My Mom Got Red-Pilled About Niggers Tonight

I'll give you all the short version:

>Live in Southern Cuck-a-fornia
>Mom is driving home from her sisters place in North Hollywood
>Dealing with typical LA traffic, very busy
>She notices a crazy nigger-bitch. Driving wildly, swerving in and out of lanes
>The ape cuts someone off, clipping their vehicle
>The nigger-bitch comes to a complete halt, bringing all traffic to a standstill
>Nigger begins arguing with the dude she crashed into
>As expected, she lacks knowledge of the laws, believing that she is not at fault
>At this point, they're out of their vehicles
>Dude asks my mom if she witnessed this accident and can vouch for him, she says yes
>Nigger immediately goes apeshit on my mom, demanding she minds her own business
>Goes up to my moms window, bellowing at her, full-lunged. Complete meltdown
>She's more angry at my mom than at the guy who she had an accident with
>Mom calls 911, this obviously frightened the primate, and the nigger leaves in a hurry
>Mom comes home, rattled, and for the first time in my life, I heard her refer to a "black" as a nigger
>Wants to get a small .38 special to carry in her purse incase she's ever physically attacked by these creatures

tl;dr : My mom dealt with a typical nigger-bitch, and now hates niggers. Wants to carry a gun with her incase things ever escalate.

Please, share your stories about your first experience with a nigger, the time you were redpilled specifically.

Also: Nigger hate thread

Other urls found in this thread:

Here’s another one, happened about 10 years ago (can’t remember exactly)

>Be in high school
>Have a quirky, ridiculous friend
>Had a phase where nigger was his favorite insult/curse word
>”What the nigger shit?” or “Holy fucking nigger”, things like that
>Someone over hears this, and goes and tells the black kids at my school
>Every black kids that goes there, 40-50 black kids, surrounds my friend at lunch
>Wants to beat the shit out of him
>Some want to kill him
>Some are talking about bludgeoning him off campus, after school
>They didn’t even directly hear him say it, just that he apparently said it
>School security luckily breaks it up
>Friend gets suspended
>Nothing happens to niggers, even the ones who were open about being violent

cool anecdote brethren

Shameless self-bump

Come on Sup Forums, I know some of you bastards have some real stories/infographics to share.

Begone, leaf.

Was she one of those big fat african elephant stomping jigaboo sherillas with attitudes? Those are the worst.

The most typical way someone gets red pilled is by first hand experience.

Put one of those bleeding heart pieces of shit in their gated communities in a blue collar job or whatever else, and they'll get red pilled really damn fast or painfully.
My best friend, a "LET THEM IN" faggot went to America on Holidays, gets mugged and then bashed by a bunch of nogs. Several weeks later he's sending me Sup Forums crime statistics on niggers and talking about how right Pauline Hanson is on GOYbook

She was apparently not to fat, but not too thin either, according to mom.

Plenty of testosterone though, but thats expected when dealing with these animals.

>Boomers figure out this is what they left us, the post
Those who aren't dying out already are along for the ride where they realize this was is the world they left their children and grandchildren.

>in a blue collar job or whatever else
>blue collar job
Niggers don't work!

But yes, I agree. Some people have to actually deal with this shit first hand to actually "get it"

>Pauline Hanson
Who's that?

>go to school in commiefonia (((bay area)))
> pajeets are bullying a ghetto ass nigger because he acts likea nigger ratherthan a black
>nog tries to fight back
>nogs dont actually know how to fight so the pajeets' champion bests him in single combat
>nog starts bitching about it to his white mom
>forgot to say hes a mutt
>Letter to principal, whos a sikh goes viral
>since no one gives a shit about mulattoes sob story, he brings a gun to school
>gets caught
>Go to beaner veteran teacher's class for study hall
>this beaner is a displinarian
>said nog shows up in class
>whole place stinks of burning aloe
>it's pot no shit
>has the 'fro, the sagging pants, a curious stain on boxers, the whole scheblang
>makes the guinean kid puke with disgust

damn i need some sleep

>Niggers don't work
It's not about them working. It's about Blue Collar workers having to deal WITH them.
>Who's that?
She's pretty much Sup Forums incarnate. An Australian Politician. She wants to get rid of the Aboriginal Welfare program, completely stop the boats and send ALL the refugees back. Ban China from buying up shit.
Unfortunately, she's also pretty retarded and says some stupid shit. Not that she's not wrong, but she doesn't really get public speaking and goes full retard instead of trying to persuade people her points are correct.

>be me
>Get off work around 6
>Go to Jamba juice
>Open sign off
>Nobody at register
>Lean on counter for 5 mins.
> Nigger walks in and gets in line
>Starts asking me to rinse out his plastic Jamba juice cup he brought
>Wtf no
>Realize he was talking to nigger employee that had walked to the register without me noticing
>Nigger starts to order drink
>I interjected "umm I was in line"
>They both ignore me and he keeps ordering
>I leave
>Drive to Costco where whites work and get a smoothie there
I just wanted a fucking Jamba juice.

shouldve been alpha user, but i understand youre reason for caution, u dont wanna get fired etc

What the hell is wrong with these apes?

Someone made a post here on Sup Forums, I wish I screencapped it, but I didn't, went something like this:

>Unlike Europeans, niggers have no impulse control
>They also lack the ability to truly look into the future and plan for events
>They live in the here and now only
>Europeans, dealing with harsh winters, were forced to plan in advance to survive
>Europeans had to actually think and plan about harvests, next years harvest, etc.
>Generations and generations of planning forced the minds of the average European to be more aware of the future and consequences of negligence
>Sub-Saharan niggers only had to deal with hunting, and lacked this development

I know I'm not wording it nearly as well, but goddamn, this guy brought up some amazing points. If someone has the screencap, it'll be greatly appreciated.

I was outnumbered and i really didn't want a nigger to touch the food I'm about to eat anyways.

understandable. Have a nice day

That's how it goes. Once you deal with blacks you either become a racist or a coal burning single mother whore. These people just bring you down in every aspect.

interdasting. Now im as much of an identitarian as the next goy, but im pretty sure that besides niggers and some spics, most races have the same iq, brought low only by inbreeding and/or islam

I have one more
> Filling up gas
>See nigga shambling up
>Got a cig?
>Fuck no nigger
>Finish pumping and get into car
>As I pull off I see the nigger lightig a cig 5 feet from the pump
>I yell "don't smoke at the pump you retard"
>He yells back "hey I'm not a retard"
And then I went home

So true. I'm so proud of the fact that my mother is now openly a racist and is afraid of niggers (at least more than before). If only more white women were like her, we'd be living in a much better world.

good job mister

Man I have some rares .mp4's for a hate thread but im a fucking retard and dont know how to convert them without losing audio, lets be honest hearing them wail in pain or attempt to use retard strength to overcome discomfort is more than half the fun. someone help me.

>me and some friends going to 7-11 to buy ice cubes
>when we get out to the parking lot we interrupt a somali stomping a poor porcupine to death
>confront him about it
>get threatened with a knife
>7-11 staffers calls cops, prompting him to leave the scene
there's something deeply wrong with you if you kill small critters just for the fuck of it, im a registered hunter and have no issue killing game, but stomping them by foot is just animal cruelty and reveal a lack of empathy, I was fucking fuming when i saw it.

I wish i could carry a snubby .357 for when a nigger pulls a knife on me, you burgers dont appreciate enough how fortunate you are

Fuck it. post 'em and if the audio is lost, you can just type what we should be hearing:

>Ape wails in pain
>Ape shrieks in anger

That sort of thing.

A fucking leaf/nigger

Only experience with niggers was the following.A friend of mine picked on 3 nigger students and called them niggers and told them to go back to Africa.Got his shit beat the fuck out.3 weeks later he finds out what college they go to.
Calls me and 20 other boys we follow the niggs outside os a club.At 3 in the night when they get out we jump them and beat the shit out of them.
The friend that they beat pulls out a hammer and says that if he sees their shitskin asses again he will pop their kneecaps.
Tldr always have a large group and lynch your enemies,its easy af,safe and less fizical effort.

>Nosy cunt mom sticks her nose in other people's business
>Gets yelled at
>"The entire black race is to blame for this!"

Fuck off OP. Fucking nu Sup Forums right here.

>you burgers dont appreciate enough how fortunate you are

A lot of us really do cherish the 2nd amendment. It's not a meme. We are not giving up our firearms (or ammo) EVER. It's only the cucks that hate it.

Also, see my other post here
I think many niggers lack impulse control, and the ability to imagine consequences for their actions. It may have to do with what I said in the post, although I have no hard evidence to back it up.

Food service is why I hate working with niggers. I did more work alone than working with them.

hows the state of multi kulti in Romania? Is it a false sense of security assuming you are ok since it's eastern Europe?

I screencapped that whole thing. I believe it was copypasta, but it was a good read. The first sentence went "alright niggers. Here's how it is" or something to that effect

You're a retard. Re-read my post. The guy that was hit asked her if she saw anything and can vouch for the truth. This happens often in California, as we have many car accidents, insurance companies deal with this shit on the daily.

You sound like a nu-male if anything.

>your mother engaged in conversation with a nigger

Fucking coalburners

Well if you screencapped it, post it! I'm wanting to save that pasta

Begone, abbo.

>Jigaboo rantings=conversations

I smell a coalburner

>lives in rural England
wtf is a nigger?

>Looks at clock
>4 AM
Give me a few minutes, user. No promises. If I'm not back soon, don't wait up

Fuck her, wincest is the ultimate red pill

If you see something resembling pic-related in the cities, it's a nigger.

I'm going to wait up.

Begone, wetback.

Nah there are still some gypsys around bit very few compared to the 90s.But in the most dgenerate westernized town in Transylvania they have alot of mussies and nigger students.
Most people dont care about race its just the football hooligans,a few neo nazis and some far right activists(legit far right not the pussy centrist shit that gets called far right by sjws).

Post her tits you little fag

> Germany
> not many niggers, only sandniggers, nut the few niggers we have are useless
nuff said

I was redpilled about niggers practically from birth.

Around blacks, never relax

Thank you for the tip but what do I do if I see one?

Do I capture it and return it to the wild?
Do I kill it?
If I touch it, will its parents disown it?
Can I have one as a pet so I can teach it cool stuff like mowing the garden and peeling vegetables?

Give us what stories you have on sandniggers then.

>Be in school
>Paki robs little brother and a retard in my year
>Same paki always causing trouble
>I confront him when hes alone
>He asks for fight but forgets to put his hands up
>He gets knocked out
>I get arrested for racism
>Paki family try to kill me
>Charges dropped
>Fast forward a year
>Nigger starts groping all the girls in the year
>I knock him out too
>Nothing happens
>I realise even commie teachers and SJW police don't like niggers

>Nah there are still some gypsys around bit very few compared to the 90s
yeah we notice, i pass by like 12 of them on my way to work. I was not particuliarly surprised when our state news tv media uncovered that the beggars acted as a smoke screen for large drug and prostitution operations, i've seen it multiple times on the street how the young well of gypsy thugs manage and manhandle the beggars on the street.

Just take any nigger story and replace it with sandnigger really. They aren't much different. IQ is the same, behavior is the same, they also usually hangout together.

>live in Chicago
>blacks chimping out everywhere at all times of the day
>walking out of grocery store with mom
>noticing WAY more black people, all giving us dirty looks
>get in car
>look at mom
>"wow, we gotta get away from all of these fuckin' niggers"
>"yeah, definitely. I applied to Wyoming. it's mostly white with a small latino population there"

It's good having redpilled parents

Guys, guys, listen to this
>Be white
>See a nigger
>Nigger acting all niggerly
>Loud nigger
>Angry nigger
>Nigger nigger
>I'm now redpilled

True story

This is all true.
>Be user
>Do workshare programs because I was kicked out
>Do one in Phx with hippies
>user not redpilled at the time, thought hippies were semi cool
> Friends of the hippies I was with throw a party
>Party in middle of worst ghetto in Phx
>I go
>Hippies smoking weed and drinking and juggling fire
>Pretty cool to be honest
>I slam 4 beers, smoke some weed, then start walking back to where I was staying.
>2AM middle of ghetto, me just strolling down the street
>Come to an overpass over a canal
>See 2 nigs walking my way
>Literally haven't seen anyone else for an hour
>I plan on just walking past and not getting mugged
>Nigs stop
>"Hey user you got a lighter?" In nigspeak though
>I did have a lighter
>They light their blunt and continue on their way
>Mfw I ran into the 2 nigs who just want to smoke and not do dindu shit

>Thank you for the tip but what do I do if I see one?

Excellent question. I highly advise Option A or B (returning into the wild [Africa], or euthanizing them).

Do not touch them, they're highly aggressive and lack impulse control. Keeping one as a pet is highly discouraged, they're wild animals. The US attempted this in the past (forcing the primates to work), yet their release from captivity has hurt society as a whole.

As the saying goes: You can take the nigger out of the jungle, but you can't take the jungle out of the nigger.

Hope this helps.

>Dad has always been anti nigger
>Consistently drops the N word around the house
>Post Obongo's 1st election.
>Local Niggers treat it as victory over dah white devil
>Dad and Co-worker leaving job
>"Ay dawg u gawt some money? Muh homies and me tryin' catch a bus."
>"Sorry fellas, I only got my card on me."
>"Maaaaan fuk u."
>"Have a great night."
>Walks to his car, starts it up, niggers hooting and hollaring
>One shots "OBAMA" as my old man drives away
>Comes home, says "These niggers think they run the country because some nigger gets into office. Fuck's sake."
>Love my Dad.

You have no personal stories then?

I bet you have something.

>Wants to carry a gun with her incase things ever escalate.
get her mace gas first. You wouldn't want your mom to panic and kill an unarmed black woman.
Blacks just lack impulse control, that is all.

They make the best videos though,nothing like watching thoe gorillas go nuclear over the tiniest things

>this is unironically the format of every redpill story on the Nigger Question

Had the poojeets went after a full nog it wouldve been a different story

>Another Nigger story.
>when I was in Middle school, folks were going through a bankruptcy.
>Mom picks up night janitorial shifts alongside my dad to make ends meet.
>One night, mom and I get out of building late; I do my homework at the place while she cleans, I give her a hand.
>As we get ready to take the trash out, one nigger starts walking down the street at us.
>Then at the same time, another turns down the other end of the street.
>my mom was keen eyed, she told me to get in the car, we'll throw the trash away at home.
>Say okay.
>She watches her mirror and points it out to me; "Those two guys were going to mug us."
>I look in the mirror, sure enough they stopped where we were at and watched us drive away mumblin' in jiggaboo.
>We stopped cleaning that building afterwards.

your dad is a fucking cuck, american

Well, if you insist
>be 15
>some Festival in city
>dude from my class has some beef with a sandnigger
>they want to fight
>they go outside of the festival onto a big grass field
>sandnigger brings his sandnigger friends
>dude and sandnigger want to fight 1v1
>they agree and start fighting
>dude's about to win and sand nigger friends jump him and put him into hospital
>dude has a 25 yo meat head brother
>brother finds sandnigger and makes him apologize on his knees and throws him afterwards over a bridge (0.5 meter so nothing really happened)

Hey, user. Found the first part of the screen cap. I was phonefagging when I took them. Second part incoming, but that's all I got of it

I'm black myself and most black folks I've ever known are just normal folks. Got bullied a couple times in elementary school and high school by blacks and whites and the odd mexican but that's about it. I can't wrap my head around why you'd hate nearly a billion people because of a few jerks.

Eh, I'm just an easygoing person like that.

Lol,I wrote that.

You have to experience niggers being niggers to "get" it.

Come on out to the states sometime. You'll see.

.38 a shit. Get a compact 9mm, she can handle it.

My first major red pill was as follows:

>go to college out of state in heavily black populated area, vastly different racial demographic from home state
>befriend campus security guards, make small talk
>they warn me not to go out at night, even in campus area
>tell me about how the year prior 2 students from china got mouth raped by a group of blacks and robbed
>2 -male- students from china

Pro tip to the young'uns in college: be on friendly terms with campus security if possible. They are usually cool and will help you a lot if you need it.

>One more nigger story
>This one's a bit more direct
>Nigger been harassing my little sister in high school, she'd try to let him down gently but, he's not getting the hint.
>Sister comes home looking dishelved, I ask her if she is okay as she's only a sophmore and I'm in College at this point.
>says it was the nigger at school
>Tried to grope her.
>My old man catches wind of this after I tell him in secret.
>Nigger boy walking home one night, I was hanging around my old high school and saw he walked home.
>Dad and I show up with shitty bed-sheets on our heads and roll down the window.
>Little niglet without his homies shits his pants and runs the fuck out of there.
>Dad and I have a laugh, have a younger friend intervene for little sister the next day if he came back around.
>Dad tells me as we're at a drive thru getting milkshakes not to tell my mom or ever do what we just did.
>We laugh our asses off for the next hour and go home.

Meant for

Part 2, but incomplete. Seems that was all I took of it. Maybe some one will bless you with the copypasta soon


ashkenazi jews have the highest, but their iq is low when it comes to spatial? stuff. verbal iq is super high

east asians, chinese japs etc are next at average 104

we are after them around 100

then spics, which are usually some mix of a bit of european and native or black

then american blacks, they hover at like 85 i think

african blacks go downhill from there 70's all the way down to the 50's with the pygmies
here's a good normie friendly overview

You're a good man.

>brother finds sandnigger and makes him apologize on his knees and throws him afterwards over a bridge (0.5 meter so nothing really happened)

This part made me laugh, thank you. I did a little time in Iraq, and Haji's (sandniggers) drive me insane.

Did you now?

if you instincts/spider-sense is tingling, follow it. your instincts exist for a reason and thats because they are accurate at saving your life

Wait... user.. fuck those screenshots. I have the pasta haha

This happened to my dad in the mid 1970s when he was in high school in LA.

>Dad gets jumped by 3 blacks
>The leader of them pulls out a knife and swings at him
>Dad barely manages to avoid the knife and has to run away.
>Dad vows to get back at him.
>Follows the black guy that swung the knife at him after school.
>Dad confronts the guy and defeats him.
>Black guy laying on the floor beaten up begs for my dad to stop and says he gives up
>Black guy tries to trick stab my dad from the floor.
>Dad avoids it and kicks his head repeatedly until the black guy is unconscious. Dad then runs away.

He was set to move away to another city soon after, so nothing came out of that.

Overall he experienced racism from blacks on a regular basis since he was the only Mexican in a majority black high school.

>>Unfortunately, she's also pretty retarded and says some stupid shit. Not that she's not wrong, but she doesn't really get public speaking and goes full retard instead of trying to persuade people her points are correct.

Problem appears in most women.

Not having a leaf doesn't mean you're not a faggot

We want to get her something like pic related. No magazine for her to fumble with. Plus, if the revolver is already loaded, you don't have to do anything but aim and pull the trigger.

I think I did, it reminds me a bit of something I posted from 2014ish about how nigs don't really get ahead in life, because they only know how to live in the now, which is why a nig's idea of success is having a fancy car and two EBT cards but their kids can have no food on the table, ratty old clothes......their entire mindset is based on projecting a lifestyle image and materialism.

>Mom (divorced, older) and boyfriend
>park and ride, let's take light rail downtown
>sounds fun
>going to fun concert
>don't realize chimping out on the lightrail is all these wretches have to do with themselves
>was a fun concert
>on the way back, take the wrong train
>ghetto turns into apocalyptic 2017 ghetto
>oh fuck
>get off, reverse course
>a nice black man(tm) gets up in boyfriends face for no reason
>lunging and threatening to start throwing shitfists
>chimpout unlocked
>30yo vs 65yo
>never go downtown again
>this is no longer your city

>worse, island of ghetto enclave adjacent to your historic white suburb
>they come out at night to joyride
>post-ferguson, belligerance intensifies
>white women afraid to fucking park and walk into fucking walmart
>cuz they snatchin yo purses up

Probably heard her drop nigger a few times as a kid, but thug is still the word of choice. She was raised by a prim southerner.
st. louis 2014-2017

Good job I live in a 90%+ county. heheheheheh

Face the facts, NIGGERS, your race are a failed race because you're a feckless, unruly, uncivilized horde of feral proto-humans. You never figured out how to live in a society bigger than one or two squabbling families. Starting thousands of years ago, everyone else on this planet without exception did - they invented religion, the idea of law, and the ideas of property and respect for the value of human life. This enabled tribes to coalesce into bigger groups and become organized. The rest is history, or rather civilization. But your lot never did this, did they? Abstract thought and problem- solving have never been the black man's strengths, have they? Did they invent a long-lived and intellectually coherent religion? Nope. Did they ever build a city? Nope. Did they even invent bricks? Nope (the reason there's no Stonehenge in Africa is because it took more than 20 people to move the slabs of rock - clearly a non-starter in Africa, where assembling more than 20 niggers normally results in a war). Did they till the land? Nope. Did they domesticate an animal for their use? Nope. Did they invent a written language? Nope. Did they invent the wheel? Mainly, nope. Were they curious enough about what lay out across the sea to sail upon it? Nope. And blacks are the only "humans" on this planet of which all this is true. Eskimos are more technically advanced than blacks were, despite the handicap of having no raw materials to work with other than dead fish and snow. Indians managed to domesticate the elephant. Why couldn't niggers? So why do you fail everywhere even today? Let me offer you jigaboos a hypothesis.

>you escaped with your life

The #1 cause of racism against blacks is the behaviour of blacks.

these people could have been scientists, very sad

spot the nigger

>goes to school

It's because feral behavior - innate savagery, murderous violence if annoyed, predisposition to rape many women and thus fecklessly father many children - conferred valuable survival advantages on individuals
in the backward, Paleolithic milieu of Africa. But they don't help your kind in a civilized society. Unfortunately for the rest of us, the last few hundred years have not been long enough for these behaviors to have been domesticated out of you all. So you're all still at it. Let me illustrate this for you by analogy. Technically, an American pit bull terrier and an English golden retriever are exactly the same species. They can produce offspring, if crossbred. The former was bred to exhibit certain characteristics - wanton aggression, propensity to fight, physical strength, powerful bite, and so on. The latter was bred to retrieve birds shot and killed by its masters, and to do this, it has to have a docile, placid, non-aggressive nature; otherwise it would treat what it found as its own kill and refuse to hand it over. Now imagine that your small children, aged maybe two or three years old, are going to be locked in a room with five or six of those dogs, and the dogs haven't been fed for a week. Which breed would you rather lock in there with your children? Hungry pit bulls, or hungry golden retrievers? Or do you figure that, even though they look differently, they're all the same species really, so of course the pit bulls certainly won't act any differently? Exactly! All this PC crap we hear spouted in the media about how "there's no such thing as race" is just that - crap. A dog has four legs and a tail; a cat also has four legs and a tail, but that doesn't make it a dog. The superficial similarity between cats and dogs and between whites and blacks is just that - superficial.

It's now 4:28 AM where you're at, you better get a move on with the pasta!

That's what I don't understand. Most of us are just living life and going about our day with no fuss. But somehow I'm personally responsible for Jaquan from the hood mugging people. Do we arr rook same to you? Other day some white guy shoulder checked my family friend for not holding the door for him and called him a coon. So I called him an ignorant sister fucker and we just carried on with our day. I didn't spazz out and say all whites are like this.

whats up jamal, how is tyrone?

i've never met a black person before. there are none where i live and i've never left this city.
Sup Forums gives me all the multiculturalism i can handle. i enjoy learning from other people so i don't have to make the same mistakes.

If there really were no genetic difference between niggers and humans, then presumably my white woman and I could very easily produce a black baby between us at any time, and any nigger and his ho a white one. But we know what we'd say to them if that ever happened, don't we? :-)
Whenever blacks achieve a certain critical mass numerically in a pre-existing non-black society, they start to exhibit their natural feral behavior and to turn their environment back into a recognizably African, essentially Stone Age one. Thus, Africa has the jungle; black enclaves have "da 'hood." Native Africans were small wandering herds of marginal animals, one famine away from extinction, and which therefore fought each other savagely for pieces of territory. Large groups of "African-Americans" at liberty in the west actually deliberately break themselves down into smaller, tribal hordes, because they feel uneasy in and unaccustomed to a larger society. Negro gangs of twenty to fifty individuals assert their rights to "tag" other people's property through gang violence, but fail to co-operate otherwise. For instance, a 15- or 20-strong horde of negroes was recently filmed by a security camera inside a London bank they were robbing. Once they had terrified the cashiers into handing over the money, they then fought each other for it, in the middle of the cashier's hall, like hyenas fighting over an antelope. Having stolen from the bank, they instantly started to steal from each other. The idea of escaping first, then sharing the swag, was just too complex for them to understand, never mind implement. And so it goes on. You cannot fuse blacks into existing large societies or standalone nations because they are just plain not adapted to it.

>Live in Chicago
>Car ride with sister and mother
Drive through a black neighborhood
Tell my sister that we all suffer while black have it easy
>Sister tells me that but all blacks have it easy
Red light.Png
>Ask her to look around and tell me what cars she sees
>All nice cars 2011 and up
>Tell her while blacks live off government gibs we get shit on basically
]Not all she says
>Ask her what type of shoes did her black classmates have
>And what shoes do you wear?
>Old Jordans and worn out shoes

>hey Im not a retard
Fucking nigger took it literally holy shit
