who /never telling anyone about their Jewish ancestry/ here?
>tfw crypto
Other urls found in this thread:
My great-grandmother was a 16 year old Polish-Jewish girl who got knocked up by a racist redneck from Georgia and had to marry him.
Ironically she considered herself lucky because she was one of two members of her family to survive the Holocaust.
1/16 is basically nothing. Try being 1/2 or 1/4, not being raised Jewish, coming to Sup Forums, and having a subsequent identity crisis.
Do you have a sister with big khazar milkers?
Yall just insecure kids caring about what Sup Forums thinks about Jews. Have you seen the Sup Forums meetings pictures? Theyre all mixed race midgets anyway.
>be me
>maternal grandmother was secular russian Jew
>grandfather was scotsman
>have sterling silver menorah in storage like ark of the covenant
>father secular baptist
>my mother and myself raised secular
>technically Jewish
>would marry a Jewish girl and join the conspiracy if given the opportunity
>country is still filled with nignogs and Mexicans
I'm just worried there's gonna be a legit shoah/pogrom happening here soon. And I don't want to move to Israel because I'm not culturally Jewish.
>Meet a girl that make Jew jokes
>Sometimes about herself
>Ask her if shes Jewish
>"Yeah like 5% or some shit, cant wait to have it diluted more."
Is this what real love feels like?
There is nothing wrong with being jewish, as long as you live in Israel.
My grandma is a chosenite, so by religious tradition my dads an echoberg. But my grandpa is an all american goy, so we never did or recognize any kike shit. My grandma is insanely good with shekels so she manages the families funds and has taught me everything there is to know about being a penny pincher. Jews shouldnt be trusted but if their your own blood you can expect a little nepotistic (((advice))) to come your way and be extremely useful. Its the truth behind the truth, the good shit.
That being said i dont look bergish in the slight. Sucks for those of you cryptos though, too much of that shekelstein dna and were gonna have ta gas ya.
Why would you not tell, you donut? It open lots of great opportunities just to have a jewish name!
You part of the family or what?
I'm 1/32 jewish or so but by jewish law i am a jew, don't feel like one and don't want to be.
We're going to be fine. Also you don't have to move to Israel because of religion or culture, you can move for the opportunities, there are many here. Just choose your field of expertise.
If Louis C.K. is a Jew then you're a Jew too.
Police your ingroup
Not worried for myself. I just have younger siblings in their teens now and I'm constantly worrying that they're gonna get hurt.
So long as someone looks white, is white presenting, and doesn't subscribe to all that kike shit/try to destroy us, they're white enough for me.
If you ever do something remotely jew-y in the ethnostate we're gassing you. But otherwise welcome aboard!
> altright art
Lobbying the Americans government to go to war and bullying journalistic whistleblowers on rape and illegal nuclear weapons?
Also when are we going to adress this "transmissible by the mother" faggotry?
Isn't it obvious that this shit is all about jewish men getting cucked by goyim?
What's a crypto jew anyway? MT. GOX?
Someone who is of mixed jew/goy stock and usually looks more like the host race than jewish.
Being able to safely grow your children in a healthy ethno state, strong family ties and a decent job.
I like altright butthurt of Israel
>tfw making all this money trading crypto
>tfw manipulation comes easy
>it's because my father's ancestors were jewish
I have no platform to speak up and get noticed, though. There's pro-white political Jews like Stephen Miller and Twitter stars like Frame Game but I'm just some autistic nobody.
US helps Israel and in return we give them a parking station in the middle east. We also work together in military exercises, but you wouldn't know, clearly.
Come home Shlomo
tfw jews have an Israel to retreat to, and non jews stay in their soon to be euro/ameri -stan.
>survive the holehox
hahaha, yeah. Killing alot of germans for the creation of the jewish state must been hard on her. The holocaust was on germans not the jewish devil.
Jews are vermin of planet earth and the devils own spawn. If you are a good christian you know what needs to be done to the jewish pest.
>and in turn we create alot of conflict that america needs to solve for us xDdd
Hang yourself kike
But I am Christian.
>One of the only other nations in the world that le 63% meme is applicable
Gas yourself kike
This country is about 30 percent muslim albanian(no they're not white) and about 10 percent others including gypsies.
Do you not realize how bad that could br for YOU, Schlomo?
You wouldn't be around of it wasn't for OUR shekels and protection.
The jews are the worst kind of disease. Just look at the george sorros and the supposed pro white jews as those at breit brat and the faggot, total degeneracy and their (((civic nationalism))) code word for white sucide with full integration of races. So the jew can stroll around and play as the white over race and ruler of the world, jews aren't white.
Are you really? Would you be ready to eradicate the jewish rat?
No comment.
Jews have shown again and again that there is only one solution to the jewish problem. Eradication.
I was raised Christian by my father. I don't really hate other Jews even though I know a lot of them cause problems for the country/world.
The jewish parasite has destroyed my country but mostly my nation. I sincerely hope i can get revenge on the discusting jew.
uh okay and why do the jews want to give muslims who hate jews power in europe?
>would marry a Jewish girl
Not if you don't want your children/grandchildren/greatgrandchildren being plagued with illnesses
Then you aren't christian
Crypto-Greek larping as a jew.
>It gets me places taking advantage of these filthy ξένη
you may think you're a crypto jew, but trust me, white people know.
wtf I love Protestants now
>Arab Muslim birth rate >> non-Haredi Jew birth rate
>Lunatic Haredi cultist birth rate >> non-Haredi Jew birth rate
clustferuck incoming in 3...2...
>I don't really hate other Jews even though I know a lot of them cause problems for the country/world.
Well you should then, kike.
I pray that you succeed jews are more trouble than worth in this world.
> reads comments
> realises most people on Sup Forums are Jewish
> cue the Jew music
Not as bad as Greeks though but you already know that
>Trust a jew before a Greek
I hate individuals, not groups. Indiscriminate hate is nonsense.
I am 1/32th jew from a greek jew, what does that make me?
what does it even matter iam a goy and get called a kike daily here on pol.
seriously its all larp.
America goes on middle eastern missions on it's own as well, don't talk about matters you do not understand.
What are you doing in Jewland then?
This thread is exactly why I hate kikes. You have to come here and subvert this place with your filthy jewishness too.
If there was a club for midget nazi baptist war veterans in rural Georgia you would have to infiltrate that too and start kvetching about it.
>Crypto yet still feels the need to go online and proclaim their jewishness.
Holocaust never happened. Try again.
Diluted inbred turk genes larping as the ancient israelites with unwarranted delusions of superiority and grandeur.
>met a quarter jewish qt
>she likes me
>she's psychotic
I proclaim it under anonymity. Hence the "crypto" part. Have a little understanding here man, I fucking hate being a Jew.
living, comfortably af.
save up to 3500 dollars a month compared to the eurocuck country i came out of, where i was almost square with my salary.
israelis gave me more than my own government could ever give me, only thing i got there was to pay for immigrants.
See? The kike rat proclaims he is a Christian but in the sentence breath proudly cries out that he is a jew.
Jews will always be jews first. They are guided by Satan to believe they are destined to rule over the inferior goyim.
1/32 look at shekel master here
I'm a Jew by ethnicity; it's not just something I can ignore. I only call myself such because you do.
I don't trust you because you are a kike. But assuming you are serious (99% you are not kike) here is what you need to do.
Scrub your jewishness away. Be a Christian. Never again refer to yourself as a jew. Denounce all jews and all of Judaism. Call jews out as the synagogue of satan.
Tell your kids you are Christian. You are European or whatever. But never mention being jewish. Because you are not jewish. And when you die that part of history will die with you. Your kids will be Christians of European descent.
But it's a battle every day to reject jews. If for even one moment you slip and call yourself a jew you will fault back into your pact with the devil. If you believe yourself to be jewish and proclaim it you are embarking the identity and the killing of Jesus. You must deny it and you must deny the jews for what they did to our Lord every single day.
Don't worry. Your money are safe with me.
why dont all the goy kikes just move to israel then?
if you can prove lineage you get some good bonusses, just google for ''aaliyah benefits''
not telling anyone they have to move but even for me as a goy its quite comfy here.
>knows shit going to hit the fan soon
>think will be safe in israel
Wont be for long
I just want to be left alone, man. I literally dindu nuffin.
A Grew? A Jeek?
Its not just Sup Forums. How many times have jews been slaughtered or nearly so? It is God's punishment upon a degenerate people.
at what age did you made aliya?
and from what country?
MurriJews are like RUssian Jews, they're often fake. You could search on youtube and sea how many vloggers who vlog on their dna test find out they're not Jewish or Goys who find out vice versa.
Come home Jew man
thanks, im signing my mother up right now. im scared of the jewish purge that will happen in a feew years
staying here for the pogrom
I want the authentic Jewish experience
That's what you get for killing Christ. You rats will wish you never made up the holohoax when we use your fake stories as real life inspirations.
>denounce and fight all the parasite, live as a christian and totally reject your jewishness
>be gassed
pick one
He already picked when he didn't reply to my post.
A "repentant" jew will NEVER reject his jewishness because deep down he believes in his superiority and right to rule over the goyim.
oh, i know
I still have to meet a real Bobby Fisher. Rare items.
Can't wait for the real holocaust to begin
I'll fight for a majority white Europe and America, and for a western civilization that isn't controlled by Zionist or Marxist interests. I'm not going to just start going around attacking random Jews indiscriminately.
That could buy you some time indeed.
But oven will be at last I guess...
Stop fucking with me, man. I never asked for this. You can just sterilize me or something, I wasn't planning on having kids anyway.
To anyone on this board who is redpilled and also has Jewish ancestry, you are among the MOST important people to our cause.
You have an ear on the inside, you hear the family conversations and hushed admissions of horrible happenings, we are counting on you. Play along with the system, pretend you are going along with them, expose them. You're our only hope.
idk jewboy...I wouldn't worry so much, you sound like someone who will be fine. Probably some yellow star here and there will do
oleh chadash, not aliyah.. iam a goy member?
>no sterilization / gas / oven
>honorary citizen
>improve the world