>a pedophile, old bible thumping loonie is the best the """alt-right""" and Steve Bannon can come up with
LOL. Are you fags ready to lose Alabama?
>a pedophile, old bible thumping loonie is the best the """alt-right""" and Steve Bannon can come up with
LOL. Are you fags ready to lose Alabama?
>post a lot of stuff people in Alabama like
>say he's going to lose
What did you mean by this ?
40 year old completely unsubstantiated allegations are the best you can come up with? Fuck off!
>Alabama is a festering nigger trash blight on our country
No, I want a Democrat to run it even further into the ground, the faster the collapse happens s, the better
Need some evidence thanks
did that stop you with bill clinton?
>bannon is some giant mastermind controlling the planet
Roy grabbed them by the pussy.
As long as they menstruate it's not pedo btw
>Roy hit on an 18 year old
Haha. Roasties BTFO.
>Sup Forums is alt-right
>Conservatives are alt-right
>Steve Bannon has any say in this
Nigger why are you like this?
Hello? Bannon backed Roy in the primaries against Strange.
nobody believes this shit, motherfucking sage like the burning bush
Whats the proof?
BJ Clinton was NOT 40 year old allegations and there was a “blue dress”. FUCK YOU.
Why do you not believe it? There's literally 30 sources.
I'm glad you're in denial though since it further shows the right literally has no morals and will defend pedos while insisting on the veracity of pizza gate based on speculation alone.
>I can make this go away if I say sage
Produce a blue dress or fuck off.
This just shows libtards are unethical shit lacking any integrity.
Bet you followed 538 right into psychiatric hospitilization one year ago...? The only cure for being a sucker is C O N F E S S I O N. Alabama ain't red, it's Crimson. Roll Tide. Oh yeah: it's worse for you cucks if Jones won: he is a non Globalist former Fed Prosecuter, he was involved in the fall of fed judges from way back. You fags do not want him....it'd be like RFK...all over again! The Monster....
>But Bill Clinton
Isn't running for office right now and most leftists don't actually like the dude if you didn't notice
I'm even more excited for Moore to win. Everytime the establishment over plays their hand, just proves we made the right choice.
Pedophilia is a mental illness, not a crime. Pedophiles that have have not raped or molested a pre-pubescent child are not deserving of death. You can't murder someone for a state of mind, otherwise it would be just to kill all the LARPers that want to murder Pedophiles. Child rapists should be executed.
There is nothing biologically wrong with attraction to females capable of ovulation and breeding. That said there is at least some evidence to suggest females breeding as early as 11 can threaten the life of the child and the mother, for this reason I'd advise waiting to impregnate your early adolescent wife until she is 16, since most females will be able to safely breed by this point. It is imperative that we strive to repair society and free it of degenerate. (((AoC))) laws help create such degeneracy by normalizing premarital sex.
The female's place is in the home. Betrothment is a necessity. A female having multiple mates damages her ability to "pair bond", Microchimerism also permanently soils her eggs. Commie "feminists" pls go and stay go
Allow me to reiterate: Pedophilia is a mental illness such as Homophilia or foot or scat fetishists(Thought foot and scat are less extreme and pose less of a threat), and the mere presence of thoughts is not justification for killing these individuals. Those Pedophiles that abuse pre-pubescent children are irredeemable trash that deserve nothing but death.
Hebephilia is perfectly natural and attraction to females capable of producing eggs to be fertilized is not comparable to attraction to pre-pubescents. While this is true, it isn't generally healthy to breed until the female is around 16, so she should wait until she is that age and married.
If I'm wrong, please illuminate me.
>b-but children can consent!
>b-but women deserve freedom to whore around!
>b-but the laws developed by man over a couple hundred years trump tens of thousands of years of biology!
>b-but my feelings!
You deserve to be crucified.
Ready to grab it by the pussy, baby.
When did Sup Forums become feminists? "Listen and believe" is a feminist talking point.
Innocent until proven guilty is what western countries are founded on. You need evidence and a claim is not evidence.
Not a pedophile, and discredited made up paid for faggot democrat lies about a decent man ain't gonna wash with the country that knows Podesta is a Molesta
Pedophilia is an evil satanic thing, just the other many pervesions the Uniparty primarily the demonrats practice on a dailty basis.
Sources from the Washington Post Bezo's paper.
If there was any Truth to this Story, McConnel, McCain and the GOP RINO Establishment would have pushed this Story during the Primary to get Strange on the ballot.
Fuck off
You are a country founded by pedos, faggots, and other undesirables.
It was your buddy who brought up BJ Clinton.
It would not surprise me to discover McCain and McConnell were behind this fake news.
>Conservatives will lose Alabama, one of the most conservative white states
also sage
If wapo hadn’t spent the last year blatantly lying to us I might believe them now.
Remember when the democrats hired a bunch of whores to accuse Trump of sexual assault?
if you want to study a RINO ambush of a candidate they don't like, look up the last election of Sen Thad Cochran in Mississippi
The RINOs actually PAID Dems to vote against his opponent, even while Thad was banging and living with his "assistant" and paying her $120k a year
Ha! Is it soooo difficult to stop diddling the kids. Why is it always these fervent, southern, religious types that eventually get their come-uppins and everyone acts surprised. It's happened over and over again. The guy pointing his finger and yelling about the gays and corruption and law of God is almost certainly a piece of sh*t and doing all of it himself.
Bill Clinton was a rapist. He had allegations from a few years in the past all the way to while he was in the fucking Oval Office. You fucking faggot shill. I hope you get AIDS faggot
Republicans are dangerously stupid. They are conman selling "guns and the Bible" so they can steal the nations wealth to enrich themselves and their cronies.
Never denied that. He was prosecuted for it. Good. Doesn't relieve all the other d'bags of their criminality, does it? When people commit wrong doing, they should be punished. What's hard about that?