Who do we find to beat this guy? He keeps destroying us 1 by 1 youtube.com
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Stop fucking shilling destiny on this broad
destiny is a fucking cuck, sargon destroyed him.
Who is this kid?
Sargon got ass blasted and you know that. We need someone who isn't a centrist cuck to debate him
He's (((destiny))) a left wing SJW
So why does he matter? This seems like a slide thread to me...
He's debating all the right youtubers and making us look bad
Welcome back, Stephen. Surprised you have so much time to post these on here daily with your busy streaming schedule. That takes dedication.
Heil Hitler!
So let me get this right you think hes making the right wing look bad? Let me tell you something about this kid and all ten thousand views he gets per a video. He doesn't matter. Out of the thousands of people who watch his shit how many remember? How many of these people remember him? No body. No one will be quoiting him, no one will remember him and most important no one gives a fuck about him. So why don't you get your lazy ass off pol, get a job and stop shilling these leftie niggers. All these people will never make it in life. Anybody on the left who uses youtube for their political shit must really suck balls at life. Shill kindly kill yourself and never talk about human life ever again.
Whoa buddy calm down.
Where's all this rage coming from
Fuck off Destiny
this manlet isnt beating anyone, johntron rekt him and hes not a debater lol
Fuck off destiny you unter-manlet
I'm not (((destiny)))
Destiny will save us minorities! I have faith in him.
The far left in any political form is cancer. As you post this slide thread our nation is slowly dying. Jews are trying to fuck kids and steal your wealth. Niggers are nigging. We have allowed our country to fall too far. What we need to do is unite and finally end this political nightmare which is far left socialism. Our country is slowly dying and here you are posting a thread about some nobody on youtube. We live in a society where nobody gives a fuck about your country. What we must do is unite pol and start promoting nationalism. Clean yourself up. We are going to war soon. I'm back.
Gay. Support Nick. Watch this:
You basement dwelling fuck, you aren't going to do shit
Destiny was destroyed by Naked Ape and Metokur. Incestuous faggot.
Ryan Dawson absolutely exposed him
We cant do that when /our guys/ are getting assfucked live on stream through debate
Are you watching the same debates? Or are you just trying to shill for Destiny?
Just watch me communist shill.
Hans you have failed me. Have you not looked outside today and asked yourself what you can do to improve your life? Or how you can improve your country? Or even your city? What about your neighborhood? If you can show the people that your a man of the people and that you are willing to do some good you can fix yourself and your country. No body gives a fuck about these left wing youtubers.
Now I know you're trolling. Fucking (((shill))) get off my board REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Who was the one who started a useless thread about some random youtube "star". Tell me what have you done to improve your life? How about your country?
Nobody gives a fuck about destiny so much that we are left to strategize how to take this guy down since he is killing the chances for right wing youtubers to redpill people. Continue to obstruct efforts to help our cause and expose yourself as a shill
Been a productive member of it instead of plotting civil war :^)
Imagine shilling a manchild like destiny everyday. What a pathetic existence lmao.
just curious are you a full on southern strategy shill
Fuck off Destiny, fucking manlet sub-human.
in all fields
This is probably the 5th time i've seen this thread on pol. Please tell me what it has accomplished the last 4 times its been posted? Civil war? No I just want peace. No more crazy people in a rush to get no where, no more pain, no more drug addiction and no more problems.
The right wing will keep red pilling people. How has he prevented youtubers from dropping red pills? I'm just saying stop giving a shit and he will die off.
why should i give a shit about either of these bitches?
OP you massive nigger FAGGOT
>Literally WHO?
>Sup Forums btfo Xd
>3 hour video
>Shilling your shit YT channel
No i'm someone that believes in unity and nationalism. We as a society must destroy those who keep us divided. Those who keep everybody down.
Jean-Francois GariƩpy destroyed Destiny in their debates. Destiny fails miserably against anyone who isn't a complete mouthbreathing retard