Transsexuals are a radical minority in the world, it isn't hard to make exceptions to respect a few people in a population by referring to them by their preferred pronouns. You are literally losing nothing of value by being respectful, you might even gain something, empathy.
Respect people's pronouns
Gas yourself please.
not an argument
Shut the fuck up.
not an argument
>transsexuals are a radical minority
Yes they are.
>it isn't hard to make exceptions to respect a few people in a population
I don't make exceptions to anyone.
>You are literally losing nothing of value
I lose factual reasoning and disregard biological truths.
>you might even gain empathy
I don't need empathy. I make decisions based off of logos, not pathos.
>it isn't hard to make exceptions to respect a few people in a population by referring to them by their preferred pronouns.
Uh, yes it is
>Communicate with millions of people on a regular basis
>Refer to them as sir, ma'am, etc
>Go about life normally
>Refer to transsexuals a handful of times
>Refer to them as the sex that which they've changed to (sir, ma'am, etc)
>Tranny chimps out
What the fuck is the point of getting a sex change if you don't want to be a man, or a woman?
It's against my religion to tell a lie.
wow such an intellectual
>not understanding that pronouns are a social construct.
> You are literally losing nothing of value by being respectful, you might even gain something, empathy.
You got this the other way around transfaggot. It is impolite, disrespectful, and quite rude, to bother people for no reason. YOU are being insulting when you act like people should give extra fucks about you than anyone else and resort to different words to address you.
You'll be called by the most fitting and widely known pronoun and you are not to complain.
Is that supposed to be an argument? I don't get it.
>you might even gain something, empathy
Who the fuck would want that from those freaks like you said they aren't that many of them to even matter.
"Not lying" includes not using corrupt, for-profit studies in the formation of my worldview.
No it's just a shitty reason for not favouring the wellbeing of trans people, logic isn't an abstract mental articulation, it's an application which can benefit society, and you can do that by not hurting feelings intentionally.
Lying implies truth and pronouns aren't a truth.
>it's an application which can benefit society,
Some parts of society shouldn't be benefited in any way.
Just because something is a part of society doesn't make it good.
sorry, there can be no negotiation with satan and imbeciles
case closeD
>I don't need empathy. I make decisions based off of logos, not pathos.
100% this
We will base our beliefs on science and knowledge of the real world.
Not your inane fantasies. We will not play pretend time with you. Under any circumstances.
We are adults. You are not.
If they look like a man I'm not going to cater to their delusions. I'm just not going to talk to them at all because I want no business with some schizophrenic sex pervert.
>and you can do that by not hurting feelings intentionally
Like I said, I am indiscriminate to anyone in a local population. If the feelings of one are hurt because they do not like being treated like everyone else in a proper, factual, and biological manner, then that is their problem, not mine.
>Not understanding the post-modern worldview that capitalism manifests of role-playing
You are just very confused and want to hate for no reason.
Your neutral pronouns need a rethinking. "Xer" doesn't look or sound like anything, try harder.
>biological manner
How relatvistsic can you get?
Explain what you mean by this.
Two genders make everything simpler, more than two is gonna make everything harder for everyone else.
No. We will not be enablers to their mental illness. We will also not respect Cultural Marxist theology about gender identity and expression. We also do not support faggots who cry to the State to get laws passed that force us to accept their made up pronouns (C-16 in Canada) or their poorly made decisions (Ontario Bill 80).
No matter how much surgery, hormones or makeup you apply, you will never become something that you aren't biologically.
The LGBT Establishment who support this have literally become the Church Ladies of the Right that they opposed many years ago. They have no problem shoving it down our throats but don't respect our religious or personal views. You also don't respect LGBT who come out as Libertarian or Conservative, which is far more edgy now.
>You are literally losing nothing of value by being respectful
And enabling is being respectful? Even if we say nice things or nothing at all, they are still more likely to have depression and more likely to commit suicide.
I was friends with a tranny and he was an unsufferable bitch before and it was amplified tenfold when he took hormones. He only made that decision because he got advice from you guys, went SJW after G20 Toronto and his mom died of Cancer and he slumped into the worst depression ever.
Gender is a social construct, there are two SEXES, but their expectations are irrational and limitless, which is what we call gender.
"men shouldn't cry"
"women should be caregivers"
I don't respect the mentally ill.
Trannies need the gallows.
But, they’ll probably just kill themselves anyway. Let’s make the 45% the 100%!
>Enabling mental illness
As opposed to shaming it, yes.
Why should I care about someone who isn't even willing to fix their own mental illness? Fuck off. Act like a bitch, get treated like one.
Can you even dictionary? That's a physics term, not a biological one.
>Explain what you mean by this.
If one had a wiener and nutsack at their birth, and have XY chromosomes present in their deoxyribonucleic acid, they are referred to as "males."
If one had a uterus and ovaries at their birth, and have XX chromosomes present in their deoxyribonucleic acid, they are referred to as "females."
If they have XXX or XXY chromomes, or are a hemaphrodite, they are referred to as "genetic defects which occur very rarely in a select population."
They are attempting to fix it through transitioning.
Language reflects truth. There are not three genders. You are either a woman with an inflatable sextoy sewn in, or a man that cut his dick off. It is not your impingement on society to reflect your mental illness back at you for the sake of your comfort.
Did you consider the possibility that people who call trannies mentally ill actually might have their health and happiness foremost in their minds? If you had schizophrenia, I would prefer to be honest with you so you can debug yourself. If I lie to you, I am harming you, and debasing myself.
You are mentally ill.
If a guy tells me he has voices in his head speaking with me what should I do? address my conversation to his voices?
>Enabling mental illness being a good thing.
So by that logic, if you were an opium addict, then that means I should enable your drug addiction and not shame you into either solving the problem yourself and getting help or continuing the behavior and killing yourself.
Either way, I win.
Transitioning is but one solution. Ever heard of therapy?
You realise that gender and sex are two different things, right?
We actually care about you. You are mentally ill, get help from someone in the medical community that doesn't endorse your delusions. Help is available for you. So sad.
Many get therapy as well, some issues are just so fundamental that they can't handle life, and many end up homeless and therapy is expensive.
Only if they will extend same courtesy towards me my preferred pronoun is Master.
That's fine
Yes, which is why wanting a sex change is so hypocritical of the narrative needed to justify such an expense.
Do you *realize what the conversation is about?
We are talking transSEXualism as your original post was regarding, not transGENDERism. If you want to talk about gender, that is a whole other issue, but we were talking about SEX the entire time.
>my preferred pronoun is Master.
Mine is Nigger and I like it screamed from a block away in heavy crowds.
>radical minority
but they are not, these genderlarpers are literally everywhere
>referrimg to them by their preffered pronouns
I refer to them with my language and understanding of physical reality
>literally losing nothing
I am losing the respect of my peers, my dignity, faith in humanity, and meaning of the words in my language used to describe reality
>you might gain empathy
I do not wish for your empathy
Transsexualism and transgenderism are the same term, I just use transsexualism because you can't transition your gender because you personally define that.
And the surgery and being on hormones for the rest of your life isn't?
>literally everywhere
so the people in this thrrad are all trans?
I identify as Apache Helicopter.
Well there is you.
Yeah, and who else?
Have you ever read a human biology and a human anatomy book?
I still do not get why you asked if I "realise that sex and gender are two different things." That just seemed a bit irrelevant to the conversation. But whatever, synonyms aside, enlighten me, what is the difference between a "sex" and a "gender?"
>gender and sex are two different things, right?
If you are going to reduce the granularity of definition to that level, you are missing the point.
Do (say) bears have this distinction? Are there any trans bears? Your distinction between gender and sex is meaningless, as gender (using your distinction) is a consequence of biological sex. To the extent that this is not true, an individual begins to appear dysgenic.
What you are asking for is for people to willfully ignore millions of years of genetic programming that views your phenotype as ill-adapted for survival.
Trying to confuse people by differentiating gender/sex in preparation for de-correlating it is an insidious abuse of language, and if you are doing it consciously, you are detestable. And it isn't working anymore.
literal nigger tier bait
so here you are? what do I need there to be more than one of you in every place? Are you really that retarded? Oh wait, of course you are.
both are true
The important thing to take away from this thread is the vast majority want to simply kill all the trans gendered folks. There are a few moderates that want trans gendered folks to get the help they desperately need. Us moderates are losing and as civil war unfolds (nearly daily mass shootings can only go on so long before there is open sectarian violence in streets) people will begin just systematically eliminating transgender folks. Moral of the story is get responsible help soon, time is running out.
Sex is the biological distinction between the two seual classes of animals, male and female.
Gender is the culturally-assigned characteristics given to these classes.
"Men should be like this"
Women should be like this"
There`s hardly a need for that,if you ever ran into a passing tranny, you wont notice she was a man before anyways, and hon feelings dont matter.
I think we have some normie cuck from the guardian here, trying to find stuff for a shitty article on pol
I was addressing your point of trans people being everywhere, I wasn't making the claim.
people havent imposed any gender on the sexes since 1960's. If they had you wouldn't be transgendered, yo would have committed suicide or been killed by now.
respect the mentally ill but dont forget about their condition
Why are they even a part of the population? Psychologists exist for a reason.
>Wild young female apes use sticks as dolls, suggesting there's at least some biological basis to gender-based toy choices, a new study says.
My family is conservative so they enforce gender standards onto us.
Alright then. Same thing then.
So what is the context of this to the conversation? I was going over logos and biology. I do not exactly get what your argument point is by asking me if I know the difference between "sex" and "gender."
>In my version of reality, there are only two genders
>I use language in such a way that reflects my version of reality, i.e. "man and woman", "male and female", etc.
>In your version of reality, there are more than two genders
>You use language in such a way that reflects your version of reality
>In policing the way I express myself, you show no respect for my own perception of reality, forcing me to adopt your outlook, because you believe your beliefs are more important than everyone else's
>You would not be willing to forsake your version of reality and use language the way I would want you to upon my request
>Therefore, I'm not going to show you the same courtesy
Fuck off cunt
>as opposed to shaming it
How about treating it?
I'm not forcing anyone, I want people to respect others by their own will, I'm a libertarian.
Can I ask you an honest question: Where are you studying and what course are you taking?
Your pronoun is "it", end of story.
Only cure to gender dysphoria is transitioning.
I don't go to school.
>I'm a libertarian
What is your take on Bill C-16 in Canada?
Almost 90% grow out of it.
>In my version of reality, there are only two genders
>I use language in such a way that reflects my version of reality, i.e. "man and woman", "male and female", etc.
>In your version of reality, there are more than two genders
>You use language in such a way that reflects your version of reality
>In policing the way I express myself, you show no respect for my own perception of reality, expecting me to adopt your outlook by my own will, because you believe your beliefs are more important than everyone else's
>You would not be willing to forsake your version of reality and use language the way I would want you by your own will upon my request
>Therefore, I'm not going to show you the same courtesy
Fuck off cunt
What do you mean I have to tolerate people with mental disabilities like being a fucking tranny? Lol no faggot.
is "It" an appropriate pronoun?
Yeah, I get that PoV. But as....
...both point out, your side can't seem to behave as if they believe their own bullshit.
This. I am the moderate. I am disgusted by you, but IDK what fucked up shit happened to you that drove you into cutting off your dick (or whatever). I feel pity for you. It would make me happy if you got help and rationalized your existence. But I also know that once a guy cuts his dick off, his odds of coming back are very low.
But keep trying to twist my language, and I cease to be a moderate. I'm pretty sure most of the world is fucking sick of the Left-winger war-on-reality via undermining language itself.
as they should. off yourself and save them the pain
Well as far as I understand it, the same law is in New York and it only applies to professional workplaces and trans discrimination, not in public.
But I am pro-free speech so I have to say I reject it, although that shouldn't be an excuse to harass trans people just because they're a minority.
only cure is the good ol' zyke
>My family is conservative
My condolences(to your family)
Don't worry, I plan to.
>hurr can't harass mentally ill people because they're a minority
Transtrenders dont want to transition into anything. They want to be as speshul as possible.
Why would you want to harass mentally ill people?
I don't feel obligated to empathize with LARPing.
If you're a trannie, thank you for bettering the pool.
Reasonable. Finally, what about Ontario Bill 80?
Not in any meaningful sense.
On top of that:
>The only cure for gender dysphoria is to change sex
>gender dysphoria
>change sex
Source per request:
>As many as 98% of gender-confused boys and 88% of gender-confused girls eventually accept their biological sex after naturally passing through puberty and grow naturally into adult life if untreated.
>DSM-V under "Gender Dysphoria without a disorder of sex development"
>Close to 80% of such children would abandon their confusion and grow naturally into adult life if untreated.
>About 88% of children who have gender dysphoria do not hold those beliefs when they grow older.
>Only 12% of boys who believe they are transsexuals still believe so when they are older.
OP is just an object to you?