That's right you fuckin nazis, we're in your shit and will subvert your precious maga movement and the cheeto cult from destroying the world. You khaki wearing tiki torch weilding alt righters are going to get a sweet taste of justice. Remember, we do not forget, we do not forgive, expect us!!!
That's right you fuckin nazis...
Cute LARP, sure made me proud
these are shareblue fags in disguise
>we are luncheon
>expectorate us
Who fucking cares about some nerd shills.
No one cares. And yes, anonymous was compromised a long time ago. The same for all the other groups like lulzsec
The Resistanceā¢ is growing stronger day by day, your days are numbered trumpkins.
low. quality.
You can't infiltrate us, silly. Everyone who come here will get infiltrated by the pill.
>Season some food
How fucking sad is that when it comes to civilisational bantz?
White people just need to say "invent the wheel then"
There are still real threads on Sup Forums
If you don't have a side in this fight it'll be kinda fun watching two groups of turbo autists battle it out like retarded kids fighting on the playground at school.
oh no, not anonymoose
can't wait till they hack into Nazi servers.
alt right's DNS is hidden on TOR afaik but idk
MAGA is about to get doxed boi
When's the last time anonymous actually done something? Being serious here, they're a hacktivist group that hasn't hacked anything in recent memory.
Once the movement split from Sup Forums most of the original members went away. Most I assume are currently on Sup Forums as Sup Forums is a garbage fire now that produces no memes and content.
Also back in the day anonymous hacked facebook accounts of normies, flooded them with gay porn, plotted bomb threats and done heaps of politically incorrect trolling. How can these radical leftists continue to carry the name Anonymous with pride?
Sage and OP is a faggot
We wuz 1337 h4xx0rz nd shiet!11!1one1!
What is it about Nazism that is so badass? The power. The glory. The aesthetic. The pageantry. The return to traditional values. The completeness of a people. Hitler seduces us from beyond the grave.
Nameless is a nameless collective of anyone who sheds their name on the way in. It can't be tied to an ideology. It has no leaders to remove or besmirch.
just shows the usual nignog's history knowledge
>conquer most of the world to get a bit of spices
>"haha, white people don't season"
Oh please, what are you going to do? Sup Forums and the far-right in general is so fucking paranoid we spend half of our time calling each other D&C when we're legitimately all working together.
What could you POSSIBLY do? Divide us further? Impossible. Start a false movement? How? Nobody trusts each other. Everyone here is like fucking Batman levels of paranoid, there's literally nothing you can do short of pretending to be one of us and going on a shooting spree--and we all know you're too cowardly to fucking do that!
Funny because the only people who ever claim anonymoose are leftists faggots because they think muh 1337 haxors is scary
If you think rebranding yourselves into khakis and linen tees will make you more accepted you're wrong. I think the whole world agrees, #Fucknazis.
two words:
well they lost the war, sooooo.... have fun worshipping losers I guess
How can you have a rainbow arm?
Shut the fuck up.
t. The same dude who thinks antifas are fascists and nazis
Be mentally ill.
Who wants to be accepted? The more rebellious, the more enticing.
man these guys have become the ultimate cringe group over time. wtf happen to them? I can't take anything they say seriously anymore.
>account isnt even confirmed by twitter
As if that guys oppinion matters at all
>everytime gays become socially acceptable somewhere society corrects itself and violently puts them down
Have fun sucking the losers dick.
WE defeated them once, we'll defeat them again.
We are anomalous
We are region
Expecto Patronum
They lost the physical war. But they won the spiritual war. The Nazis have secured their place in history never to be forgotten.
how the fuck is this still a thing? it was never cool to begin with
The people who actually did things stopped associating with that dumb bullshit a long time ago. It's been nothing but leftist anarchist morons for years.
So, apart from the name. How does antifa differentiate themselves from the fascist blackshirts or nazi brown shirts? Are they just as violent and authoritarian or not?
We are antonyms
We are leprechaun
We do not fornicate
We do not foment
Expell us
maybe you haven't noticed this but the vast majority of people still despise nazis, in fact donald trump himself has repeatedly condemned white nationalism in general
What did we mean by this?
holy fuck saved
I thought anonymous died a long ass time ago? Also I'm pretty sure majority of the anonymous members changed sides and are in pol/ now or moved on.
Shame too as it would be entertaining seeing pol/ and user fight it out for internet dominance.
>no blue checkmark
that isn't the real Anonymous
I'll sure be expecting. Unfortunately you need to come see me after working hours
On the plus side, since antifa can't get or hold a job, they kind of stick out like a pair of dogs balls
That. And the smell
For those on the sidelines reading this, we invite you to join The Resistanceā¢ and save our planet. Together we'll fight for a better future with an administration that cares about our planet, disabled/lgbt people, women and minorities. If you traveled back in time before Hitler rose to power what would you do differently? That's where we are now, stop fashism before it starts. #resist
We came for you before, keep thinking we will not again.
anonymoose lmao that meme is too old let it go.
>Both are violent and authoritarian so antifas are nazis and fascists
Do you realize how stupid your remark is?
"Grow" all you want, we got all the guns. Faggot.
Isn't the suicide rate for faggots and transfaggots 5 to 16 times more likely to kill themselves
>Isn't your flag indicitive of being such losers that you'll kill yourself?
does anybody else appreciate the irony of people assuming anonymous as an identity?
Well, considering the vast majority of people in the US can't point to Germany on a map without labels, I don't think their opinion means a whole lot.
>Anonymous was dead when Sabu became an FBI plant and whatever is left of it is worthless or FBI aswell
The tide is turning my friend. I became a believer when I looked at the fierce determination in this man's eyes.
Hitler won the minds of his enemies grandsons, the allies where like the romans that persecuted christians only to have later generations adopt it.
Dont worry faggot we will put you into a camp with your so called allies and see how much integrity they will show you when the hunger sets in.
glow in the dark sabu faggots.
It's not really ironic considering it was always gay as fuck and was only funny because some of it was premium trolling
Yeah, I saw how much you guys were growing on Nov 4th. NEVER FORGET!
How does it feel to be such a virtue-signaling, feminist faggot?
>assume word that literally means "no identity" as your identity
>not really ironic
>meme flag
Those establishment faggots haven't been relevant in years.
>Expect Us.
I can't believe anybody unironically thinks that shit is cool anymore. It's essentially proof that Anonymous as it is now has 0 connection to its roots.
It is hard to resist that which we truly desire.
Sounds like an cool group of fellas, how dost i join? lol
Cant tell if this post is making fun of anonymous or is just a cringey anonymous larp
Don't these faggots say stupid shit constantly and NEVER deliver?
I'm saying, they have been talking shit for like TEN YEARS. and I have never seen them deliver EVEN ONCE
>Still relevant
Thinks for dropping by to feed my disgust.
lol @ cia nigger threats
>mfw no online presence outside of Sup Forums and Twitter
Good luck niggers
The types of privileged people who live with their parents still and never grew out of that muh anonymoose phase
Anonymous was never a team like Lulzsec. That's the most irritating thing about these larpers and kids who pretend to have insight.
So you're saying you're in our shit? I don't remember eating a pussy....
All anonymous do now is bring shame to old Sup Forumstards.
Anonymous died when it got a twitter account. The source of its power was the fact that everyone was part of it, it wasnt really a group, just a collective that only existed to achieve a specific objective.
As soon as the objective was achieved the collective disbanded and returned to just being a bunch of individuals shitposting on Sup Forums. When a new objective was deemed interesting enough for a large portion of the group it would work as a rally point for the horde. I guess thats the best way to describe it, user was not really a group but a horde; and without a common cause to unify it, then it doesnt exist.
> we can't be run or taught how to use language.
>Implying actual Anons would be against Trump
so some Sup Forumstards who didnt evolve with us want to destroy us. ok. we've moved on from boxxy
Really this shit is old and stale. sage.
I remember he first time I encountered self identified "anonymous" it wasn't online it was actually real life.
Oh boy you think when you hear anonymous larpers you think weirdo losers. This is half true.
No, the people who actually were trying to co-opt "anonymous" were the exact sort of people despised on here. Text book psychopaths, well connected in privileged positions and desperate for authoritarian positions in society.
Anonymous today is not the same as it was 6 years ago.
anonymous has never existed. Anyone claiming to be anonymous as a group is stupid
>so many people claim they run us
>cd \windows\
>I'm in
It doesn't matter if it's fake, only that normies believe it. Which they will.
Bu but muhhh legion lol. Meme so old they dissappeard from my storage.
>Gay flag
You are only relevant when we gas you and your fucking gay friends.
Tell us moar.
Come and talk when you hack your way outta a paper bag you completely pathetic oxygen thieves.
>a fucking stars and stripes
What is your subreddit? I want to subscribe.
>we're in your shit
>we going to leak detail of the stuff you openly promote
>we're going to leak locations that you encourage leftists to show up to
>we're going to...ummm...kick your trashcans.
When? God damn it all this larp and no happening. Why do I even have my guns loaded?
That's cute of them thinking they do shit when we have actually been going outside to rallies and campuses, making actual impacts to the world.
YOU! can eat my ass
Underrated. Can't even start a post here without being called CIA and I'm a bloody Aussie. Kek
you retards do realise these are just leftist LARPers right?