American nazis in the 60's were alpha men


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Look like the same rural & suburban retards who voted for Trump to me.

As in the More dominant class of the white race?

None of them even look white

Yes they do?


christ they had great haircuts, nowadays WNs have zero fashion sense, they look disgusting in their polos and speed dealer sunglasses

Based priest

If you punched one of these guys in the face with enough force to dislocate his jaw, knock out twelve of his teeth, fracture his cheekbone, blacken his eye, and give him a concussion, it probably would've hurt him, right?

If you can't take punches like that on an hourly basis without any ill effects, you are not a superman and have no business in the military.

Nothing like these kekistani huehuehue cringey tapwater goblins.

You must be better in every way than the enemy you hate. Pol made me quit uni and start anew. Healthy life, gym and training,carpenter making 55k/y, literature and voluntary military rehearsals.

Remember; /SiG/