, I'm glad this mongrelized POS is seemingly falling apart, but you Germany, you were the chosen one.
I guess the less white you are the more uncucked and based xD you are?
lol fuck Arizona nothing but boomers dying
Actually you're right. Circuit board cities are huge eyesores, that looks fucking comfy tho. Norway?
American towns look like some guy opened up Simcity and had an objective of making as much money as possible.
Australian town look like someone wanted to create a green, thriving livable area for the white man.
Fix your shit America. Your urban sprawl looks like utter garbage.
This makes me really sad.
I've driven through Phoenix Arizona. It's an arid desert shit-hole. In all honestly, the most geographically pleasing state is hands down California. It's just a shame that it's practically Mexico now, demographically.
my point is that if Europeans in America want to survive they have to drop American Exceptionalism as an ideological construct.
You have to make a choice.
While Europe is getting worse day by day it is still much better over here - on average.
Of course living on your all-white ranch community in Minnesota is a good thing.
let me show what i get to see every day
Looks like shit, plus it looks like transiting would be unbearable with all those shitty, sinuous streets.
what about muslims?
Are you gona tell me AGAIN
...muh only in big city....
those are educated people and not rural and suburban retards.
There are parts of the USA that are red-pilled and they have the guns and the self-reliance to back themselves up. The German people have no means of letting their will be known and enforcing it themselves. That potential energy for action just doesn't exist. Your state will decide to bring in millions of Achemdijans, and you will swallow and take it, your daughters will be kidnapped and raped and used in the muslim black-market trade, and you will swallow and take it, your people and livelihood will slowly vanish, and you will swallow and take it until you yourself are the refuge, looking for a place to live in Russia, or some suburban shit-hole of America.
Rate my coastal Australian beach suburb Sup Forums
They will be so fucked once Europeans remove the (((brainbug))) who is blindfolding us
>t. 56%
way too close together, fuck that
2/10 let's bulldoze it and put in a Chinese-owned Casino.
>American towns look like some guy opened up Simcity and had an objective of making as much money as possible.
Free market will fix it!
Believe me, I wish you German faggots would somehow up yourselves and save yourselves. America, for the most part, is a lost cause.
that sounds pretty shitty
Just read my other comment. I lived in the US for almost 10 years and know the country well.
How did your second amendment prevent the browning of California? How did it prevent Detroit? I love firearms but you have to actually use them in a proactice genocidal manner if you want to exist in 100 years.
Handing out ARs to any Jose and Jamal along with a MAGA xDD hat and calling them le bases defenders or muh constitution and true American patriots IS part of the problem.
I'm not denying it at all though. Believe me, I'd prefer Europe to uncuck itself and save itself before it's too late. America's Trumpian backlash to immigration is coming in about 30 years too late. You guys seem to have a chance as long as you keep trying to redpill your neighbors and co-workers, slowly and carefully.
It looks comfy imo
it's just industrial scale farming, but with humans rather than cattle
im serbian diaspora, my parents are moving back soon when they retire, they dont like it here anymore. they came in the early 80's when it was still white-ish country, now its not
It appears even your post has canada as a hat.
Get rekt nerd.
Water is clean as fuck. The only water I see is brown like chocolate milk.
America on the whole is a lost cause, but some parts will remain because of guns and tight-nit racist communities.
I would prefer if all of Germany could save itself though.
>now its not
thanks to people like your parents
>looks like miles and miles of slave shacks
What anime character is this, Russian friend?
>live in pic related and almost never see a poo, chink, or mud
Comfy af. Feel bad for you suburbanites who have to deal with shuffling crowds of Asian drones
That highway looks like something I would try to make with my hotwheels set when I was 9. Otherwise it looks like the opening hot to a movie scene in Mexico lul
true, but they actually made a ton of money here so it worked out for the senpai
I am just getting out of the black pill phase which took me two years; now I am riding the Tiger. In the end it is victory or valhalla which means that in any case I get to live in a world without (((them))) and their browk pawns. Only winning is possible here.
What the fuck do someone from slovenia even know about big cities
phoenix is actually pretty nice, in the winter and spring, air is also usually pretty good. occasional bad days, esp if california has lota of fires going, but hella better than california.
but yes, midwest or other northern areas would be ultimate /comfy/
Just looking at the photo makes me anxious.
>opening hot to a movie scene in Mexico lul
that looks like a scene out of borderlands to you?
Nagito Komaeda from Danganronpa 2 my emoo friend
Smoogie best girl
rate my 'burb
Thank you very much.
Even Mordor is more comfy than suburbs
Where is it so I can find you?
it's pretty easy to spot on google maps :^)