Ask a 30 yo paki NEET anything
Why are you not in Britain?
Good question. Let me give my IELTS and get back to you.
Come home pakistani man
My brother already lives there and has three kids with a qt british hick from some hick town. I'm sure in time I'll follow his footsteps only not in britian but someplace more triggering like US or Australia
How are you a NEET in a third world country?
Playstation and weed
I mean how do you make ends meet? I am sure there are no autismbux in Pakistan
I make money doing all types of gigs yearly and then use it as my own neetbucks for example I made 6000$ trading luxury cars this year off the local craigslist replica.
Ok. And?
Edit: Not trading, flipping
Looks like a Punjabi
Do you hate indians?
upper class cousin fucker id assume
Why are you in my thread pajeet? Don't you have to rub human shit on your body 9 times a day as a spiritual prayer to a diety with 17 anuses? get the fuck outta here
who will win?
How do you even manage maintaining your lifestyle?
Good man