But why ?
Their afraid of GenZ
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must've missed that training class when I was spending all of my time in reality
OP is an illiterate burger faggot.
do people really believe that?
>A generation of people trained by Russia to overthrow the United States
They aren't wrong, exactly, but they don't seem to realize it wasn't Russia, but the USSR, and that they themselves are the puppet generation.
Yes. My blue haired coworker talks about it constantly. She really believes the KGB controls the Republican Party. I love it when she goes on about how stupid Alex Jones viewers are.
He thinks the nazis are the Russian puppets not the jew taught feminist useless uni degree types.
Good thing those cucks moved onto their new safe space. Neogaf is acactually much better now
Yes, that's exactly what I just said.
fucking hell
let me put a idea in the room that i told a buddy of mine the other day...
i more and more get the suspicion that reincarnation is real and that generation z are the people that have fallen in ww1 and ww2 and people that lived around that time... what do u guys think ?
I'm pretty sure I never fought those wars in a previous life.
>Generation of people exist trained by Russia
Is this like.... cold war propagranda that is stuck in the Human Psyche or something? Really damn effective propaganda
well if reincarnation is real... and its supposed that souls learn from the things they do than coming back with a wiped mind would make sense wouldn't it ? otherwise i would be like cheating on a test cause you would know what you done wrong last time.
I don't know about the reincarnation stuff, but I think there's some truth to that saying:
>Hard times create strong men.
>Strong men create good times.
>Good times create weak men.
>Weak men create hard times.
Perhaps we are in the Weak Men --> Hard Times, or the Hard Times --> Strong Men phase. Somewhere in that general area.
really good point !
Alot of these days "nazis" is just nazibols and yes russia controls them. True alt right is fashism
Life isn't a test. It's a shit-show.
bad grammar?
>a generation trained by Russia to overthrow the United States
At the very least we will see hard times in the next few decades.
"A generation of people exist that were trained by russia to overthrow the united states"
I agree desu
There is no "alt-right", there is a "true right" and that is indeed fascism.
indeed its a shit show!!!
but let me put it this way... if we are just the cosmic "accident" would it not be than even more important what we do in life while we have only this one shot at life ? cause your actions now will echo in eternity !
There is literally nothing wrong with nazbol
Ive thought about this as well. Ive always had a fascination with nazi germany and Mussolini, as far back as I can remember, even as a little kid. I always understood the nationalist movement during that time and why it happened. When I was little I obviously couldn't put it into words but I just knew and got it. It was like I was born knowing. I don't know how I acquired those beliefs and knowledge.
here here
it is simple, through esoteric digit gods
A lot of people on the Left had a complete mental breakdown when Trump won. They can't believe so many people wanted him to be President, so they've latched on to the Russian bogie man to try and explain it. Its pretty sad, actually.
[Mental illness intensifies]
There sure are a lot of Russo-Japanese War vets on here then.
To my Fellow Liberals and Progressives,
How can all races and all cultures be truly represented with a single government? Doesnt every group of people have seperate needs? Wouldnt it make more sense to have multiple countries, one for each group so that they are rightfully and truly represented by people they know value their existence and hold their same values and agree on what economic strategies to take? Wouldnt that be more fair? If you agree, congratulations you are officially a Nazi.
like i said its just an idea... if its true i don't know...
what scares me sometimes if i hear im looking and behaving like my grandpa that i never met cause he died way before i was born
We haven't hit hard times yet, but we're on our way to getting there. The world right now is a pile of tinder waiting on a match.
>so they've latched on to the Russian bogie man to try and explain it
Kek, without realizing their a product of old Russia tactics. Not one drop of American patriotism in them. Just hellbent on destroying it.