Sam Dastyari is a left wing senator in the Australian Parliament. His family ran away from Iran because of sharia law, and he goes on Australian tv that sharia is great.
This guy wants to censor the Internet in Australia
Other urls found in this thread:
His eyebrows need to be censored.
His handlers in Beijing probably said hop so he hopped
Gee, if you wogs had guns you could stop him..
He was trolled at the pub yesterday. He says he is a muslim but he is drinkig alcohol.
And now in Australia, the great rednecks of AUSTRALIA chase him down to pub and call him a disgusting Muslim lol!
You realize a lot of Muslims drink alcohol? Video-related doesn't make you non-muslim. Certainly, it's against the faith, but just as much as a sin as eating pork or any other "haram" thing.
Don't you think people can just interpret the Quran or Bible as spiritual guidance rather than literally hand-manual on how everything is and how you're supposed to live?
mr bean lookin ass nigga.
All Iranians are like this. Even the diaspora that post on this site. They talk constant shit about their host countries and how Iran is so much better yet never want to live in Iran. They're like Muslim Mexicans. And they ALWAYS vote left, despite how much hate they say they have for jews.
Its ok to be white on his twitter. He is Iranian, and Iranians are white. so Its ok to be white
muslims do all the things they say they don't.
This guy is dropping red pills on Swedish tv about immigration. Why cant Australia have a Iranian like this.
> muh experience, totally not anecdotal
> muh cannot actually show a poll that show that Muslim hate their host-countries and how their home countries were better
You don't actually know why they vote left nor do I think you care to research why. You're just using your feels my man. You've read somewhere on Sup Forums that XYZ has happened and the reason they do things is XYZ. How does it feel to have all of your beliefs based on feels my dude? All you can do is point towards articles and anecdotal evidence to prove your point. As soon as you step outside the little shit echo chamber you live in you're going to get BTFO.
only in your fucked up sweden that a Iranian migrants can be accused of being a nazi
>swedish flag immediately swoops in to defend muzzies
the absolute state of native population of the country you live in
Fuck off back to Iran you shit cunt
They had a point regards "how can it be racist to critique islam when its (suposedly) a religion". Then came the actual racism calling them "rednecks".
red pill Iranian.
>Tfw you think Hanif Balif supports your point
Hanif Balif was part of the party that flooded the country with migrants, he complicit in calling those who disagreed with immigration racist and xenophobes and so on. Dumbfuck. You don't actually follow him, do you? Your selective bias is just brightly glowing my dude.
He insists that certain groups are doing better than native Swedes and consistently pushes this narrative saying that immigrants are better than the average Swede. The reason he switched positions is that he realized the Overton window was shifting and in order for him to stay in power he had to abandon his ideological belief because they had zero standards for immigrants. His party flooded Sweden with cheap labour. That's all they wanted all along buddy. Like his party at the time said: "Open your hearts Swedes!".
He isn't against immigration, he is against refugee's pretending to be babies for welfare benefits.
I'm not even Iranian but okay! You caught me!
Your comment implies I'm actually ethnically Swedish. Our economic growth is great, the Swedish model is being continued and further developed. Sweden still has one of the highest quality of life in the world. If you think random articles about segregated areas proves otherwise you're a brainlet.
>my man
>my dude
We know exactly why they vote left, because we infiltrated their mosques who direct their muslims.
It's for the same reason Mexicans vote for politicians who give them open borders and sanctuary cities.
Facilitation of muslim/mexican invasion
And the left don't mind betraying its people as long as it stays in power.
The only people who call him a Nazi, are feminazis. If you want to claim they represent all of the beliefs the left holds, please do so.
Sweden is so fucked up that you can not be to picky. At least he called for a limit, and learned from his mistake. you can not say that about other white swedes.
Can confirm.
>I'm not even Iranian
thats exactly what an iranian would say...
Remember when he went on Q and A and tried to portray Pauline Hanson as a monster because she doesn't want child refugees from Muslim nations?
Show me how it's fucked up? Is your only definition of fucked up the current climate of the immigration debate? Is this what your life is centred on you absolute autist? Tell me PRECISELY how Sweden is fucked up. You ignoramus, you keep trying your feels argument at me. I don't care WHAT YOU THINK. Can you not be a total retard and engage in a sane discussion where you provide non-anecdotal proof for your claims? Where the well-being of the nation isn't centred around immigrants.
He is a disgusting Muslim. He is an Islamist apologist.
Can you seriously fuck off, Sven? Don't talk about shit you don't fucking know about and go prep your wife's bull.
Really depends on why he doesn't want child refugees. Even though Australia is complicit as fuck because you're bombing Syria and involved in the Iraq war you autists. You are directly involved in the conflict, therefore you should accept the consequences of war and accept fleeing refugees.
>first generation immigrant is a productive member of society
>second generation immigrant is a piece of shit
Why does this happen so often?
>Your comment implies I'm actually ethnically Swedish
all your incestuous ancestors must've produced that lack of reading comprehension m8.
sweden's projected to be 3rd world country within 50 years, only you lot could take the #1 HDI country that wants to give you everything you need to flourish and turn it into a backwards shithole rife with grenade attacks and child rape in a matter of decades.
Sweden protects the shitskins when they rape and murder people. So their government don't release statistics like these.
I don't care if he is a Muslim. Him being a Muslim doesn't excuse the fact that the guy recording that is an absolute piece of shit and behaves unacceptable by all normal social standards. In what country is it acceptable to attack someone whose eating lunch and insult him and demand that he proves he is not XYZ. None you idiot. Do I really have to explain to what's wrong with the video and why being Muslim isn't inherently wrong?
Source on the projections of Sweden being a 3rd world in 50 years, please.
How about because they're a burden and a drain and we're not obligated to because they're not in a Shengen Zone, Sven?
How about you again stop running your mouth; we get refugees from Asia, etc, boat people that we didn't bomb.
Because we have free speech and he has said some really reprehensible things? And been very nasty and passive aggressive and smug himself?
Jesus Christ, Sven. You can't be so thick.
Except you say the same things to countries who don't engage their militaries in the middle east as well. It's the most dishonest argument ever.
You know what, this is actually true. The court system was built to be forgiving and to work towards rehabilitating rather than punishing. Do non-Swedes take advantage of our system? Sure. But should we change our system as a consequence of that because a small minority use holes in the system to escape justice? No. Welcome to the real world, nothing is perfect.
Wait I thought he quit after admitting receiving chinese bribes a few yrs back???
ITs happened here with the islanders.
First generation fobs are usually not too bad. They work hard and go to church and thats about it.
But damn the kids are fucking feral.
Another thing i worry about in NZ is Islam getting a foot hold. Why? Because if the Islanders switch from Christianity to Islam, we are going to have major problems.
Is there even a difference between Sweden and a Muslim country at this point? Either you have cucks that defend Islamism, or you have literal Muslims defending Islamism.
I am so glad Swedes will be the canaries in the coal mine and awaken the West. Good riddance, the real Swedes died out centuries ago.
Where have I said so? Please refer me directly to a quite of me doing so. I would gladly concede the point if I am wrong. In the case of Sweden, we literally supported the overthrowing of Gaddafi so we could sell jet planes to Saudi Arabia. We are the largest producer of weapons PER capita. You sell weapons to dictator regimes in the Middle East, you pay for the consequences.
That's why Imams hang out in prisons, looking for brownies to convert. They know the racial vector all too well.
look it up yourself silly bugger, i'm not fussed whether you believe me. large sections of the country already are third world, but they're propped up by the swedes still. that can't last, headed for a brazil like situation imo.
>Do non-Swedes take advantage of our system? Sure.
Did you know in USA, your system actually hurt the weakest minorities?
That's the cancer you promote. The cancer that sucks nigger cock and hurt the weakest victims.
The truth is you conceal it, because you are afraid of debate.
This guy gives a good argument on why in the long run migrants will be bad for the economy. Sweden is going to go down hill.
No that is punishable by death and you better consider yourself lucky I do not dob your pale ass into the Matriarchy
Stop calling me Sven. I already said I'm not ethnically Swedish.
Immigrants are a burden exactly how? Culture, values, economy? You're giving me too wide of a window here. I can't possibly spend time going over what a burden is and all the different aspects of it.
As for immigration, I agree it should be a net-benefit primarily to the current people living in the given country and secondary benefits for the immigrants. Either way, immigrants contribute to your economic prosperity in Australia. So I don't know what you're complaining about. Uh, the chinks and pajeets are too educated for your liking? What's your problem?
What about the brain drain. The poorer nations get plundered of their brain power.
>canaries in the coal mine and awaken the West
we should already be awake, the vast majority of what's happening there is not reported in the MSM, but even what trickles through should be enough and it isn't.
don't lie to yourself mate, there's no end to what we Europeans are able to put up with. in a sane age, Rotherham would've led to a civil war followed by a month's long guillotining spectacular, instead the English carried on and the government carried on and the paki fuckers are still doing it to this day. it's not that we need to see what happens to a country when mass migration is allowed, that's already happened countless times in ancient and recent history. from California to Iran, Argentina and Tibet, we know that you have to defend your borders to prevent everything being taken from you and your children's future destroyed. but these precedents don't matter, people don't know or care. a seismic scale attitudinal shift in attitude to identity needs to occur in the European mind now.
>Culture, values, economy
All three.
>I already said I'm not ethnically Swedish
A third worlder coming in to defend ethnic replacement and a death cult. Really makes me think.
>I already said I'm not ethnically Swedish.
That just means you're even more Swedish
Mmm yes all the under educated Chinks and Pajeets that are used in slave like conditions and allow companies to lower wages. They are a real net benefit
ISIS doesn't even punish people for drinking Alcohol by death. You absolute imbeciles, the punishment for drinking alcohol and not repenting is punishment in the afterlife.
migrants, on average, remain on welfare comparing to the native population.
Today someone spraypainted 'VOTE ISIS' at the kebab shop in my diverse suburb.
I love diversity. It's our strength.
So where are you from then?
ISIS is a paramilitary organization under the control of Mossad and sponsorship of the US
In Iran if they find you drinking alcohol you get wiped.
Parra, Granville?
>>Immigrants are a burden exactly how? Culture, values, economy?
The red line is how much a muslim drains on your economy. Even at peak working age, you shitskins become a cost.
The Blue line is ethnic danes.
The llight blue line is white immigrants.
You are such a big cancer overall, you cancel out all of the other non-White contributions from other good countries like China and Japan.
It's cultural. Your wife isn't working, she is on welfare and shitting out babies. And most of the men don't work either, they use excuses like language barrier to avoid work.
Australia literally has Muslims with multiple wives on welfare. And entire enclaves where no one speaks English. Each year we import 200,000 more mouths to feed in a country of 20 million with little infrastructure.
I think we're about done with the migration, yeah? Maybe lower it a bit?
No, but think similar demographics with rapidly aging Southern Europeans.
Are you really linking me to an article about San Fransico and implying that it's somehow related to Sweden haha? Again, I said they take advantage of the courts, not the whole system. The courts are lenient because the Swedish models dictate rehabilitation over punishment. They would rather reintegrate someone into society as a productive member of society than spending tax-payer money on not rehabilitating them, which ends up COSTING more money for tax-payers.
Strawman argument either way. I am open to debate anything, that's why I've been refuting everything you and the Aussie have been saying in the threads since the start. Your gish galloping and throwing multiple statements at me and expect me to be able to instantly provide you with an answer while also debating the rest of the people on here. Take it easy.
>"how can it be racist to critique islam when its (suposedly) a religion"
Here's progressive pretzel logic. It's a race because the person is born the Muslim family and faith, and if he left he'd be shunned by his family and "even killed" because he committed apostasy.
>He's just as stuck as a nog.
So, instead of... oh, I don't know... fixing mohammedism, the pretzel progressives will defend this blood thirsty cult of murderers and rapist.
I'm using "you" interchangeably between you as a person and you as a country. That's why your poor brain can't follow the argument.
Either way, the point is your system is a failure. It protects the wrong people, it hurts actual minorities.
>Maybe lower it a bit?
Haha, you think you refuted anything. you have provided no evidence on why refugees are good. The delusion is real with this one.
>But damn the kids are fucking feral.
Exactly. If you can't keep 'em out, three generations of continuous residency before naturalisation may be allowed once the third generation reaches the age of maturity.
Last night the news was dumb enough to show those people that got onto the top of the opera house because security is so shit.
God I hope no fucking Wahabbists were watching. Jesus Christ, how fucking dumb is the media to make that a widespread story?
Australian media is dumb. What else is new?
The females in Australia are fuckng dumb as fuck.
>400% increase
music to my ears
I just want to live alone atop a mountain somewhere
It's been said many times before but fuck this gay Earth
I am so sick of hearing about empowered womyn 'studying' these groups and not actually talking to them like proper journalists or academics. Yeah, I'm sure you know exactly what being a White Nationalist or a Muslim or a man is like from your third degree condescension.
Ironic because they're always the first to cry about mansplaining.
This is BIG NEWS because the "racist white men" hurt his feelings.
Meanwhile, Tony Abbot gets headbutted, Andrew Bolt gets punched, other politicians have to cancel speeches due to left wing threats and violence and it barely rates a mention.
Shanghai Sam should have been kicked out of parliament when he was exposed as having been bought and paid for by the Chinese Communist party. I have no fucking idea how this cunt can stay in politics, or the Labor Party can support him.
a terrorist attack is retardedly easy to pull off. a knife or a truck is all you need, surprised there aren't far more of them. england's supposed to have over 30,000 return ISIS fighters strolling about.
>by the Chinese Communist party. I have no fucking idea how this cunt can stay in politics, or the Labor Party can support him.
It's pretty much a pre-requisite to getting anywhere in Australian politics
It's pretty out in the open now, everyone slutting the joint for China shekels.
Aw no, did someone yell at the poor politician and hurt its feelings :(?
If only he weren't elected to deal with criticism.
He re-tweeted a poll about him suing the 'Nazis' on 18C.
They butcher our children and rape our women but we are the ones who get sued. Where are our feelings? Where is our justice?
Instead you have human pusbags like the 'Swede' ITT defending them.
when I say Asian women are far superior. then Pol call me a beta male
Finally no more Aussie shitposting
Okay, then go ahead and explain to me what Australian values are? What is Australian culture? You need to have these pre-defined for me so I can explain why they are wrong. A hypothetical here for you. If someone chooses not to engage in your culture and share your values are they not Australian?
The economy is too easy because no economist disagrees with the tangible economic benefits immigration brings.
According to your Department of Social Services, the social benefits of immigration to your country has "Migration has increased the diversity of recreational and leisure pursuits and thereby provided a greater amenity for society as a whole. As activities have become more diverse,
Australians have achieved greater international recognition and success than ever before and, most likely as part of this process, become less insular."[1].
When analysing an economy, an integral reference point is its Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Currently, Australia's GDP totals approximately 600 Billion dollars. Migrants and children of migrants have accounted for almost 60% of GDP growth since the conclusion of World War II [3]. If not for migrants, Australia's economy may be as little as one half the size it is today [3]. This growth can be attributed to an increased workforce, larger tax paying group and larger and more diverse industries. A substantial increase in GDP is one of the many advantages that immigration provides the Australian economy.
Although it is argued that "an increase in migrants in the workforce displaces many Australians from occupying the same job" [2], this is largely untrue as the increase in demand for goods and services created by the migrants, will in turn create more jobs.
[1] -
[2] -
[3] - Year Book Australia, 2003
No wonder there are so many drunken white trash in kiwiland then last I visited for a wedding.
Why would I publically post this on a board notorious for DOXing and data-mining?
Does this mean no more Aussies shitting up the board? #ImWithHim
Fuck him. Islam destroyed his country, and now he wants to bring it to Australia
We don't actually have free speech
Mate at this point you're starting to just look sad.
Have you considered suicide?
Right so you had to flee from some shithole and are now too embarrassed to say from where, yet you still defend groups like Isis
>You need to have these pre-defined for me so I can explain why they are wrong
we don't need to do anything. Australian values are implicit in the people here, they are the foundation that allows us to build a flourishing society whether it be Australia, NZ, Canada, America or Europe. when you lot come you screw it up for everyone, and devolve the areas you live in from 1st world stable, secure and pleasant into dirty, crime ridden impoverished shitholes. i don't know how you do that and how exactly we do what we do, but i know Australian values by the fruit they produce, and i know you're a rotten tree by the fruit you produce.
fuck off back to your own country, i'd like to see you flourish there but you don't belong in our lands.
Streetshitters go home
He's a Swede, be kind.
A victory here would be their first since the early 18th century.
>run away from X in his country
>wants to implement X in host country
This sums up every diaspora everywhere. Immigrants and their offspring up to 4th generation should be banned from voting.
>an indication of economic growth
Hahahahah all it shows is that your government is spending trillions on refugees while going into unbelievable debt to do it
You're mistaken because not all migrants are equally beneficial.
Some countries are better than others. Wehther it's economy. Pic related.
Or crimeMuslimm migrants are always cancerous.
Link me the study, please.
> You are such a big cancer overall, you cancel out all of the other non-White contributions from other good countries like China and Japan.
It's cultural. Your wife isn't working, she is on welfare and shitting out babies. And most of the men don't work either, they use excuses like language barrier to avoid work.
Go ahead and find some statistics on how 2nd or 3rd generations do compared to ethnically Danes. I don't expect 1st generation immigrants to instantly assimilate if that's what you're angry about? Besides, I the reason for higher rates of unemployment is always the language barrier. Again, in almost any country immigration will always be a net-benefit for the economy overall and the GDP. So I don't know how you can say "muslims drain your economy".
>Australia's economy may be as little as one half the size it is today
Sounds like speculation to me. It may have been the same or double the size. Who the fuck knows?
Immigration of skilled migrants who integrate and pull their own weight has been a great benefit to this country.
Mass immigration of unskilled non-English speakers from totally foreign cultures has caused and continues to cause nothing but problems. Welfare abuse, ghettos and organised crime are the only thing flourish under these programs.
Do you actually believe what you're saying?