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What the fuck is this nazbol bullshit

How are people actually going this route? Communism is the utter most trash of all ideologies, is this just like edgy libertarians of the far upper right?

This is literally and should be labelled as a Mossad engineered meme designed to divide

Other urls found in this thread:

I dont see the problem

You only have Hitler himself to blame for this one. This all goes back to the night of the long knives.

If he had properly integrated his party this wouldn't be an issue now.

>guild socialism, a Market and non Marxist form of socialism, combined with Volk nationalism leads to a centrally planned economy with a world revolution as it’s goal.

t. Never read “Germany by tomorrow”

Found the butthurt civic nationalist 52% MAGApede

Reddit is down the hall lad


How is it both market and centrally planned?

Capitalism is cancer and actively destroys culture. Capitalism and globalism are synonymous.


It's just brainlets who didn't get enough hugs from mummy and daddy looking for attention. Read some Dugin if you're legitimately interested.

It's extremely funny how Americans are brainwashed into thinking Socialism is something inherently bad.
Of course, all ideologies have very bad sides. And systems with communism were fucked up particularly bad, but even America has more features of a socialist capitalism than an anartio capitalism. And most likely it's for the better.
You gotta control some people from fucling up the lives of others, and the poorest you gotta look at in particular.

>socialism means centrally planned

Libertarianism and capitalism are fucking retarded and enable jewish degeneracy to take hold. Socialism is redpilled when done in homogenous society.


nobody is talking about communism

Meh its an iferiour ideology to National Socialism.I like how you faggs always bash of commmunism but you forget that the other side of the jewish coin is capitalism.
Fascism is the way to go for white peoples.

I am

NazBol is a fucking meme and doesn't actually exist. It's basically NatSocs playing maskarova or falling communists who don't want to admit that the Nazis were right.

Then why are you in this thread?

Just read this thread it will answer most of the questions you might have about the NazBol/Strasser ideology. The archive exists for a reason - use it.

Relax, there's no such thing. Its just a bunch of kids shilling a shitty forced meme.
Just like Ancrap.

Hello kike, stop D&c the whites
Just because you want to exploit goyim does not mean that you are not as bad as the other kikes
Capitalism is as jewish as communism.
Capitalism erodes culture. Look at how many companies shill for the kikes. How many are run by kikes.
This. Capitalism like communism makes the individual forget his culture. Socialism is not communism

Strasserism doesn't really exist as an ideology in the way modern Strasserism claims. Otto Strasser, who wrote Germany Tomorrow, actually disavowed antisemitism. Strasserists will then claim they came up with the NSDAP's economic platform even though that was Gottfried Feder. Strasserism is a meme and don't take anyone who follows it seriously.

3 Americans currently own worth of 160 millions americans.

>Socialism is not communism
It is the precursor to it. The former always leads to the latter in practice.

I unironically feel left wing socialist economics and far right social views are what will save America. Any better ideas? Friedman dick sucking jewboys with Ancap flags need not apply.

Fucking jews get out wjth your commie shit

You literally help the enemy by memeing yourself into beliving this shit

Yea thats why "communist" countries are such powerhouses

Oh wait

Communism is impossible. It is a utopian dream.

>Strasserism is a meme
But it is a good meme. I see it as a sem-comfortable stepping stone into NatSoc ideology.

strasserism is Sup Forumss destiny

Thank fucking christ i hope so

>muh facism and communism is best of both worlds

These niggers deserve the rope desu

Fucking this

Nazbol is best

> keep nation as one galvanizing aspect of communism that lets you cram 200 years of development into 20
> confine to country and try not spread the fires of proletariat revolution worldwide
> adopt ethnonationalist policies that decrease abuse by keeping society homogeneous and patriotic

It's basically like Hitler's fascism but not run by jews.

That doesn't stop retards from trying to attain it. Socialism is the slippery slope that leads to "but that wasn't real communism"

America is beyond fucked.

I find Ancomm and current year liberalism to be fat more incoherent than communism. It's a failed system but at least it is somewhat logical and less contradictory than the aforementioned.

nope strasserism rules

>keep nation as one galvanizing aspect of communism that lets you cram 200 years of development into 20
>confine to country and try not spread the fires of proletariat revolution worldwide
This is a direct contradition ot bolshevism
>adopt ethnonationalist policies that decrease abuse by keeping society homogeneous and patriotic
Again: how?
>but not run by jews
Bolshevism is both anti-nationalist and jewish in origin. You are retarded.

im fairly sure norks have the strictest racial laws this earth has ever seen

Nazbol is a walking contradiction. It is a communist and national socialist rape baby. Eventually all nazbols become either communists or national socialists it depends on what they personally consider more important it might even be a different ideology because they haven't yet made their mind up.

> strawmans internationalist bolshevism into convo about national bolshevism

retarded sprat

Integralism. A society that works together to achieve common ends, but useful ones, not inflating the GDP or trying to up pig iron numbers.

Back your claims.

It was like proto alt-right back in 2000s (in Russia). Bunch of faggots, shills, larpers, cons and some legit politician kickstarters. And for all their "against modern world" attitude - they were reflection of modern world, degenerate and false. More of hip subculture than ideology. Kinda miss the faggots tho.

You do realize that the Strasser brothers came to the NSDAP after Hitler and Feder, right? The ideology was already laid and the Strasser brothers, especially Otto tried to hijack it.
Sure, if you love Jews.

That is the most retarded table design I have ever seen.

Tbh it's not as bad ancom, ancom is the single worst ideology that exists on this earth, closely followed by state communism.

AnCom like all other Anarcho-Xs is a complete and utter oxymoron. Anarchism is incompatible with any type of order, espeically totalitarian ones like communism.


>Sure, if you love Jews.
Don't you?

Show me a single communist nation that is/was not totaliatian
>inb4 not real communism

>show me an utopian society
those societies were socialist, which in theory had as goals communism. communism has never been tried before, and never will

It's IKEA, what the fuck you expect? God damn Netherlands abomination
Just like look at them

Its just commies coming to terms with national values, they are babystepping into the right path give them time.

whats with this holier than thou attitude?

>those societies were socialist, which in theory had as goals communism
You are contradicting yourself here >communism has never been tried
Like clockwork

Then what is the point of communism/socialism al all the instances where it has been tried ended up very badly?

I believe the above user is referring to ideological/theoretical communism, which aims to eliminate classes and social heiarchies. That obviously does not translate to real life, but that is what I am reading from their post.

>american thread

Holier than thou? Fuck off dyke kike theres nothing wrong with opposing sides finding common ground to take out global finance.

You just described all of the modern day latte& champagne socialists/communists.

You act like National Socialism and Communism aren't pretty much the same thing.

how am i contradicting myself. there is a clear distinction between third position ideologies and internetialist leftist ideologies. none of those in my image are utopian, they are all based around struggle and myths
that is not what I meant. strange you have found the right path already after centuries of political debate.

Different aims some similarity of outlook

Nazbol is a meme. Communism in a white ethno state basically. Ceausescu did that in Romania, and more white romanians died/starved than gypsies.

You're either a fascist or a communist. Nazbol isn't fascism.

>based around struggle
And communism is not? You are obviously heavily biased here.

It's far easier for a National Socialists to become a Communist and vice versa than for either one to become say a Capitalist, Libertarian, or a classical Liberal.

Dude you are arguing for the sake of being a smart ass now, im barely on my third decade let alone century.

Nazbols can be cancerous, even if they accept nationalist ideas. If they knew the true history of the USSR, they might be less inclined to support anything related to Bolshevism.

Strasserism is alright, kind of like a worker-based Spenglerism. You are definitely right that this is D and C from the usual suspects.

>classical Liberal
Go away

Strasserism isn't national socialism(nazism). it has actual socialist policies and marxist influence, unlike national socialism(which is fascist has nothing to do with socialism).

Strasserism was civic nationalist (le based jews! Hitler bad!)
Hitler rightfully killed these faggots.

struggle is nonexistent in an utopian society. a socialist struggle does exist, and socialism has its myths

Superior ideology coming through.

>National Socialism has nothing to do with Socialism

This is what cognitive dissonance looks like everyone.

It's not Socialism as we know it in the current sense of the word

Prepare to get educated, leaf.
Hitler wanted to redefine the word "socialism", as he felt that marxists/communists tainted the word with their policies.
He could've called it any other name. He even baited acutal socailists to his meetings during elections, and red pilled them.
National socialism(nazism) is a form of fascism that has nothing to do with regular Marxist socialism

this not what an argument look like

Okay, you are correct, I take back any endorsement of Strasserism.

Is there any more information you could share?


>everyone who doesn't like goy emperor and cuckservatives is a kike shill

>How are people
By "people", I assume you mean 16yos transitioning from leftypol to pol?

Anyway, it's no big deal, just ignore them and let the kids slowly get redpilled.

National Socialism is about sacrificing the individual desires for the sake of the whole when necessary. Most of us are pretty flexible to the "right" economically speaking. Economics is a MEANS not an END.

NazBols are just commies who admit race exists, they want gibbs for being white. North Korean Juche is textbook NazBol. Nobody takes them seriously, they are a meme and they will all be long-knifed in the end.

There is more to Commie Socialism then property laws/rights both societies(Communist and National Socialism) such as the goal of creating a "classless society with a shared ideology"

american ip range ban when? your ignorance is just too much for me to handle


>a fucking toothpaste

Strasserist/Nazbol presence on Sup Forums is literally just Laffypole attempting to drive people away from NatSoc and towards Stalinism (because they think it's easier to push Stalinists towards Marxist-Leninism than it is to push fascists/traditionalists in that direction). It's retarded and it's not working. Anyone with NazBol meme flag on reeks of laffypole.

>yo guys did you know that hitler was actually communist because national SOCIALISM and socialism BAD BAD BAD anyway here's a few pics of communist cucks :D :D

Beautiful. Saved.

Meme ideology promoted by a bunch of stalinist mongoloid shills from lefty/pol/

Consists of 15 years old that watched the USSR national anthem on youtube and think it's cool

>we memed alt-right into existence
They tried too, but


People are waking up to the fact that capitalism isn't working for them and are looking into alternatives.