Former President Bill Clinton DESTROYS /po/

Well, Sup Forums, how will you recover from former President Bill Clinton's LASHING against alt-right extremists and President Trump?

On CONAN, Bubba Bill remarked that the country is more diverse than ever before and the Democratic Party will fight back against the last vestiges of the white supremacist system that held this country back for hundreds of years. They will BRIDGE the economic divide in this country and REACH OUT to rural voters.

Soon, Sup Forums your racism will be nothing but a shitstain on America's past, and it'll be hilarious watching us keep winning and winning and winning.

He's gonna be executed for treason


What did /po/ do to him!

A cocaine snorting rapist dumb ass.
Why am I not concerned.

must of taken a lot of drugs to be on tv and be able to speak

All they wanted to do was fold paper.

Cigar shaped origami

Bill and Hillary had slaves.

The only way to bridge the economic divide is to force niggers to get jobs

What does a rapist has to do with origami

Diversity has been proven to be a bad thing. America is a country founded, defended and built by white men. It belongs to them and none other. No one else has contributed nearly as much.


>They will BRIDGE the economic divide in this country and REACH OUT to rural voters.
How many times has that been said before?

this rapist should be tarred and feathered.

kek underrated

we need to end this nightmare, god gave us all our own corners of the earth. We have a right to self determination, if we are a minority that gets taken away.


>Democrat's whole campaign is now based on identity politics
>Why you trying to divide the country tho
What a timeline we live in

We are diversity. As long as it doesn't include whites.



Or being healthy, apparently.

That smile in pic says serving undemocratic forces gave him enjoyable life.
CIA's cocaine and Mossad's child prostitutes in Epstein's island and hotels without names.
It has been fun to be a traitor, time to die.