Name more red-pilled game, i'll wait

name more red-pilled game, i'll wait

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Obligatory Crusader Kings II, I believe it and EU4 go hand in hand.

pokemon go

Colombine Shooter RPG, Get on my level you casual.

They are good games for redpilled users but they are by no means red-pilled.

1) They're made by Swedes
>the ottomans are the strongest nation in the game
3) muh rise of Islam
4) muh new 100th Islam dlc incoming

Witcher 3 or Deus Ex desu

Street Fighter 2 Super Turbo


>ck2 red-pilled
What a joke

>expel jews
>negative events spawn

medieval 2

>>expel jews
>>negative events spawn

Hoi 3,Darkest hour,Red orchestra 1&2,Viktoria 2, and the most redpilled game the first Deus Ex.

Common belief in Europe at the time man. Plagues in Egypt.

Deus Ex

You ever played CK2?

postal series?

Obu ?



I'm laughing because you're right but it's a quite humorous point.


france is easily the most powerful nation in the game at the start followed by austria. sweden is the most powerfull nation once you get going. ottoman empire is just a blob in the begining thanks to historical accuracy but will soon collaps due to having pretty bad research

the loading screen says "the ottomans are the strongest nation in the game"



Ce plm!?

"I'm sure getting rid of the merchants will surely make the spread of technology and riches better in our region!"
Trade between regions is how tech and wealth spread, especially during a time of where local regional economies were emphasized.i.e. expelling jewish trading/business settlements = shit transregional connections. There should be good events too though.

oh i forgot portugal has a realy strong start as well thanks to starting with the azores

its realy not

Mega man 2, faggot

literally doesn't matter what your opinion is, wtf

To be fair that is a part of one of the expansions. I forget which one added it, but vanilla that never happened.

Cmf ? Sunt Vlad de pe steam

oldschool runescape

It doesn't. it says Ottomans are interesting for new players.

Can't genocide. Garbage

>colonize the world
>naval supremacy makes you untouchable

>Take 350 gold from Jews.
>Expel Jews.


no it literally fucking does. god fucking damn it

That shit is just edgy as fuck not redpilled

>attack natives button/genocidal policy button/literal colonization simulator

Wtf that is different in my game copy.

Dominions 4 (soon to be 5)

Salut Vlad, sa te fut in gat

Pretty interesting. I couldn't pretend to know why

CK2. Family, Eugenics (avoid the double chin), Dynasty, Race.

Easy Victoria 2

Ottomans were literaly the strongest nation at the time you cunt, late game ottoman is easy fuck

>What is mandate of heaven
>What is Ming

kys fucking noob yourself

îți trag la muie

Cine pula mea esti tu ma, slobozim-as pe mormintele copiilor tai ? Daca te vad, te tai.

Fight'n Rage
>literally beat the shit out of furries, weebs and whores.

Ba daca te vad, ma tai singur

>historical accuracy is now considered red pilled
>its now punk and edgy to be a conservative traditionalist

late game any nation is easy as fuck

gtfo of my country u filthy gypsy

>building factories around the world simulator

Kaiser Reich

>Can't cleanse the middle east and India and settle it with Spartans.
>Can only (((convert))) them to your religion, can only (((convert))) them to your culture.
>Basically have shitskins praising jesus.

>le 56%

nah brah, enjoying the cheap lifestyle you guys have


There's really nothing redpilled about the Paradox GS games, there's actually a strong liberal bias in all of them.

counterculture n shiet

Poppin Bennies

>Fails to remove kebab
>Calls others noob
Btw to your education, Prussia is the "strongest" nation in EU4

>historical accuracy

fuck off to reddit please


Game sets you up as the thief, not them.

There should be a coin clipping event that reduces your tax revenue by 10% for any nation that hasn't expelled them.

Whats happening here?

>anger jews
>they subvert you
it's realistic

Fug, rerawl

i literally said fucking nothing about anything other than the one single fact that the loading screen says that

stop being autistic you fuck

Some MENA firefight aftermath. I have no clues on the source though, sorry.


I mean easy to fuck over
Early game ottoman is hard to play againts

Its very entertaining indeed my friend

Reverse search brought up a liveleak vid that said it was a failed suicide attempt.

Children going missing before jewish holidays has triggered pogrom in your city! +10 unrest

Wolfenstein 2.

Save jesus

Nice, playing a game of darkest hour currently.

u will get fucked hard when the race war will start

Victoria 2
Hearts of Iron 3
Darkest Hour
Deus Ex


Rise of Nations

I love playing the ERE and defeating those turkroaches and reuniting rome

I have 600 hours in the game and I literaly never seen it
It was either removed or you are lying or someone lied to you

You can kill billions in Stellaris but swastikas aren’t allowed.

Yeah it's the Sons of Abraham exp

>600 hours in vanilla
have fun




>become a jew
No thanks.

Angry Goy




>anger jews
>lose character stats
pretty realistic

Drop in a Sup Forums.wad in to Doom with that and you are a certified armchair oven operator.