Japanese birth rate is going up

Japanese birth rate is going up.
Japan can solve the issue of low rate in 15 years.
It's overpopulation in Japan, so it's rather ok to take the time.

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Good, stay safe Japan

I heartily congratulate people of Japan. The news of this development is splendid and gladdens the heart.


as you would expect. population growth is controlled by other factors than the elite's financial interests.

That's right. And don't let (((them))) make you think otherwise.

Japan, you need WHITE immigrants!

They don't need it, but its better than immigrants.
Japs are severely underpaid to begin with, a decline in population is something they really needed since they refuse to demand more pay because its "honorable".
The US needs to indefinitely halt pretty much all immigration too since wages are much lower than they should be across the board, the only immigrants we should be taking are people that are already rich special cases such as professional athletes. You literally can't defend us taking in any immigrants other than than maybe a few thousand a year that are already rich or special cases.

What happened in 2005 to make the birthrate increase?

Japanese people have very little dick and they cannot sodomise their women.

How are people this lazy with spelling?

Bad goyim! Japan NEEDS refugees and kangz to save them!

why? to make japan a cuck country like yours?

Honestly, who gives a shit about gooks?

How THE FUCK is it going up if 40% of young men and women are virgins and 70% are single?
Who the hell is having those babies?

Oops! I had a mistake of spelling. It's Birth.
This is the update version. I must study English more...

People don't understand numbers. You need a fertility rate of 2.1 approximately to simply keep your population the same size. Currently it's about 1.6 so they're in population decline.

While the rate might be going up very slightly they're still in decline they're just losing population less quickly than before. Huge swaths of the population are now too old to have children but have long lifespans which means there's population lag, the damage of low birthrates isn't beeing felt now but it will be in 10-20 years when the older generation disappear and there's no new generation to take their place.

Because Jews and leftists in general are the ones who push these fake statistics.

Innocent until proven guilty user. Maybe the stats are a bit exaggerated but I still think they're in the ballpark.

says the 56% face of europe.

no one expects Japanese people to be great at English. you are pretty good.

Just let the church and religion die and humanity will take care of this problem with eugenics to make more and perfect babies.

Japan is truly the best Asian nation. I congratulate you and wish you good fortune, senpai.

Good on you Japan! I'm happy for you.


>the Jewish rite of circumcising a male child eight days after his birth.

wth japan

They could invade South Africa and save the Boers. Who would stop them?

The problem of Japan is the extreme and unsustainable growth in the 20th century. Now is going back to normal.

anime gooks are honorary

Why do populations need to always go up? As things become more efficient, are we not fine staying at the same level or decreasing?

No troll shit about how (((they))) need the extra money please. I've never seen an answer every time this thread gets spammed here.

Japan is damn close to 1% memes aside. I don't exactly wish for their failure but come the fuck on, they're less white than most flags posting on Sup Forums.

It's literally a no white men allowed country

I would happily replace every shitskin, lazy, 90 IQ Portunigger in Europe, with hard-working, civilized Japs. Now go invade Switzerland with the rest of your cousins, you worthless Moor.

Your chart is old.
Current forecast of 100 millions population will be in 2054.
And if Japan could reach birth rate to 2.08 until 2054, Japan can keep 100 millions after that.
I think 90-100 millions is better for our land size.

Go live in Canada then, it's being taken over by asians.

Oh wait, memeflag, you're probably Canadian.

But I thought we needed immigration to counteract low birth rates

This guy's name is 酒井高徳 / SAKAI, Gotoku.
He is a mixed blood of Germany and Japanese.
He grew up from 2 years old in Japan, so his main language is Japanese.

Who the fuck cares?

Why is this board so obsessed with this one country's birth rate? Holy shit.

It's still far below the replacement rate.

male happas are so ugly holy shit

gib qt hapa gf though


do you mind if i finnish kendoka comes to spawn offspring to japan :D
