>White, Angry and American review – an unflinching look at US despair and racial hatred
Nigger talks shit about Whites
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>white and angry
>its the nog that gets pissed off and leaves in a huff
Quintessentially british behaviour, honestly.
That guy is the niggest.
>be nigger
>take a shit
>have no paper
>wipe ass with hand
>have nowhere to wipe hand
>start sweating
>wipe sweat from forehead with the wrong hand
That's one ugly faggot.
For shame! He's quintessential British, user!
How dare you, that is clearly an Englishman.
DESU if I looked like that I would hate white people too.
Oh really? What are they complaining about? The government benefits that white men buy them?
I love how hard the left is pushing this racial disparity shit in a time where it's at its lowest. It's so fucking moronic.
Jesus Christ, as much as I think he's a tool and probable fed, I gotta hand it to Richard spencer he is pretty damn ballsy in his trolling. Also typical nigger unable to have an intellectual debate, gets overly worked up and ragequits.
Nonsense, he's not even a Muslim.
Here you go Switzerland. You fucking pacifists.
>Gary Younge’s documentary examines the fractured psyche of white America with grace and insight.
>With grace and insight
>grace and insight.
This whole article is hilarious in its double-think.
Niggers and Libtards are unintentionally hilarious.
Nigga TURNING white
>(...)And there is the opioid crisis, from which more Americans died last year than in the whole of the Vietnam war. The victims are disproportionately white. That it has been primarily defined as a health crisis – unlike the similar situation with crack cocaine that unfolded in the black community in the 80s, which was defined as a social problem to be solved by incarceration on a massive scale – is, Younge notes with characteristic scrupulousness, “both progress and the definition of white privilege”.(....)
There you have it, wypepo. Opioid chrisis is white priviledge since you didnt recognize the effects of crack cocaine on hoodniggers.
I watched the programme, it was standard character assassination stuff. He watched Jared Taylor do 30 seconds of a speech, and then stormed out, and proceeded to shout at Richard Spencer in a car park. Richard Spencer delivered his points, but he was also pretty provocative, and he got a response from the interviewer, a bit more outrage. Interviewer then said there is no intellectual argument for the alt right, but he didn't exactly put much effort into finding out what the alt right is about.
Allegations of the alt right being well dressed fascists, like the Nazis were then made, despite there being absolutely no evidence presented that the alt right intended to use force, let alone violence.
The rest of the programme was mostly poking at white people who voted for Donald trump, it looked like it was deliberately trying to tar them with the alt right brush. There was a good bit on the opiate problem in America, and how it seemed to be a new white people problem. It was equated with crack cocaine, to build an argument that the opiate crisis demonstrates white privilege.
Overall, it's the sort of stuff you would expect from Channel 4. I don't think they realise yet that making Moral outrage programmes about these issues just send more people to look up Richard Spencer and the alt right, and inevitably, more people to their cause.
>be a nigger
>climb metal-tree
>horrifically wounded
>other niggers immediately begin mocking you, filming you, and leave you to die
wow dude what a vibrant culture
If them US nigs never left Africa then Africa would be kangz. Lel.
Oh, look. It's not-an-Englishman
So what else is new. Perpetual children.
Niggers gonna nig
How the absolute fuck did this nigger survived both the electricity and the fall?
Imagine being so dumb that you get to survive two sequential suicide attempts