Is she a Jew?

is felicity Jones a jew?

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if you can't tell, then does it matter?

Fuck off dutchfag shill, it matters unless you're too lazy to shrug off your apathy.

even if she is,is she hot enough to get away with it. She is so hot

she's a rabbit

Nope. Know her family.

She's Brum/Taff.

Yes she is.

How do you know her family. Does she look even hotter in real life.

God, she's pretty

ugly bitch



you would give your left foot for a kiss from her.

can't find her on so my guess is no.

She's hot as long as she keeps her mouth closed and doesn't show her Austin Powers teeth.

Everyone is a jew. EVERYONE

Worse, she's a feminist.

She's ugly without make-up

To be fair, she has not been that vocal about her feminism.

Even if she was she wouldn't be considered a member of the tribe by real Jews

She barely puts on make up. She usualy goes out without much make up.


This, everybody needs to be gassed, EVERYBODY, we can't afford to miss even one.

Welsh. Probably likes to fuck furry sheeps.

yah or else we will be infested again in a decade, take off and nuke it from orbit

Just another Weinsteined Hollywood Whore.

Fake and gay

Does it matter? She gets rope either way.