Hi Sup Forums I just found out my first kid is a daughter. I'm shitting my pants. I wanted a boy & I think a daughter will fall into (((their))) hands
ITT: Best Female names and parenting advice to not raise a degenerate.
>pic unrelated: not mine
Hi Sup Forums I just found out my first kid is a daughter. I'm shitting my pants. I wanted a boy & I think a daughter will fall into (((their))) hands
ITT: Best Female names and parenting advice to not raise a degenerate.
>pic unrelated: not mine
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Can I marry her by the name of Allah?
Cheer up: there's still a chance they'll turn out to be trans.
sucks m8, boys are superior in every way.
Just let her be FTM problem solved and you will be so progressive.
Teach her how to not be a fuckin degenerate
Homeschool her and keep her away from the jew media and coloreds, she'll be fine.
Go with a classic and Anglo name, nothing trendy.
And when she's young make her promise to - never smoke and never date a nigger. That's what my dad made my sisters promise and they turned out good
Be a good father. The best thing you can do for her is to give her a good example of what it means to be a man. If she knows that, she'll know what to look for.
I help raise my sister's kid.
the pic is somewhat related my friend
>beat female name
Be a good father and a good husband.
lil pump
She will believe everything you say until she has a reason not to. Then when she gets dick crazy around 12-13, she'll chase it. Nothing you can do, its mostly genetic.
name her Chastity, it'll be extra incentive for her not to be a slut
except this almost always backfires
always liked caroline.
Pic related isn’t yours? Bro you gotta start asking questions.
kek, i love innocent rural humour
Wait till she brings an abo home.... You have my condolences.
Rollo Tomassi has an explicit series on the topic
Go innawoods. The only solution.
You just secured yourself grandchildren (as long as she is not infertile or doesn't want children). Be happy.
Not a semitic name. What is your heritage?
Carrot and stick. Make sure she always has a guy who loves her (that's you) but also make sure she knows that her actions have consequences and that degeneracy will make her unattractive. Don't connect it with morality necessarily, connect it with physical ugliness. Also raise her as a Christian that usually helps.
Fucking nigger. Talk to her and spend time with her AS MUCH AS YOU CAN until the day you die. Read books to her until she can read, and then encourage her to read fucking much. Encourage her to do sports and physical activities
Because she will be called Zhang Lili after marrying me.
This but put her in private school if you have the money. Homeschool shelters kids a little too much.
Name suggestion: Opus
>a white Aussie female marrying a chink
>Also raise her as a Christian that usually helps.
So that she will join her local Church feeding sub-saharans in Africa? So she will adopt non-European children?
Kys faggoot
Female wizards exist
>What is the Danish spermbank where you can pick high IQ Chad
My daughter is 15.She hates all the LGBTQPNB shit at school,and black history month pisses her off.She has no interest in boys,doesn't wear make up and doesn't drink or smoke. She's based
daughters are cute
she wont fall for the jew if you're a good dad
you're to blame for her actions, so don't fuck it up
t. new dad
gl hf OP
>that spiecture
Move to a nice farm in the country side. No access to degeneracy marry her off to a nice neighboring farm boy
Sounds ugly, but probably easier for you to father
I'm gonna fuck your daughter when she turns 18. Deal with it.
I'm against sending money to Africans, but food? It doesn't do anything long term but there's no harm in it.
Good churches don't constantly tell their congregation to adopt. It seen as nice but unnecessary. I've actually been to a Church that was pushing an adoption program, and one of the talking points in favor was to make the congregation less white. It was disgusting, left that Church pretty quickly.
If OP chooses a good Church it won't be an issue. In fact, most Churches will regularly give a sermon about motherhood and such, which is better than what popular culture will teach her.
congrats aussie, let her be healthy and beautiful
Teach her computing and programming so she grows up nerdy and shy but brilliant. Eventually she'll find a decent man.
You will know what true love is user. Also if you are present and a good father you are the one and most important person in her life at around the age of 3-4 and up. You task will it be to give her the trust in God and teach her his morality. The problem with women in regards to the west in the absence or the defectiveness of the father figure. Be a role model for her and make her admire you and love the heavenly father.
God bless you and your soon to be daughter.
Dont let fear in your life.
Brainwash her into becoming a lesbian , so you might have a cute daughter in law
Do /out/ stuff with her, like camping, fishing, and hiking.
Teach her to be independent of mind.
>but food?
So they'll multiply and take up even more space?
>Good churches don't constantly tell their congregation to adopt. It seen as nice but unnecessary.
>Seen as nice
Exactly!!! It's the fucking values the average American and European Church will give his/our daughters.
>If OP chooses a good Church it won't be an issue. In fact, most Churches will regularly give a sermon about motherhood and such, which is better than what popular culture will teach her.
They will teach her to love God and the Bible more than her family and race.
>independent of mind
This will go wrong in so many ways. No one is independent of mind. If you truly think you are being naive. Every left intellectual would write this on his flag.
Stop choosing the gender for your child caveman it's 2017 he or she will chose it not you.
>but food?
bread for a day doesn't cause problems. Money does.
>values the average American and European Church
Admittedly I'm from the South in America, so it may just be the Churches down here AREN'T on average like this. If he really can't find a good Church then he shouldn't choose a bad Church.
>love God and the Bible more than her family and race
If you love God, and believe the Bible to be true, you love your family, and by extension your race. Loving God doesn't suddenly make you hate your family, and it never will, even if they don't believe in God. The relationship of family members to each other is made very clear in the Bible.
It means that:
Am I doing this because I want to, or because society/others/Jews want me to?
Is what I'm hearing the truth, objectively?
And so on. Anti-peer pressure/anti-societal pressure.
Best of luck with that, we find out the gender of ours in a couple of weeks. Have you considered emigrating to New Zealand, which might be sliiiightly less cucked than Aus?
Don't push too hard, because then the retarded female brain will do a 180 and do what you don't want.
This. The trick is not to disregard everyone and make loads of mistakes and fall into the clutches of the jew, the trick is to know whom to disregard and whom to respect. Hint: the nose knows.
better do a good job teaching her what to look for in a man before she hits like 8 years old.
Congratulations OP!
OP holy shit Sup Forums is the absolute last place to ask for parenting advice
I find fakeups really deceitful desu. Nothing like waking up to someone you thought was hot, only to find theyre skin is covered in blemishes and their real face is completely unflattering.
Same here m8
Don't stress about it
Just dont
>bread for a day doesn't cause problems. Money does.
Bread feeds them. Helps them survive and helps them ruin this precious earth. You probably believe that we'll go to heaven and this earth doesn't matter anyways - One reason to despise Christianity.
>Admittedly I'm from the South in America, so it may just be the Churches down here AREN'T on average like this.
Find me some Churches that believes in European purity and superiorty. That thinks that Europeans are more worth in the eyes of their God. Most Christian Churches are "anti-racist" and one of the biggest contributors to the ethnic replacement/GENOCIDE of native Europeans happening all over the place.
>he shouldn't choose a bad Church.
His daughter is going to grow up one day, and move and choose her Church freely. Most likely it will be a anti-white Church (like most).
>If you love God, and believe the Bible to be true, you love your family, and by extension your race.
But not more than God. You are a sinner if you love your race more than other races. You are a sinner if you believe that some races are better than others, before God. Read the fucking Bible - the only nationalism/racialism in there is pro-Israel and pro-Jews.
>doesn't suddenly make you hate your family
Did I say that? What I am saying is that The Bible, Christian values and morals, is fundamentally anti-racial. Christianity were the first anti-racist ideology.
Without racism and white supremacy and white anger, in a world where we are targeted for destruction, white people, Europeans will seize to exist.
If I have a daughter I'll name her Olive.
I get that, but I like my women naturally good looking, like facial structure and genes.
But I like when the lady puts a little effort into her appearance. Low profile make up and working out.
just abort it duh
pay a couple a black youth to rob her and push her around for a bit. Arrive just in time before it gets really bad and fight them off like the hero you are. Tell her not all black people are shitty, but some are and she should be careful. Even if you don't actually do this silly shit contemplate it and understand why it would work
The only Chastity I've ever known is a coal-burning drug addict with a niglet. Took painkillers while pregnant to boot.
dont let her read modern degenerate continental philosophers erc
Fucking kid isn't even fully developed, you've already posted a picture of it on Sup Forums.
0 for 1 Daddio
Kys autist
This will only leave her scared, probably hate herself because she has negative views on niggers because of it and compensate by being extra liberal. In this day and age. REASON is the way to go forward.
I like this.
Move to a rural all white area. Bring her up with plenty of outdoor activities. Foster interests that keep her away from TV and pop culture.
>Swede paying for blacks to attack and probably rape his daughter
Mr. Brightside
Go with something like:
Sounds bout rite
name: Gül
Beat the ever loving fuck out of your child as early and often as you can
a nude one at that. Ready for the pol
BTW, can you read? He said pic was not his kid
Just named named my twin Olivia and Helena for war and peace. Olive branch peace, Helen of Troy launched 1000 ships to war. Congrats
This and name her mary.
Whatever you do, don't put her in daycare. My brother put his daughters in daycare no they are constantly demanding attention and looking for external validation. They also think all problems can and should be solved by an external authority.
My theory is that this rise in SJW bullshit is because of daycare kids becoming adults.
kill your wife and then yourself
>I wanted a boy
then make another
i raise my two boys with much talking about society and motality. Homeschooling is Not possible in my Country unfortunable so i clean up their leftist memes(climate change) with raising questions. Like Q did... just make them ask the right questions.
My first was a daughter, user. The best thing you can do is just spend lots of time with her and build a strong relationship so she doesn't grow up starving for male attention. Become the kind of man you'd be proud to see her marry. You'll do great!
You have 15 years to prepare for the moment your daughter will be gang blacked with an ace of spades tattoo.
alt-right loonies like you shouldn't be allowed anywhere near children
do her a favour and terminate
you'll make her autistic
I have a son and daughter. I love both deeply and they are different. I push him harder, but also spend more time mentoring him. She is different. She always wants to cuddle and play storylines out with me.
As they come home with disinformation, I correct them and their friends, if any are around. Find videos that explain things or easily read Wikipedia pages. Now my kids question everything and think figuring out what is true is a game. We also go on many adventures like skiing, outdoor rock climbing, multi-day Sierra backpacking trips, flying, boating and international trips.
My girl is seven and boy is nine. It's fucking great!
>I just found out my first kid is a daughter
My condolences. Better luck next time!
Wrong. Thats the only place wehre you dont get infested with Jewish trickery and get answers from christians. You just have to know Howe filter the trolls.
you will never be british
>getting advice from virgins who never touched a girl before.