It appears we have an influx of brainwashed libtards
Pic related
It appears we have an influx of brainwashed libtards
Pic related
tbqh they're right, you guys are beyond the point of reasoning with
Why the fuck would this material have this ugly "photocopied" filter applied?
What on fucking Earth would be photocopied in ?
Is it because it makes your little project look legitimate? Like adding a coffee stain on a document and crumpling it slightly implies authenticity?
Kike detected.
Oh my christ. Its like they're fucking twelve
I've been in their discords. They literally try to look edgy. The word they like to use is "lit" or "aesthetic" and even sometimes "rad af," being short for "radical." They think it's cute to be self deprecating - haha, it's funny because they're radicalized and nobody cool says radical but it's cool to be radicalized.
Do they really think that simple tricks will work?
our guys already inside them. They have no idea.
wait for it.
It's ok to be white!
they still can't win. a bastion with no censorship and manipulative upvote system will never fall to libs because libs become too upset when their views are challenged outside of an area where their tricks are easily found out
I regret voting for Trump. He still hasn't made America Great again, just made it more divided. Who is with me?
You replied as if you're answering why this piece of shit photoshop job is designed to look photocopied when that makes no sense, and you failed to provide any answer or argument.
We have enough fake bullshit flying around here daily. Of course lefties come here, of course they troll. We knew that. Doesn't make this POS legit.
Well simple tricks worked on them Russia Jr.
How god damn stupid can you be? Trump is not a fascist. God. I wish he were, but he simply is not. I can only hope that he's the gateway drug into fascism.
sooooo... how can i distinguish between bait, shitposting and shilling now? that chart is pretty much how all 3 of those would look like.
You don't need to distinguish anything. Just be rational and tell your opinions truthfully. Even if you're responding to a shill or a troll, your message will still be read by hundreds of others.
We've always had shills and JIDF, newfags
>antifa shills
Kek, poor little cuckolds, we have been battling JIDF since our inception, what can they possibly hope to achieve here?
I remember the first time a lefty "operation" was supposedly found out to be a badly done photoshop job done of a discord screenshot. Called "Mouth of the Lion" or something like that and was promoted on the_donald, linking to Sup Forums. The same people that fall for these shitty larps fall for the false flag ops screenshots made by right wing plebbitors.
We have people on Sup Forums that unironically think drumpf posting is done by paid shills and not shitposters. We have people that unironically fall for a filename like "SHAREBLUE_ASSETS_39(RENAME BEFORE POSTING).jpg". Stop being so gullible.
i dont want to give shills any (you)s. word is they get paid per (You)
testpost again
>highlight 90% of text
Looks like some of the books in university library. Post the non-highlighted version.
>word is they get paid per (You)
If that's the case, then better give them as many (you)s as possible. Leftists tend to lose their motivation to shill for communism the moment they have to start paying taxes.
But Trump's not a fascist. They are so confused, Nazis dont like Trump due to his Jewish ties.
i also thought maybe its worth doing it to bleed out the shillcompanies out of their money. but since soros and company are funding them i assume that wont be easy
Meanwhile, Sup Forums's propaganda: Tell the truth.
>It appears we have an influx of brainwashed libtards
It's called weekend.
Leftists are a bunch of losers. The only thing they did on Nov 4th is bitching around and shoot some dumb churchcucks. Fucking cowards
Well they can do that all they want. If there's one thing I've found to be a reality here its that sooner or later, you become a part of this hivemind. The reason most of us eventually adopt the same opinions here isn't like why these college lefties did. They had a professor tell them to hate their race, that capitalism is evil and that Drumpf is literally hitler. We adopt most of our opinions due to seeing evidence and statistics while having our ideas and opinions discussed or bashed freely. Sup Forums is a place where we actually discuss history and politics in a blunt and hard manner, something no one is doing these days in colleges. We constantly challenge each others opinions and no one really has any status or hierarchy, the only hierarchy is that of the validity of ones claims and their ability to express it. These lefties coming here have never really had their opinions challenged outside fo the chance encounter with a conservative or their sane family members. On here they encounter a moshpit of right-wingers, with non-stop presenting of statistics and data to back up our claims.
To realize why these people will eventually succumb you have to understand why our memes are so effective, whereas leftist memes are shit. We can condense our ideals and positions into memes that are humourous to most because they are true. Our memes are funny because they reflect reality, leftist memes suck because they are retarded clownworld views of the world that everyone deep down knows is wrong.
Their professors can send them in their masses, it won't matter. The hivemind will turn them. It may take a year, maybe two, but they will turn. And like the rest of us, will feel a need to return to the hivemind. We all feel it, when we don't post or check the board in a while. You feel an itch to return and check up, see whats happening. Most of the male lefties coming here as well aside from the political aspect of Sup Forums will start to see it's practical aspects.
woah, are you really from malaysia or just live there?
The men that go on here when they start understanding right wing ideals start understanding that they have to improve themselves, that lifting and becoming wise is ideal. By applying right wing ideals to one's life a man actually improves it, where as left wing ideals either leaves him to blame everything on others or leave things to decay. Leftists that have any metric of success in their life are literal hypocrates, they apply right wing/conservative values in their daily life (such as having a wife and kids, owning their home, saving money) while preaching leftist ideals to their students (such as telling them that gender is a spectrum, no in is really straight, don't have kids, property is theft). The whole reason the left hates discourse is because deep down they know they will lose. They know they can't win in open debate so they shut down free speech and no platform people, dox them or get their FB/youtube channel shut down.
But on here, there is no censorship, there is no professor to tell them or us what to think. There is no restrictions on what can be said.
The only thing that matters here are facts and data. And sooner or later they will see it for themselves. The professors and leftists sending their drones here is a very bad idea. They are exposing them to a direct line of data and view points they themselves fear.
In the end, we will always win.
In the end, they will become us.
Pathetic. Just because their own peers are so weak willed and easy to manipulate, they assume that we are as well. They are not prepared for what they are exposing themselves to when they attempt so feebly to dissuade us from our path. Lesser minds than they are blackpilled every day here.
I know!
How can anyone argue against
>fake anti white twitter posts
>fake Jewish flip flops
>fake anti white prejudice
>wildly simplified female motivations
>black and white world view
>magical thinking
Internet fascism. So so so powerful.
Facism is the internets equivalent of really bad pseudo science.
>Be ready to defend your argument with facts
>Things that the left has never and will never be able to do
Why don't they just tell them to squeeze milk from stones.
Bumping big bags
Hell I remember the first time Twitter tried to raid Sup Forums.
Pic related.
I like the faux xerox-like filter applied, makes it look like some badboy zine printer made it and not some neckbeard in his basement
The flag is honestly about as rare as yours, maybe less.
LOL.. Breaking their stronghold. Goodluck soykin
>Pointing out facts is subversive
How are you fags so easily triggered?
your appetite is sated
pissing in a sea of piss etc...
There is a 100% chance OP pic was made by larper.
Fucking pathetic.
Why so serious?
But seriously we can't let drumpf have the nucular codes.
You can always sniff out a paid shill: they'd never use terms like nigger, faggot, or kike as their (((employer))) will fuck them.
These faggots don't realize that in an environment with pure freedom of speech, they can't win.
They can try anything they want, it won't work.
This is why free speech is just so damn good.
So they just straight up lie and we get bullshit like the Koi Pond form the other day.
When you print out a graphic on a shitty Rutgers University computer lab B/W printer for free to pass around the HubCity Antifa meeting in the spare room at the George St Food Co-op, that’s what it looks like.
Yawn getting really sleepy here
Dumb niggers.
These people think we're worshiping Trump. They have no fucking idea what actually makes us tick
a nice hot bath will fix that up in a jiffy
Fartbongo's only accomplishment was Obamacare, which is going bankrupt. Oh, and doubling the debt. And historically bad race relations.
Easily a contender for the worst president ever, but we already knew that would happen because he was a diversity hire.
Trump is Hitler - do not let him take our guns! No bump stock bans, no silencer bans, no nuffin.
Too many actually respond and waste time in their useless slide threads. I see threads that are obvious and will not bother with, yet I see the reply count continues growing.
Let them speak to the walls all by themselves. Don't let their tactics actually work.
>Righteous views
fucking hearty kek
>B....b..but all statistics are made up
Ok fucking really? How is an anonymous board with very little censorship and zero political power fascist?
Do these people know what that word means? Or is it now just a buzzword that gets thrown at whatever they disagree with?
Wow genius level trolling there by the anti first amendment crowd
people are poopooing this but sliding threads and tying up Sup Forums's collective brainpower really is amazingly easy
anyway, enough of that, did you realize the Type 11 light machine gun has an actual oil reservoir on top of the barrel and feeds from a hopper full of rifle stripper clips instead of a magazine or ammo belt? The buttstock is bent to offset the weight of the hopper when full
Wow I hate trump now (you)
They've had some targeted campaigns over the past few days that the average Sup Forumstard seems to be completely oblivious to, while the mods simply ignore them, despite the fact that they're breaking the rules.
Over the past few days, the most obvious ones are America vs Europe, and Nordics vs Meds. There were literally dozens of threads posted about this over the span of three or four days, and the mods didn't delete a single one of them, despite the fact that they were obvious shill threads.
Last week, they had a different theme, which I unfortunately can't remember.
Today, they've started a new campaign, focused on MGTOW and trying to drive women away from Sup Forums.
Have the mods been changed out recently? They used to catch threads like these, and they still get most of the BBC threads. But they simply refuse to deal with the massive amount of shill threads that have been popping up lately.
The flyer contains the word "retard" therefor I assume this is a larp.
No shit, but this tactic looks fairly decent.
Whoever wrote this wasnt a simple "troll over9000lvl", the guy had a clear vision and he wasnt a brainlet. My salutations.