So at 8:35 am in Malmö, Sweden, a major radiostation gets hijacked, and the frequency starts playing IS recruiting music.
"For The Sake of Allah" was put on repeat for 30 minutes straight.
So at 8:35 am in Malmö, Sweden, a major radiostation gets hijacked, and the frequency starts playing IS recruiting music.
"For The Sake of Allah" was put on repeat for 30 minutes straight.
The absolute state of sweden
Swedenistan at it's finest.
This shithole needs to burn before it is rebuilt
Just the usual
The usual friday entertainment huh?
Those people literally have Stockholm syndrome. I really want to feel bad for Sweden, but they allow it to happen. You can't save them if they don't want to be saved.
those light skinned swedish rascals.
But hey, do you actually think stupid muslims know how a pirateradio works? disturbing frequencies is white people shit.
I thought music was haram. You should report them to the sharia police for sinful behavior.
we need to gas the sandniggers and do napalm carpet bombing runs of our infected suburbs
I'm sure IS have some technical radio operators in their ranks, which means they have already sent some of their specialists to Europe. If it's a white dude however, it's probably just a sick prank. Could also be that they recruited a white guy.
eh, "hijacking" a frequency range isn't hard. they just needed to amplify the signal a lot.
>"For The Sake of Allah" was put on repeat for 30 minutes straight.
The same one who hijacked NK radio, final countdown. FTLULZ
I find this very hard to understand.
I'm sure all the euro Muslims will start to integrate any minute now.
It's like you see the horrific ending of the movie, but the people in it are totally clueless
This is fine. Everything is fine. Progressive, brave, exciting!
20 years from now we'll be talking about Sweden the same way we now talk about Rhodesia.
Not really as hard as you think with the proper equipment. It's just easy to trace, but knowing Sweden they'd give the people that did that medals for being so brave.
"Hijacked" are sure you don't mean "state mandated pro-Islamic recording" followed by 3 hours of "Diversity is our strength" on loop finally ending with "Sweden was always brown and Islamic!"
20 years, that's being generous
It's all a big joke
lol hijaked. thats your new national anthem get used to it swedenistan
If you still live in the southparts of Sweden then you are a fucking moron
Have fun with your muslims
>Not Ṣalīl' Aṣ-ṣawarīm
God help me, Swedistanis are truly useless!
Gorbonic nuclear war
fleeing isn't the answer.
Malmö truly is the pearl of Sweden.
>implying it's not easier to organize an ethnic cleansing when you're not being perma-mugged/bombed/raped
I am moving of there next month
>huur duur let's complain about someone playing some music
And you criticize us muslims for being "anti music". Kys white dogs
Did they play catchy nasheeds?
>gets hijacked
Are you positive?
Wait, don't answer that either.
somalia on Sup Forums?
Great so we are not going to fight russia next but sweden instead. Swedish ISIS goverment vs FDF. Good job neighbour.
yo france
how's your muslim population doing?
voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir?
When the mudslimes take over, we'll finally have a good excuse to burn your country to the ground.
they already did
liberate them pls
We ought to give them malmo, deport them all there, and burn it down
Sweden its not funny anymore
Aren't you slowly becoming like us?
Why the fuck would you not take controll of a radio station and play nationalist/nazi music as a response?
You think you can win trough defeat by giving them free terroritory to roam at? Oh no, they'll unite and destroy you.
Only H*lsinki is.
Get outside of Helsinki and you'll say otherwise. I was driving at one of the smaller cities casually and there was +30 people beating up some immigrants basically a huge muslims vs finns fight and cops just chilling in the car too afraid to come out. I asked one lad and apparently it all started due to one finn and one mudslime having a dispute.
>implying you aren't also being invaded
i see this as reconciliation of old sweden and new sweden. i think you need to be more inclusive and tolerant of other cultures, views and backgrounds. there is no race but human race.
Thats just the morning prayer call, nothing out of ordinary
Does this make the girls panties wet?
>le surrender meme
At least we tried, not welcoming Nazis with open arms
Nazis were the good guys, jean pierre muhammed...
Sweden is the "rape capital of the world" not because there are more rapes going on there, but because the definition of rape as been lowered to such absurd standards.
Trying to hit on girls in a bar can get you reported for rape.
Who won?
no, you can read about a rape almost every week in the news in sweden, unless those are fake then no
Finns, 1 person went to hospital and cops managed to get 0 arrests.
Stop crying faggot. Diversity is your strength.
That's the US you're thinking of. Here it's the Somalis. You should know they're in your country too
>Losing your shit over a small hack
it's fucking nothing mate keep sheeping on
What the left aspires to be is what Sweden has been for 20 years now
Touch a girl and she has the ability to say she's a victim of rape, 10-20 years down the line and so on
MFW I heard this driving beside a muzzie
I hope italy kicks you out of world cup 2018
Yet, attack rape (when the victim does not know the attacker and there is forced rape) is done by 100% foreign savages from MENA. Really makes you think.
In my honest opinion I would avoid any major gatherings and popular places for maybe a couple of months
worry not sven im moving there and start the cleansing process
behead some saracen scum
yeah cool story, but I don't see anything positive here.
I feel sorry for you, Sweden.
Just part and parcel.
So basicaly nothing unusual?
Fy fan va sant. Norrland independence when?
yeah, as if they should be there in the first place.
Wait what?I thought finland was based like rest of baltics......
>Never sorry
How very fitting for the guy in the picture.
Thats just how it is when people start fighting in front of a bar.
the frequenzy gets hijacked
not the station
Why can't i find any videos of what they played lads?
just a normal day in sweden
what's wrong with that?
tell me cunts are planning to do the same and blast moon man raps for as long as possible
"For The Sake of Allah Extended Dance Remix"
Doesn't matter the race. If it had any effect whatsoever, it should instill enough fear for normal people just enough to question the narrative over there. I feel sorry for y'all.
Eh. I doubt their regular playlist is much different nowadays.
say that again
SWEDEN - Sunni Wahabi Emergency DEN
yeah lets not nuke middle east first.. dumbass
Why the fuck would we do that, they can fight eachother how much they want, nuke Malmö and we can rebuild
if you fight your enemies, they win
This is the correct answer. Even if they all left, you would probably have to knock most of Malmo down and rebuilt it anyway. We call this "regentrification"
>land owners
Don't forget that those radroaches will give then a lot of radiation and your rad-xs' won't help much. Maybe you'll build equivilant of badassery of the tunnelsnakes like...strömming snakes?
Maybe 5 years.
Not surprised at all.
swede here but i dont feel like changing flags for individual threads and then forgetting about it and so forth
down with the left, thats just the tip of the iceberg and the media doesnt want to show the bad sides of refugees or whatever they are