Childhood is when you idolize Paganism or Christianity.
Adulthood is when you realize Stoicism makes more sense.
Childhood is when you idolize Paganism or Christianity.
Adulthood is when you realize Stoicism makes more sense.
Stoicism is the precursor of Christianity.
"Live a good life.
If there are gods and they are just, they will not care how devout you've been, but welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by.
If there are gods but they are unjust, you should not want to worship them.
If there are no gods then you be gone, but the memory of your life will live on inside of your loved ones."
-Marcus Aurelius
wow that's some dumb//gay shit right there
Please take some buckshot aspirin.
This guy virtues.
Stoicism wins because it works. It also leaves the definition of good to the person, though it does make judgments. Even a sociopath can be a good person with stoicism, for he knows that behaving virtuously will make him a wiseman, and make his life less chaotic.
>Stoicism is true enlightenment
>lol gay
So the power...of dead gay roman faggots...
I don't see that they are necessarily exclusive. One is a philosophy and the others are religions, and stoicism discusses God/gods. Actually I've been studying stoicism myself lately and have gotten some good from it, but I'm still a Christian. Actually a lot of the 'live simply' stuff, not letting emotions control you via fear or lust, treating people well etc. Fits right with Christianity.
Stoicism is materialist, and materialism is degenerate. Look to Plotinus.
Marcus Aurelius didn't say that, and it's often pictured with a bust of Caracalla for some unknown reason.
too impractical for real living
>implying stoics werent hellenists
>t. I worship a rotting, crucified Jew
Source other than pic related?
Existentialism >>> all
Stoicism is part of the legacy of pagan greece and rome and all original stoics were pagans in some way. Later a lot of stoicism got adopted by christian philosophers.
It is not a religion or a theistic way of thinking though if thats what you meant.
Its pretty cool I like it.
pic unrelated
>t. I worship a rotting, crucified Jew
It wasn't for Plotinus. In Porphyry's Life, he led a very active existence, alongside developing and living his philosophy.
t. Never read any Stoic literature to understand how closely tied theor ethics are to their pantsu-on-head retarded cosmology
>not realizing that every good aspect of Stoicism (which is basically just the ethics) was picked up and refined by Christianity
O i am laffin
>t. I worship a rotting, crucified Jew
"Refined" sure is a kind word for it.
I would call it neutered.
He's actually risen, as it turns out :)
based jesus
help himself let innocent babies die
is he /ourjew/?
Adulthood is when you can describe your worldview with your own words.
adulthood is when you stop looking for any creed at all and live in the present moment, the only moment that exists
It's pretty funny that the problem of evil should come up in a thread where people are accusing Christians of being childish.
But anyway, read the parable of the Wheat and Tares. Also read up on what Christians believe about the Resurrection.
Lol, stoicism IS paganism, morons. Epictetus, Seneca, Marcus Aurelius were all pagans living in pagan civilizations of Rome and Greece. Catholicism is almost unequivocally just paganism.
i already know the answers, theyre insufficent and morally bankrupt
>just suffer as a child, and your family, its good lol
>anyway im the son of god/god and can do whatever i want, but i dont wanna cease suffering
its a larp to me, you can believe it, i dont care, but if youre gonna throw around autism ill throw autism back
stoics were pagans != stoicism is paganism
Christianity is the real Stoicism.
>and live in the present moment, the only moment that exists
Which ironically is a stoic teaching.
A honest question to all -sm bearers: Why do you crave so hard for a system of beliefs? By adopting a system, you are adopting it by force, thus, it's not the "truth"? Isn't it better so overlord the systems? To create your own? To dig in yourself until you wont the the "core", your " unique core" ?
>Catholicism is almost unequivocally just paganism.
Is this a new apostolate, trying to sell Catholicism to Sup Forums.
But such an answer about how God won't cease suffering just shows that you don't really understand our answers. I gotta go, but I'd encourage you to try and actually understand what we believe and why we can actually put our trust in it instead of just pretending ya do.
No evidence of that ever happening though :(
A good routine produces a good outcome, thats why you have a system. If you have no system your life is randomly thrown into chaos whenever you make a bad or random decision. You also never truly learn as you never examine why you act.
Show me a successful person in any real capacity who doesnt have a system that provides them with guidance and I'll show you 20,000 who do.
>"let your leaders drive you off a cliff stupid goy, theres nothing you can do about it"
what kind of fucked up slave morality is this
The "answers" are red herrings that refuse to address the reality. It becomes a gift to lose.
You literally win when you lose.
>someone this embarrassingly stupid actually exists
>t. Never read any Stoic literature to understand how closely tied theor ethics are to their pantsu-on-head retarded cosmology
Entirely untrue.
Only if taken to an extreme. It's more about how to deal with the shit life gives you.
Roman History 101
>Rome is stronger than ever
>Stoicism is what the leaders rely upon
>Jews come
>Jews bring Christianity
>Some leader adopts Christianity
>Rome falls
Nah, thats just retardation.
>hopping from one meme to another because your a teenage faggot
Extremely bluepilled.
Is it possible to learn about systems of belief for the sake of personal growth, or the pursuit of knowledge?
Is it possible to form your own personal, coherent philosophy, with no knowledge of other philosophies?
Is it possible that in the process of learning about other philosophies, you find one that you more or less agree with?
If you find one you agree with, that also proves to be practical in your own life, would you still reject it in order to form your own philosophy? What would motivate this? Pride? Pride is a fool's fortress.
yeah you wish faggot
whats Byzantine history 101 oh great history teacher?
What are in your opinion the differences of how a Neoplatonist would live and a Stoic would?
Stoic Ethics is independent of Stoic physics.
Yes. And Stoicism was developed over hundreds of years by very smart people who thought really hard about the best way to live.
Compare that with how most people live, without thinking about what is important in life ending with a kind of hedonism.
Stoicism wasn't a religion you stupid fuck
>Stoicism wasn't a religion you stupid fuck
Indeed, it's in fact superior. It lacks the negatives associated with religion.
This is what an ethnic swede looks like.
The two are easily compatible
Rome already fell when Caesar ascended. The Republic was the soul of Rome, the empire its hollow shell that was later carried by Byzantine and the Papal State.
epic tetus man XD
judge not lest ye be judged and do not call your brother a fool XDD
Notice the
Svbstine et abstine
Which was a stoic maxim
Falling this hard for shitty bait.
They dont concentrate about gods its not philosophy about gods, and yes christianity was influenced alot by stoicism
What is more stoic that accepting God and obeying Him to the best of your abilities. Also see the 7 capital sins.
>What is more stoic that accepting God and obeying Him to the best of your abilities.
Not believing in what you want to be real but what you have observed to be real.