Its cringe, most people facepalm after watching this
Its cringe, most people facepalm after watching this
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Low birth rate is just a symptom of the modern western lifestyle. It's the reason why every country that adopts this lifestyle, no matter the place, suffers the same problem.
It's decadence
Stop wearing condoms.
Stop taking birth control.
high population growth is only beneficial to the banks and big businesses, hopefully poland and japan slowly accept that the equilibrium of population is a long way down
Ironic, since Poles in Britain are pretty much the only white people who still have babies. Everyday, I see dozens of young Polish/Eastern European women with push chairs and they all have 2-3 kids. I wonder why it's different in thier home country.
None of the Central European countries have children. Hungary has been shrinking for 30 years (but Gypsies still have a lot of children). It's over. Only Western Ukrainians have children. Greater Ukraine when?
Infinite growth will surely solve all problems
>implying declining population is a problem
My guess is less economic opportunity. I've never visited Poland but that actually gives me reason to judge. You see, I have visited the UK/Ireland for work but never Poland. I likely will never have a reason to visit Poland since their economy is lacking.
Poles move to UK, they make more money and get more opportunities so they fuck and have more kids. No one wants to be a poorfag and having kids drains money. Although that shouldn't deter you since kids provide wealth beyond the monetary. Children are gifts from God.
Economy. In your country they just sit at home, while here they have to have a job. FYI in 1989 we had a birth rate 2.2, because women didn't have to work in the communism era
>No one wants to be a poorfag and having kids drains money.
Tell that to a billion niggers
It's just a shit campaign with bad execution. They went with rabbit theme because "they were scared" and rabbits seemed safe enough (literal quote from interview with creator of ads in DGP), while not taking into account "fucking like rabbits" does not have good connotations.
And there's nothing about young people there nor about migration - they just hate IVF too much.
This is an actual solution i mean i know people that raise 8 kids with 200$ a month.Unlike sheltered city kids these are higly motivated to study and get good jobs to save their family and sibling from poverty.
I have 3 kids and i want 3 more,the struggle is to get the first one to the age of 14 then they can start raising eachother.
>Low birth rate is just a symptom of the modern western lifestyle.
Low birth rate is a symptom of high population density. Humans aren't "meant" to live packed as fucking sardines. Hypersociality through ever-present social media, texting and mobile phones only makes it worse.
Declining birth rates is not a fucking problem. Only (((they))) make it out to be one. It's simply human instinct subconsciously trying to balance the population out to level that works for us. We'd be perfectly fine (better than fine!) at early 1900 population count especially with all the automation and efficient farming we have today.
>why is the state of affairs we live in so dire?
It's not. Elites just aren't satisfied with the amount of wealth they can leech right now and want to raze the countries even more to extract the last bit of money from it.
Why can't more White people globally just start doing this? As a mandate, every white family must have at least 4 children.
>having children
>not living a comfy childfree life
>Low birth rate is a symptom of high population density
This only partially explains it, countries like Nigeria are expected to maintain their high birth rates.
Well, declining birth rates are a problem... If your pension funds are literally ponzi schemes *coughZUScough*
It's not. China's birthrate is hardly above that of Germany or Japan for example. It's due to overpopulation. The more people you have, the less resources are available. Which means there are less spare resources for raising more children.
High population density means less resources for each individual, which is the real reason why the birth rate goes down.
For Africa that does not happen because the Western world keeps providing them with additional resources every time their population grows again.
A) they're too busy trying to stay alive to have it affect them and
B) because they're primitive savages
at some level it, does not matter. They will feed on the memes of social expectation.
of course it is if you want to have conscripts for the army and social security payers.
So what? Is the message wrong, maybe the packaging could be better but they'll get it right eventually!
Here in Russian TV they showed a Polish jew feminist attacking your gov because it should instead spend money on distributing birth control.
Putin btw did something similar, but it started 15 years ago. Today we have natural growth of ethnic Russians without re-emigration of Russians from former Soviet states.
Even the proportion of ethnic Russians is rising, we are now at 80.9% whereas we were at 80.6% before Putin. So it works.
Don't be sterile, you'll loose everything!
You're somewhat right: urbanisation does indeed lower fertility greatly. However low birth rates are a huge problem because of a) high dependency ratios cripple a society, b) niggers and Muslims have high birth rates and we need to be able to compete.
If you're not willing or able to have 3+ white children you're part of the problem. Stop bullshitting to yourself.
>high population growth is only beneficial to the banks and big businesses
it's beneficial to all businesses
especially the funeral business
Most economies around the globe rely on growth, singling out bug business doesn't make any sense.
yet, poland's population is declining because most poles fuck off to places where they can actually earn a living
>we need to be able to compete.
only if you are stupid enough to let them into the country.
granted, we were already stupid enough to do that, but the solution should be to get rid of them, not to fuck our own nation up by breeding like rabbits
I don't know why I keep having to say this to you cunts, when will you fucking listen?
The problem is niggers. They have to go.
How are you going to keep them out of your country if you're just a country full of decrepit old people? Who's going to man the walls dumbarse?
But they'll return again. Same is happening in Russia right now.
We have more Russians returning from the West and very few leaving in comparison.
This was completely different before Putin and during his first 5 years of presidency.
They are out there making money and seeing a different world but most of them will settle down in Poland again.
>Don't be sterile, you'll loose everything!
No the root problem is kikery, which leads to degeneracy, which leads to low birth rates, which leads to niggers. Well at least, that's how it works in Europe and Australia. Maybe not for amerimutts.
>But they'll return again.
That is yet to be seen; so at this point, it's conjecture at best.
>How are you going to keep them out of your country
By abolishing gibs for anyone who does not have a Staatsbürgerschaftsnachweis. These people don't come here as an invasion force (even if they as a collective are being used as such by interest groups), they come here because it's an easy life with no effort. Take that away and they fuck off again.
If you mean from an actually military aspect - our technological advantage is so high that we don't need numbers anymore. We could drone them all to pieces if we actually wanted to.
I can't see the future, but we've seen the same thing in my country once it became better.
From what I understand the economy in Poland is on the rise so I suppose the same thing will happen there.
You must realize that even though you say the population size was ideal in 1900, it was bound to grow and and 100 years later we went from 1.6 billion to 7.6 billion people.
1900 is a good year, but to benefit mankind we gotta stay at a 2:1 reproduction rate. I'd say mostly because 1/2 the people don't want kids, the other half want one or more. Then you factor in premature loss in lives annually, worldwide. Our species knows no bounds (as far as we can conceive), but to stunt our overall expansion is detrimental to our existence.
You are completely wrong on this my friend. Your only wealth in life is your wife and your children.
The more children you have the better.
There must be some changes on the cultural level in Germany because you can't sustain yourself with these kinds of birth rates.
Beat the crap out of feminists and jews who shill for abortion and birth control.
There should be no birth control at all, it's a tool of the devil to destroy people.
We have the same stuff here but we are moving away from a secular society and the church has actual political power here now, so it's only a question when it will be banned, not if.
because we have open borders threatening our race and culture, while wellfare state policies demand an ever expanding tax base and international enterprise uses its political connections to demand ever cheaper labor from foreign sources.
close the damn borders
live within your means
eliminate the welfair state
end crony capitalist game playing
ethnic nationalism wouldnt even be necessary. it wouldnt have to be written into law at all. it would work itself out organically when that occured. as it stands, we are in a massive fucking mess right now because of certain (((influences))) trying to play for utopia and wagering all of civilization in their mania.
>close the damn borders
t. nazi
And to those who cringe at the idea that the church should have power in society, maybe even political:
Either you give your own churches power or some foreign church will eventually have power, like Islam.
A people without religion in it centre will always drive itself into the ground. Other peoples will then populate your territory for religious people always outbreed the non religious.
Why shouldn't your own people continue to populate your territory, why does it have to be foreigners if you can do something about it?
You are a goodman
Thx bro, your country is on a good path, I'm sure your countries policies will prevail in the EU.
The biggest problem always was Germany. Every conflict always started with Germany. Even communism started with Germany, because they sent Lenin to Moscow to destabilize Russia
what? i though we were dying of over population
all they do is just saying, stead of giving money, affordable houses, well payed jobs, support your own population stead of sandniggers and they will breed for you
Yup. Economies should react to the needs and quantities of the population. If the quantities of the population are being controlled to react to the needs of the economy, you're in a slave society.
>breeding subhumans like rabbits
Gee, I wonder how this will effect the stance of white people
what the fuck are you talking about you fuckin shill?
> we are now at 80.9% whereas we were at 80.6% before Putin
The liberation of Crimea, Donbass & Lugansk refugees, Russians who were forced to leave "friendly asian republics" (all stans), that's what yours "0.3%" are based on (if they are true)
Here you go, stats from 2010, before the Ukraine war.
Who are you shilling for? Fifth column?
>poles are literal r reproduction animals
Rabbits are now a white supremacist symbol.
>These people don't come here as an invasion force
Naive as ever, Hans. That is literally their point -- fucking as them if you don't believe me. Ask a Muslim you know in a non-confrontation manner and you'll get a friendly truthful answer.
Makes more sense than the "first world babies take up too many resources amd leave a large carbon footprint so we should import millions of people from cultures where having 8 kids is the norm and bring them up to a first world living standard so they can do the same within a generation because muh greenhouse gases and also something something colonialism" argument that western Europe, the commonwealth, and the US use
>It's da germans!
noone wants to be told how many kids they should have.
Noone wants to be bred out and wiped out either. Needs must.
I know at least 10 people, all of whom are normies, who unironically entertain the idea of migrating from Norway to Poland within the next 10 years.
Meanwhile all the polaks who flooded our country to work in construction for the big paychecks are moving back to Poland, according to newspapers.
I myself will likely move to Poland in 2018/2019. I just need to learn the fucking language first. I can run my business online, and €80,000/year will go a long way in Poland, unlike Norway.
>b) niggers and Muslims have high birth rates and we need to be able to compete.
Not if there aren't any fucking niggers or muslims in our countries in the first place!!
Even in America, the black population has been stable for quite a while ironically thanks to liberals.
>You must realize that even though you say the population size was ideal in 1900, it was bound to grow and and 100 years later we went from 1.6 billion to 7.6 billion people.
I don't mean we necessarily need to force a decline to 1900's levels, I'm just saying it is NOT a problem if that's what's happening naturally through lowered birth rates.
Second quote was meant for
Take those normies and stay in your country or move to some isolated place in the North. Don’t come here, we’re full no matter how low the birthrates.
Why would you move your future generations into the flight path between Germany and Russia. Shit hasn’t worked so well for the Poles, seems to me.
t. Israel shlomowitzstein
You've drained my country of resources for more than 30 years while sending those resources back to Poland. I'm coming to harvest.
Med cock volunteers as tribute.
But you could be overtaxed for underbreeding :^)
>drained resources in a capitalist economy
If anything these people have contributed. We on the other hand don’t need leftist cucks here.
you can come
u probably cannot survive (don't mean economically)
>If anything these people have contributed
No. They undercut our workers, because the vast majority didn't pay taxes. And when the taxman started snooping, they'd hop on a plane back to Poland for a couple of months of vacation until the taxman went away.
You mistake all Norwegians for the cucks in Oslo.
"declining population" is only an issue to the jew trillionaires who care if GDP drops by a tenth of a percent
it's such a crock of shit
Yes it's about big government and the elite, a small population means smaller government and fair wealth redistribution.
I don't see what's the harm in having more white children in the world. More white children in white countries and less niggers in white countries are not mutually exclusive. Why are you so against it?
As if you’d know who pays taxes and who doesn’t.
They should give better incentives for that.
Research bolshevism.
>I don't see what's the harm in having more white children in the world. More white children in white countries and less niggers in white countries are not mutually exclusive. Why are you so against it?
I'm not! I'm against the idea that it's a problem when a population balances itself out at a lower level which suits it better.
Especially that it's used as an argument to import foreigners, whether non-european or not, to "fill the workforce in an aging population" or some tripe like that.
>43,900 polaks registered in Norway
>28,000 of whom survived in Norway with 0 in income ;))
>Director of tax agency says it's blatantly obvious that these are tax cheats
You're like our illegal Mexicans. Fucking up for ordinary workers.
Did it change over the years or are Polish immigrants still useless here? I recently got a couple of job offers from Trondheim and Oslo (programming, high skills required and tons of money offered), but I can turn them down if I'm going to be associated with jobless fucks by every local person.
Declining population?. I thought Poland was having a baby boom.
>Poles are too stupid to understand demographics
>so you just tell them to "do it like the rabbits"
Poles are honorary non-whites.
I'm not calling you a leftist
I'm calling you a non-pole
recent study shows that new generation of poles are even more patriot/tribal than we are
and we are already pretty fucking tribal
if you're not of polish descent, or hungarian, or of any nation historically under polish protection (belarus, ukraine, all of baltic countries) then it might not be the ride you would like to take
Polaks are still vastly associated with tax fraud. I'd say about 80% of Polaks here either work in construction, cleaning or selling smuggle-vodka from their cars to teenagers.
I know anecdotes don't count for shit here, but I've known my fair share of Polaks through the year. The most respectable one was an educated engineer in Poland, but since his engineering degree wasn't accepted by Norwegian standards he worked as a grunt at a construction site, and on the weekends he'd drive to a recycling station, jump the fence and steal copper cables. He'd then sell the copper to a junk yard.
Learn the language. Don't move to Oslo, ever. And you'll be fine.
How come Poland doesn't just offer incentives for Parenthood?
MGTOW will save the west
Because we've destroyed the traditions that have sustained society for millenia.
I'm pro capitalism but, the sheer success of the system has sewn its own seeds of destruction.
There's a 500+ program.
>honorary non-whites.
no, we arent wh*Te. Period
Is that for Poles or "Poles?"
Banks are shrinking in size and they don't like that.
>banks and big businesses
EXACTLY. This is all about them.
They're probably pretty scared that we're all going to figure that out, too.
>more Slavs
>Is that for Poles or "Poles?"
mfw my last name is so Polish that even other Poles have troubles with it. It's literally "Brzęczyszczykiewicz" level of difficulty.
how many polacks does it take to get pregnant?
>Although that shouldn't deter you since kids provide wealth beyond the monetary. Children are gifts from God.
This is profoundly true, and a lot of modern kids don't figure it out until it's almost too late. Many GenX didn't. They were programmed not to breed. We've been victimized by a number of conflicting attempts to psy-op us all. The ascending power cells of niggers and spics and other third world people worldwide--and (((those))) who fund and enable them--wanted us all to stop having kids and die out so they could take everything we have and totally dominate the few of us who'd be left. But the banker/corporate class --or should I say the greedier amongst (((them)))-- went "hold on a fucking second, we don't want to lose all that productivity, we need growth!!! permanently!!!" so the other factions thought a sec and replied, "okay, just ship the third world hordes into the white devils' countries EARLY--they won't resist much, we'll tell them it's racist! *snicker* Then within a generation or less we can get the new population of slaves tame enough to work for us and all will be well! We'll both get what we want!"
It's not working out as smoothly as anybody planned.