This is gonna happen isnt it, "she" ticks all the right boxes, for liberals anyway.

Seeing as Democrats have LITERALLY no one else to go against Trump and Hilary will probably be dead at this point, how do you think "she" will fair in the next election?

How will Trump refrain from calling her a nigger?

Other urls found in this thread:


Sources familiar with President Trump's thinking have said that he doesn't want to bring charges against Barrack when he drains the rest of the swamp because he doesn't want to tarnish the Office of the President. If Michelle ran he might decide to change that policy.

Big dick swinging Michelle

>Democrats have LITERALLY no one else to go against
Nice meme dipshit. Based Tulsi is the future of the Democrats

yep and she'll be elected to. She's never worked a day in her life and know fuck all about runnign a country, but hey she's black and a woman.


pffffft good luck mate


> flag
> mudslime
Oh the pottery

>Gun grabber
She'll never make it.

Michelle "Do You See My Dick" Obama