A disgusting roastie coalburner is butthurt because a guy won't date her. She tries to shame the poor guy on twitter. Niggers promptly declare that the roastie is a closet racist because she didn't let a nigger rawdog her.
A disgusting roastie coalburner is butthurt because a guy won't date her. She tries to shame the poor guy on twitter...
nah friend she isnt butthurt. Look at all the comments, to most people its hard to believe that Sup Forumsacks actually think like they type.
Fucking ugly ass fat blob of shit. My sister was secretly dating a nigger a few years back (didn't burn the coal). Parents found out and didn't want their grandchild to be an ugly mongerel. Halfbreeds are fucking disgusting, more so than niggers because their skin looks like shit.
If Elsa Jean can have white children why can't this guy give this woman a chance?
Selfish if you ask me. Think of the greater good next time you think about rejecting a past coalburner
>having sex with anyone but your wedded wife
Both are hellbound degenerates as far as I care.
What a fucking idiot.
Should have just ghosted her
When do you fuckers learn to shut the fuck up until the time is right.Double that with women
I ain't sticking my dick in there.
>This is politics
Read: >>
Fuck off, you SJW cuck.
finally a decent, sensible man
I don't even get aroused anymore, rather my stomach starts turning at the sight of another roastie.
sleeping with black people are like tattoos, it shows poor judgement
poor user should have stopped talking immediately after being disgusted with the truth and moved on instead of enabling her womanly instincts to stir the pot and gossip
What about christian tattoos?
>I just need you to know that lil "but we used protection" was a glimmer of your veiled racism as well. Just so you know.
a tattoo of a cross is easily the biggest red flag I can think of to be honestly fampai
shit :(
Wow the comments are funny as fuck.
nah you're just a fag
This is why you need to just ghost them.
Don't explain, you're going to make it worse and end up on CNN
>Implying Christians follow the archaic laws of Leviticus
not at all, I've had relationships before
I'm just disgusted by it all, and that's about it
So you support homosexuality?
How about Matthew 5?
5:17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."
5:27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ 28 But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29 If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell.
5:31 “It was also said, ‘Whoever divorces his wife, let him give her a certificate of divorce.’ 32 But I say to you that everyone who divorces his wife, except on the ground of sexual immorality, makes her commit adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery."
Fornication and sodomy leads mankind away from God.
>Fornication and sodomy leads mankind away from God.
So do tattoos.
Maybe we should since Leviticus allows for the stoning of faggots
Is it actually 'racist' to believe that we shouldn't mix races? I have no problem with any other race having equal rights, but I do have a problem with interracial relationships, and it has nothing to do with dick size.
This is how you handle roasties. You take them out, treat them extremly good, give them all that extra, make them fall madly in love, and then just throw it in their face
>i dont settle for girls like you.
It will crush them and drive them mad becouse it is a misstake they cant change.
Im going to start looking for coalburners and give them a extremly good time with me and then just throw it in their face.
>nope sorry. didnt know you had Negro kids. Good luck with life
The current pope is a heretic, there's a case for 8 counts of heresy running against him, technically he isn't pope anymore, pic related.
Mock all you want, how can I blame you, the whole Vatican is infiltrated by masons and commies. It has become one big filthy orgy, the few decent, good clergymen drown in a miasma of satanic filth.
God will punish them all, the whole world will tremble and cower away in fear. It will be worse than the Great Flood, and it is at the horizon. The good will die with the bad, but their suffering will be rewarded.
>most comments are nignogs are "muh bbc"
>"white boy can't compete"
Honestly what the fuck is wrong with nigs? A whole race using a fucking PORN stereotype as self-affirmation.
>>Honestly what the fuck is wrong with nigs?
They're a full standard deviation below whites in IQ.
They are a cursed race, the seed of Ham, cursed to be the servants of servants. Hence they are very animal-like in behaviour.
lmao the absolute state of roasties realizing when their time is running out, and the tangible hurt in her texts when she's too stupid to even lie and the poor little princess faces consequences for her actions for once in her life. She doesn't even have the benefit of playing this off as some rando either, it's some guy she liked and actually hanged out with. It'll always be in the back of her mind that maybe this guy is a racist prick, but MAYBE she liked him to begin with for a reason, MAYBE she could've just pretended that side of him didn't exist if she didn't give the wrong answer, MAYBE have to go yet another rung down the ladder to find a guy willing to commit to her. The icing on the cake is her immortalizing her own guilty conscience and getting called out on it by her liberal bedfellos.
>but it was a long time ago
>Yes, but we used protection.
WHOAH NOW, lady, cool your jets, you're acting like fucking a black dude is something that only comes off with lots of hot water, antibiotics, and time.
God gave us a pass on that shit, Avram.
>muh sexual liberation
Waaah waaah, why can't I force men to be attracted to me, why won't they submit to my will? I'm going to go bully and torture virgins to make my whoreself feel better waah waaaaah
Fucking demonic pigs, roast in hell until the final star in the universe burns out.
This is why "ghosting" has become such a big deal lately, it drives women crazy. They're absolutely not used to the whiplash of a guy seeming like he's really keen on her one day, and pulling the rug out from under her the next. They're used to guys pumping and dumping, orbiting but slowly moving on, etc., but not situations where they're given no closure or time to adjust. It fucks with their heads like nobody's business and gives them insecurities and long-term trust issues.
nope, hot water, antibiotics, and time just won't help this disease she's caught.
so using protection with a nigger is racist?
If this man was smart he would have pretended to be interested in her and then killed her when they were alone.
When exactly did God say that it was okay to be a faggot, Francis?
He's basically running a popularity contest to win over """""progressives""""" even if it means destroying Catholicism.
This is exactly why Coalburners are disgusting. They know full well niggers just chase after snowbunnies to spite the white man as revenge and they fully accept it. Disgusting traitors in my book.
But he isn't a nigger.
I don't always suck on long disgusting Muslim nigger feet, but as the satanist Pope put in place of the true father Benedict I sure do!
Not sure why Sup Forums obsesses over sex statistics when, let's be realistic, 80% of the people that visit this board will never have children.
WTF retard? It tells you everything about them if they fuck niggers. She is a degenerate that will never be loyal to you. She deserves to pay the price of never getting a decent man due to her low life past.
"fulfil" in this context means "fulfil the terms of the contract": not "uphold the terms of the contract". The contract was fulfilled, i.e. it expired, and a new contract came into force. The terms of Leviticus were not included in the new contract.
He didn't. I'm not a Roman Catholic either. I'm Orthodox.
That's the funny part is that as defensive as she got about it, it's even worse than she thinks it is. Saying "it was a long time ago," "that's not who I am anymore," "I've grown since then," "I used condoms," all the standard excuses to downplay a "wild past," most guys never accept it. Lying is the most effective method, but the truth comes out eventually; trickle truth, friends/family saying too much about your past and eroding your alibi, exes/photos/videos surfacing, you can't hide it forever. There are plenty of stories floating around of women who hid the truth for years into a marriage but it bubbled to the surface eventually, and they ran crying to reddit or tumblr or whatever for advice. My favorite was the one where a woman shit-talked a random Chad to her boyfriend all through college, and it turns out she fucked him before her and the boyfriend were "official." He found out years later and dumped her on the spot. He said he might've been willing to compromise if she was honest about it from the start, but found the years of lies and compensatory shit talk bizarre and worse than the act itself.
Holy shit, I've been going on dates lately (trying to find someone I can start a family with), and I've done this to all the dates. Didn't have sex with any of them...hmm I was wondering why they were getting so damn emotional about it. I thought they would be relieved that someone didn't take advantage of them...they seemed even more pissed because of it.
>Freedom of Speech does not mean freedom from consequences!!! Bash the fash, you can't just say that!!
Also Democrats:
>Sexual liberation and the freedom to sex means you can fuck anyone you want consequence free! Everyone should automatically accept my sexual past! I used protection on the BBC!!!!!
So you're saying that Orthodoxy says that it's okay to be a faggot.
I have to ask: when you say that you're "Orthodox", do you mean that you've seen a few Orthodox threads on Sup Forums and have decided to pretend to be Orthodox in a really sad effort at making yourself look cool to strangers on the internet? I ask because I have a lingering suspicion that someone who says that Leviticus doesn't apply to Christians wouldn't be able to explain the position of the filioque in Christian theology.
>all the twitter rabble immediately turning on her
Bullshit 16:27
>and the lord founded an entire cult based on the premise that a woman wath not of the cheating whorist
Fuck me, you religious nuts dont half like to make shit up dont you?
>sister dated a nog
>didn't burn coal
And you just believe her? Hate to break to to you, but girls dates nogs SPECIFICALLY to burn coal.
Where there's smoke, there's burnt coal
While this is all hilarious and all, it's pretty retarded how you keep missing the point of the criticism she's receiving.
They're not calling her racist for using a condom, they're calling her racist for her feeling the need to bring it up in the conversation as if having sex with black men is dirty. She's using "but I wore a condom" as an excuse to make her look better in the eyes of the guy she's trying to fuck, and failing because to him it's the same either way. The point here is that she still views what she did as dirty and bad and justifies it to herself that way.
The digital age has made women feel entitled to know absolutely everything that's going on with men they've been interested in or involved with, past or present. Not getting closure, not knowing what they did wrong, not having some major flaw of yours that they turn into the lynchpin of rationalizing away the rejection and supposedly moving on, not knowing how you're handling the breakup, not knowing how long it is before you get back into the swing of things, not knowing who came after her, not knowing how the 1 or 2 years post-breakup panned out for you compared to her, it all drives them nuts. "Ghosting" has become a phenomenon in the past couple years and it's 90% because women in particular can't cope with it.
>dating a coalburner, ever
That's just disgusting senpai.
is this YLYL? I lost.
He could have exposed her racism while getting himself off the hook if he’d have reframed his argument. Always frame your argument in the oppositions language.
He could’ve said “with black men tending to be more endowedthan whites, which, OK, is good for them, I’m taking a huge risk being with you since you won’t be as easily satisfied with me.” She’d have dug a grave for herself a lot faster after that.
Guy approached it in the wrong way. After she admitted that she did he should have deleted her number and ghosted her.
Women are masters at rationalization, give them fucking anything and they'll manage to turn it into you being the bad guy. Give them nothing and it drives them crazy.
your body is a temple.
good call but still you sure you and she related ?
lol when will they learn niggers arent the same people like us whites
Well said. She is paying the toll. They always do.
When you burn coal, you will eventually pay the toll.
She let a black dude fuck her.
You're a retard.
it was once 100%. yfw pol is already on its why to saving the white race.
No. No where does God say it's okay to engage in faggotry. Faggot sex is a sin. Anyone who engages in it should repent and ask for forgiveness, in the same way we *all* (being sinners) should repent and ask for forgiveness. Further, they shouldn't practice deceit and heresy by claiming it is not a sin.
*You* brought up faggotry, not me. And you assumed I was defending the Bishop of Rome, when I didn't mention him. You're projecting hard.
I'm of Cypriot descent and was raised Orthodox (and still practice), and I start half those threads...
well, it basically was. it's like when you ask a kid if they were at the cookie jar without permission and they tell you
>I-I only took a single one!
The only reason they say that is because they know what they did was wrong. Same with her going
>H-haha, it was only once and with protection
If she herself did see it as completely fine and normal she would have just replied with "yes" and not tried to sugarcoat it.
Ghosting is best option in these situations in the day and age where women are screen shot happy as a way to flip you into being the bad guy and to get victimhood points on social media.
Damn bruh, part of me wishes I was single so I could btfo roasties.
the memes about them are based on reality, hans. I know it might be hard to believe, but this isn't just entirely made up shit that never happened in reality.
>Meme flag
>Muh dick baiting
It checks out.
You are correct.
But she is also correct. It is dirty and she should feel bad.
I have a female friend that has fucked a black guy many years ago and she has made it really clear, over and over again, that she regrets it.
And this was an articulate and educated nigger.
nah the condom thing isnt racist, women can use condoms as a shield because they rationalise it as not exactly flesh on flesh, so it's not fully real. just some immature mental gymnastics they use.
in all seriousness what did he mean by this
nah, you just misunderstood me. I said the
>muh dick dindu nuthin ooga ooga
shit is based on reality. as in, their retarded behavior.
Nice, men shouldn't be degenerate just because women are.
my guess is she was completely dead to him and he was just having some fun
ITT: microdicks. Micropenis inspection day soon.
Ah, I dun goofed
Notice how she was pleading her case until he told her a second time that he would never date a coalburner? "It was a long time ago," "I used protection..."
She's not posting those screenshots because she's outraged by his racism; she's angry about being rejected.
Now wait a minute. Are you telling me civic nationalist are coal burners? What a shock.
To the kids credit, I'd have that same face if I got to look at her ass all day too
What ass?
pretty much.
it's also a fuck up she can never correct, especially since it's now on the internet. she cannot make herself unblacked, she can never take that mistake back. if she lies about it, there is always the non-tangential chance that her partner eventually finds out.
society really needs to drop this feminized "everyone can be forgiven for everything" mindset. because more often than not, the consequences of your actions are permanent. so before you do something you'll regret (and clearly she knew what she was doing would not go over well with a good amount of people, else she wouldn't have gone for "i-it was only once and we used protection!"), maybe think about if it's really worth it.
once you go black, you can't come back
Here we see a wasted chance to sabotage condoms in order to create white children.
Are there a lot of incels here?
Further proof that you're never good enough to darkies.
it doesn't even really matter what it is. if you have been lying about something for years and it comes out, that's pretty much it. you lost your credibility and your partner will now second guess everything you say, that's the death sentence for every relationship
Based user. I know you're reading this.